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International Visitors 

Visitors come to campus for a variety of reasons, such as: to discuss or partake in research, as consultants, collaborators, or visiting scholars, as part of delegations, for laboratory visits, to partake or present at conferences/lectures/seminars, for athletic or arts events, as hospital or campus volunteers. While not all visitors require an assessment of whether or not an export license would be required for the activities they will be engaged in there are certain activities where there is a legal obligation or a due diligence obligation to review. These particular groups of visitors to campus should be screened against the various governmental restricted parties lists to ensure compliance with US laws and regulations. Furthermore, depending upon the access that the visitor might have, further documentation may be required to access whether or not an export license would be required.

The following types of international visitors do not require a prior review:

International visitor at the University solely for:

(1) Sporting event

(2) Cultural event at the Staller Center and Wang Center

(3) Campus tour or open house event through the Admissions Office

(4) Family member of a full time University student visit where access is limited to public areas

(5) Medical treatment where access is limited to public areas

How to Review your International Visitor for Export Compliance

For a definition of Item as used in this document, please refer to Appendix 1: Terms as Used in the Guidance/Procedures Documents.

Campus Review Conducted through VIS

International Visitors entering the University through the University’s Visa and Immigration (VIS) department in the Office of Global Affairs*.

No additional actions/steps are required.

*It is highly recommended that the host complete a Restricted Party Screening prior to submitting a request in VIS as to prevent any later delays or denials.

Campus Review NOT Conducted through VIS
Restricted Party Screening Only:

(1) International visitors NOT entering the University through the University’s Visa and Immigration Services (VIS) and

(a) No access to a laboratory or proprietary information; or

(b) Access to a laboratory that does not contain export controlled items and/or information and without access to proprietary information: or

(c) Visitor's home institution is not in a country of concern (currently China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia).

The host can complete a Restricted Party Screening or submit a request to The request should include the name of the visitor and their affiliated organization. When conducting a Restricted Party Screening for visitors, the RPS should be completed for both the visitor and their home institution/company.

Prior Approval Required:

(1) International visitors NOT entering the University through the University’s Visa and Immigration Services (VIS) and

(a) Access to a laboratory that contains export controlled items and/or information; or

(b) Access to proprietary information; or

(c) Visitor's home institution is in a country of concern (currently China, Iran, North Korea and Russia). 

Requests for prior approvals must be submitted to the Research Security Program at least ten (10) business days prior to the visit. The request must include the visitor’s name, affiliated organization, dates of visit, proposed visit site(s), reason for visit, and export controlled items and/or information and/or proprietary information in the laboratory.