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Purchase Goods

The purchase of goods and services in support of sponsored projects comprises the second largest activity.

The two major procurement categories are

  1. Supplies
  2. Equipment

Purchase Requisitions

To make a purchase, a signed Purchase Requisition must be sent to OGM.  Purchase Requisitions are reviewed by OGM for consistency with general regulations (e.g., Cost Accounting Standards) and sponsor specific regulations.  See also  policy on office supplies.

Equipment Purchase

For The Research Foundation, equipment includes items with acquisition costs of $5,000 or more and an expected useful lifetime of two (2) years or more. The identification of an item as equipment subjects the item to an inventory requirement. Equipment inventory is managed by Property Control and is subject to federal audit.  The Research Foundation offers casualty and theft insurance  on research equipment, the costs of which are allowed on most sponsored projects.  Additional information can be found in the RF Equipment Insurance Guide. 

Procurement Website

The procurement website has more information on purchasing goods.