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Arts & Sciences Senate
April 25, 2011

I.  Approval of agenda:  approved

II.  Approval of minutes from March 21, 2011

III.  Report from Facilities and Services (B. Chernow)

  • A Comprehensive master facilities plan to cover 10-years from 2013-2023, will be funded by the SUNY Construction Fund.  The Architectural firm of Cooper Robertson and Partners will assist in the planning.  Maintaining existing framework.  Minimizes taking additional land.  Designed to support the University’s academic strategic goals, enrollment projections and environmental facilities management principles.  Continue to keep Ashley Preserve.  Looking for ways to fix roadways to minimize conflicts between pedestrians and traffic.  Looking at ways to bridge East and West Campus.  Outlined what will take place in terms of new building, quads, renovations, graduate/undergraduate housing on campus
  • New Bike Share program.  There will be a $15 deposit for helmets and locks.

IV.  Senate President’s Report (E. Mendieta)  - Written report provided.

V.  Pass out ballot for selection of President and Vice President

  • Tally will be taken at end of meeting.

V.  PTC Guideline Revision (G. Matthews)

  • Proposed changes were approved by the A&S EC on April 6, 2010.
  • In several places, references to other sections of the Procedures or factual details were not updated following previous changes.  The changes correct the erroneous references or details.
  • Revisions were read with no discussion.  
  • Motion was made and seconded to accept the revisions.    All were in favor with none opposed and no abstentions.  Revisions passed.

VI.  Report on and Vote on the Letter of Intent to merge WaGS and CLSC (E. Mendieta)

  • The document went to the A&S Executive Committee and the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Policies Committee and both approved of the merger. 
  • The name and it’s affiliation was discussed. 
  • There was a move to accept the merger:  All in favor, none apposed, no abstentions.  Passed.

VII.  Presentation and vote of the GSO Resolution (F. Enciso)

A&S Resolution on the Budget.  Same resolution as the University Senate except A&S Resolution does not include the “Whereas” para., which mentions the University Hospital.  Include the word “enacted” in title.

Motion was made to accept the resolution with changes. Motion was seconded.  All in favor, none opposed.  Passed.

VIII.  Presentation and vote on Wikileaks resolution (M. Schwartz)

  1. Motion was made to strike “CONDEMNS the cruel and inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning by the US government;”
  •  Motion was made to accept the amendments.  Motion seconded.  All in favor:  8; Opposed:  4; Abstentions:  10.  Motion passed.
  • Motion was made to accept the resolution.  Motion seconded.  All in favor:  18; opposed:  7; abstentions:  4.  Resolution accepted.

IX.  Vote on Guidelines for Nomination and Selection for title of Senior Lecturer (H. Silverman)

  • Vote on two constitutional amendments:

Recommend that "f" be added to this list, stating:

f. it shall facilitate the sharing of information and the coordination of activities among the standing committees of the Arts and Sciences Senate. 

Vote to include amendment:  All in favor, none opposed.  Amendment passes.

Then the final paragraph would be deleted. It now states:

F. The Coordinating Council

1. The function of the Coordinating Council is to facilitate the sharing of information and the coordination of activities among the standing committees of the Arts and Sciences Senate. The Coordinating Council shall consist of the members of the Executive Committee and the Chairperson or other representative of each standing committee. In the event a committee is represented by someone other than the chairperson, the designee will be chosen by the committee from among its members. The President of the Arts and Sciences Senate shall chair the Coordinating Council. The Coordinating Council shall meet at least once per academic semester. 

Vote on deleting of the Coordinating Council:  All in favor, none opposed, one abstention.  Amendment passes.

  • Thanked Joan Kuchner for her many years of extraordinary service to the FRRP Committee and to the A&S Senate.
  • Read over the Guidelines on Extra-Departmental Administrative Assignments.  This document was endorsed by the A&S Executive committee.
  • Vote to accept the Guidelines:  All in favor, none opposed with 2 abstentions.

Guidelines accepted.

The election for the new President was tallied.  Ruth Ben-Zvi won as Vice President.  
Eduardo Mendieta received 18 votes and Hugh Silverman received 12 votes.  Eduardo Mendieta is the new President of the A&S Senate.

X.  Report from the Interim Dean of the Library (A. White)

  • Bain Diagnostic recommendations:  Re-align Library organization to avoid filling open vacancies, automate cataloging and invoicing, consolidate duplicate functions, etc.
  • Charge is to administratively merge the HSC and Melville Library.
  • Collaborative efforts are already going on between the two libraries.  There is a joint catalog interface committee.  They have been testing an environment called SBU find.  Both campus libraries have had automated systems with a single interface to search both libraries.  The goal is to try to roll this out as a single interface rather than two separate catalogs.
  • Retreats with the Chairs of CAS and Library subject specialist convened over the winter to find ways to reduce the budget.  Subscriptions and microfilm are very expensive.  Impact on digital shift:  E-books become subscriptions; long-term storage vs. long-term access and hardware and software upgrades. 

XI.  Report form Arts and Sciences Dean (Written report)

XII.  Old business:  none.

XIII.  New Business:   none

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by:

Laurie Theobalt