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Arts and Sciences Senate
April 20, 2009


I.  Approval of Agenda:  approved.

II.  Approval of minutes from March 23, 2009:  approved.

III.  CAS Dean’s Report (J. Staros)

  • Presented slide show used at last Chair and Director’s meeting.
  • CAS 9/10 budget.  66.9 M. budget allocation from Provost’s Office.  Includes cumulative (2 years) 4.82 M. (7.2%) cut.
  • 822 K 08/09 cut deferred to 09/10.
  • CAS cost vs. 66.9 Mil. allocation:  1)  contractual salary obligations; 2)  Correcting for all known salary savings; 3)  total salary obligation = 68 M (1.1 M. Shortfall)
  • Other needs:

1)  SIB (adjunct budget) (08-09) – 2.5 M.
2)  OTPS – 1 M.
3)  Promotions and retentions – 0.5 M.
4)  CAS funded gifts – 0.4 M.

Salary shortfall:  4.4 M. (plus the 1.1 M. shortfall) we are about 5.5 M. short of what we need to operate at this years level.

  • Departments given targets.  Each Department must respond with a plan to close whatever gap exists between allocation and need by lowering costs and raising revenues.
  • Reducing SIB expenditures:  2.7 M. requested by the Department and 2 Mil. cap negotiated with the Provost.
  • SIB must be handled within departmental targets.
  • Enhanced summer/winter session incentive would be a revenue sharing plan.

IV.  Report of the Academic Judiciary Committee (AJC) – (G. Fouron and Wanda Moore)

  • If a student is found guilty of academic dishonesty, they have to take a Q course (10 week) on Academic Integrity.
  • There were 77 students reported this semester.
  • Highest reported students were transfer students.  Freshmen were the lowest reported.
  • Safe Assignment, a plagiarism detection program, is being offered on Blackboard.
  • Discussion ensued on what the relationship is between AJC and the Academic Integrity Officer.
  • Motion was made to accept the AJC Report:  all in favor, one abstention.

V.  Humanities Institute Report (A. Kaplan, J. Lutterbie)

  • The Institute’s mission is to stimulate new modes of interdisciplinary research
  • Conferences (one of the major programs) are usually 2-3 day events.
  • Symposia, which are 1 day events, are often held at the Manhattan campus.
  • There is a Distinguished Lecture Series.
  • Seminars are developed from interdisciplinary faculty research.
  • Curriculum
  • Awards – given to undergraduates as well as groups
  • Publications
  • Community Outreach

VI.  A&S Senate President’s Report (R. Ben-Zvi)

  • Southampton report deferred until the new Dean, Mary Pearl, has time.
  • Dean Pearl has requested that Southampton be affiliated with the A&S Senate.  This has been approved by the A&S Executive Committee. 

Motion was made by the A&S Senate to approve the affiliation:  all were in favor.

  • Please nominate in the upcoming elections.

VII.  Old Business:  H. Silverman noted a change in the minutes from March 23rd:  IV.  Report of FRRRP:  first bullet, switch #2 with #3.

VIII.  New Business:  no new business.

Meeting adjourned 5.02 p.m.

Submitted by:

Laurie Theobalt