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We're linking research with practice.


At The Link, we share essential insights from different areas of research to support the growing community of those interested in scicomm


We bring research to life to help you make an impact.

Connecting Science Communication Research with Action

Below is a curated selection of features from the field of science communication written by collaborators.


Including people with disabilities in the process of tech development starts by addressing technoableism

SBU Journalism grad Cindy Mizaku tackles the topic of creating tech that's inclusive for everyone - especially people with disabilities.

Examining Access to the Rich Resources of Science Communication Fellowship Programs

A visual exploration of scicomm fellowships and their role in fostering inclusivity.

It's All About People:

Join Ellice Wallace and Virginia Schutte for a lively conversation on balancing motherhood and a scicomm career, defining success outside academia, connecting business marketing to science communication strategies, diversity and inclusion in scicomm,...