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Arts and Sciences Senate
October 19, 2009


I.  Approval of tentative agenda:  approved.

II.  Approval of minutes from September 21, 2009:  approved.

III.  CAS Dean’s Report (N. Squires)

  • Dr. Squires went over 09/10 All-funds Operating Budget (without healthcare).  State Tax Support is 24%, Tuition revenue is 18%, Sponsored Research is 17%, etc.
  • Personnel Services make up 82% of the 09/10 State Purpose funding.
  • Two weeks ago Governor Paterson announced a $90 Million mid-year cut to SUNY.
  • SBU share is estimated between 13 and 16 million.  Provostial share of new cut probably between 6 and 9 million (CAS 3 to 4 million)
  • SBU approaches to save money:  Conserve resources and increase efficiency; generate revenue (e.g., new MA programs) and SUNY Flex.
  • CAS should scrutinize priorities in course offerings.  For example, reduce the number of low-enrollment courses.  Move some courses to winter ’10.  Reduce expenses.  Reduce travel expenses.

IV.  Report on the School of Journalism (H. Schneider)

  • SOJ has two missions:  To educate and prepare the next generation of Journalists and to educate the next generation of news consumers.
  • We are the first and only undergraduate School of Journalism in SUNY.
  • Our program requires 47 credits of study across multi media platforms and 80 credits outside of Journalism making us the most comprehensive Journalism programs in the country.
  • Four areas of concentration:
    • Science and the Environment
    • Public Affairs
    • Global Issues and Perspectives
    • Diversity and Society
  • We have 266 Journalism Majors as of 2009. 
  • The SOJ has 5 tenure track professions, 3 Visiting Professors and 17 Adjuncts.
  • There were 1,616 students enrolled in the News Literacy Program.
  • Have 11 News Fellows for 2009/2010.
  • We had a first ever News Literacy Conference in March. 
  • The SOJ has received a total of $2,275,000 in Grants for News Literacy.
  • New initiatives:
    • Journalism MBA.  A combined Undergrad and MBA Program in Business/Journalism.
    • Coming in 2010:  A five-year combined undergrad and master’s degree program in Science, Health, Environment and Technology Journalism.
    • Study Abroad China.  Held the first study abroad program this past summer.
    • Held the Bob Greene Summer Institute for High School Journalists this past summer with grants from the Roslyn Savings Foundation, Down Jones and JP Morgan Chase.
    • Established a Center for Communications Science in collaboration with Old Spring Harbor and BNL with a grant from the Department of Education.

VI.  Standing Committee Report Briefs (A. De Chambeau)

  • Stressed the importance of the A&S Standing Committees.
  • Would like to have the committee chairs give a 2-minute brief at each senate meeting.
  • CASA-students are appealing suspensions
  • PTC gave a full report at September meeting.
  • FRRP – Looking at the balance between research and teaching, Stony Brook Southampton and Songdo Korea.

VII.  President’s Report (A. De Chambeau)

  • The Executive Committee and the Coordinating Council has met twice this semester.

VIII.  Old Business:  no old business.

IX.  New Business:  Quality of food on campus.

Meeting adjourned:  4:35

Submitted by:

Laurie Theobalt
University Senate