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Recommended Immunizations

Students entering college life at Stony Brook University should consider being immunized with the vaccines listed below. Please check with your health insurance carrier prior to scheduling your appointment to determine what they do and do not cover towards the cost of specific immunizations noted below.

    • Meningococcal Vaccines: highly recommended for students entering college. According to the CDC, Meningococcal disease can cause meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord) and infections of the blood. Even when it is treated, meningococcal disease kills 10 to 15 infected people out of 100. And of those who survive, about 10 to 20 out of every 100 will suffer disabilities such as hearing loss, brain damage, kidney damage, loss of limbs, nervous system problems, or severe scars from skin grafts. Meningococcal disease is rare and has declined in the United States since the 1990s. However, it is a severe disease with a significant risk of death or lasting disabilities in people who get it. 
    • TDaP or Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine: (within 10 years) Booster is recommended every 10 years.
    • Varicella (Chicken Pox) Vaccine: CDC recommends two doses of chickenpox vaccine for children, adolescents, and adults who have never had chickenpox and were never vaccinated.
    • Hepatitis B Series Vaccine: Most students entering college (aged 18 to 22) have already been immunized. Check your records. Recommended if at risk for infection by sexual exposure, exposure to blood or body fluids, current or recent illegal injection drug users and international travelers to regions with intermediate or high levels of endemic Hepatitis B infection. According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendations, students do not need to identify (or admit to) a particular risk factor to be eligible for vaccination. Anyone who wishes to be protected from Hepatitis B should be vaccinated.
    • Hepatitis A Vaccine: Recommended especially for students traveling abroad. Hepatitis A is usually spread through close personal contact with an infected person or when a person unknowingly ingests the virus from objects, food, or drinks that are contaminated by small amounts of stool (feces) from an infected person.
    • HPV Vaccine: For more information, see the CDC website and Gardasil website.
    • Seasonal Flu Vaccine: Students, especially those at a higher risk, should consider receiving the flu vaccine in the beginning of each fall semester. Click here for information about on campus influenza PODS.
    • Tuberculosis Screening: According to the American College Health Association (ACHA), screening and targeted testing for Tuberculosis (TB) is a key strategy for controlling and preventing infection on college and university campuses. Early detection provides an opportunity to promote the health of affected individuals through prompt diagnosis and treatment while preventing potential spread to others. 
      Please complete this self-screening tool and follow the instructions. 
    • COVID-19 Vaccine:  We strongly recommend all students to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. For more information, visit the COVID-19 Guidance page

After arriving on campus, you can make an appointment at Student Health Services to get recommended immunizations or TB screening tests. 

For additional information on immunization schedules please click here.