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2017-2018 Student Life Awards Winners

The Jerrold L. Stein Student Life Awards for Excellence in Student Leadership and Campus Involvement is an annual celebration of the exceptional students, organizations, and advisors at Stony Brook University.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2017-2018 Student Life Awards! Thank you to those who contributed towards making this ceremony a huge success. 


Student Life Awards

Advocacy Leadership Award Honors a student who has demonstrated strong leadership in generating campus wide awareness about existing social issues and advocated for change in the community.

2018 Winner: Lopa Shah

The Advocacy Program Award Honors  a unique program that makes the campus community aware of a major social issue and implements an action-based response.

2018 Winners:  Student Athlete Advisory Committee for the One Love Escalation Workshop

Best New Organization Award Honors a student organization that newly registered within the past 12 months and is dedicated to student life. This organization takes the initiative to make the organization visible on campus, has grown in membership since its recognition, and shows potential for continued growth and success on our campus.

2018 Winner: A Moment of Magic

Community Impact Award Honors a club that has made a positive contribution to the Suffolk County community.

2018 Winner: Sigma Beta Honor Society

Community Service Program Award Honors a community service program or project that has helped others in the community and provided enrichment through active service and service learning.

2018 Winner: Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority for Blood Drive “Come Donate and Save a Life”

Collaboration Award Honors a student organization that has consistently collaborated with a variety of student groups and/or University departments throughout the academic year to produce quality activities and/or services.

2018 Winner:  SAAB, Student African American Brotherhood

Distinguished Service Award Honors an organization that has made a continuous effort to service the student body and the University community. This organization's efforts are exceptional, meaningful, and make a lasting impact on campus.

2018 Winner: Peer Mental Health Alliance

Educational Program Award Honors a creative program that promotes greater awareness of an existing academic, political, or social issue through educational efforts that enhance student learning and provide a meaningful exchange of ideas.

2018 Winner: VESO-Veteran Students Organization for Tent City

Emerging Leader Award Honors a freshman or sophomore student who has taken on leadership roles and has demonstrated significant progress towards achieving their leadership potential through campus and community involvement.

2018 Winner: Emily Carll

Media Service AwardHonors the next generation of Stony Brook journalists seeking truth on campus and beyond.

2018 Winners:  WUSB, AA EZine

Membership Development Award Honors clubs that go beyond serving the needs of their members through speakers, workshops, retreats and other initiatives.

2018 Winner: Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Inc.

Most Outstanding Program of the Year Honors a program that has had a positive impact on the overall Stony Brook community. This award recognizes a program that embodied the SBU spirit of inclusiveness and school pride, and promoted a community of awesome.

2018 Winner: Taiko Tides for East Coast Conference

Multicultural Leadership Award Honors a student leader who has displayed strong leadership and advocacy on diversity issues and has devoted time and effort to the improvement of the University community.

2018 Winner: Raul Toloza

Multicultural Program Award Honors an innovative program that promotes cross-cultural learning and interaction, educates the campus community, and appeals to a diverse audience.

2018 Winner: Hillel Student Club, Muslim Student Association, & Newman Club for Avi Interfaith Shabbaton

Outstanding Advisor Award Honors a faculty or staff member who has served as an advisor to a student club or organization. This advisor is involved with the student leaders offers knowledge and experience to the organization, and provides assistance and support on an ongoing basis.

2018 Winner: Mei Lin Chan


Recreational & Leisure Activities Program Award Honors an outstanding sports, recreational, or leisure program whose outcome had a significant impact on the University community.

2018 Winner: Center for Prevention and Outreach (CPO) and Office of Creative Arts for Healing Arts

Student Organization Leadership Award Honors an outstanding executive board member who has worked to advance the mission of their organization, while challenging and encouraging the membership to advance new initiatives, acquire new skills, and prepare the group for success.

2018 Winner: Allilsa Fernandez & Maitreyee Kale

Student Organization of the Year Award Honors an organization that has made a significant effort to further its purpose through its contribution to Stony Brook and/or the community at large. This award recognizes the student organization that has demonstrated consistent flexibility, initiative, creativity and perseverance through their activities and programs.

2018 Winner:  Project Sunshine at Stony Brook University

The Elizabeth D. Couey Award This award was established in 1974 in memory of the first Director of the Stony Brook Union and is awarded to a graduating senior for outstanding contributions towards the improvement and growth of student life at Stony Brook. Nominees must exemplify Elizabeth Couey’s unique qualities of exemplary service, visionary leadership, and an unceasing dedication to enhancing campus life. 

2018 Winner:  Katherine Colantuoni

The Peter Baigent Recreational & Leadership Activities Leadership Award: Honors a student for their outstanding leadership in sports, recreational, or leisure activities.

2018 Winner: Alexandra Spinelli

The Theresa Montenaro 200% Student Leadership Award Throughout her 20 years as a custodian in the Stony Brook Union, Theresa Monetanaro was committed to providing a caring and safe environment for all students, faculty, and staff. This award honors a junior or senior student leader who goes beyond the call of duty, regularly gives 200%, and exemplifies Theresa Montenaro’s unique qualities, which include the ability to listen with understanding, guide without boundaries, give and take with love, and grow with each passing day. 

2018 Winners: Kayley Murphy

The Shirley Strum Kenny Steel Magnolia Award This award is presented annually to a staff or faculty member who has demonstrated compassion and strength in support of enhancing the overall student experience. The award is named in honor of former President Kenny who was presented the first "Steel Magnolia" award by a group of students in 2009.

2018 Winner: Rob Pertusati

The Sister Margaret Ann Landry, RSHM Lifetime Achievement Advising Award This award is presented annually to a staff or faculty member with 10 or more years of service, who has provided extraordinary commitment mentoring and advising individuals and/or student groups on campus. The award is named in honor of its first recipient, who received the honor in 2003.

2018 Winner: Jacqueline Pascariello


Graduate Student Organization Awards

Distinguished Advisor Award - David Purificato

Emerging Leader Award - Renee Schofield

Exceptional Service Award - Paula Di Pasquale

Most Dedicated Service Award - Bertus Jordan

Outstanding Administrator Award - Vanessa Laos

Outstanding Advocate Award - Charles Taber

Oustanding Leadership Award - Chikako Takahashi


Undergraduate Student Government Awards

Agency Staff Member of the Year Award - Elizabeth Frisenda

Far Beyond Award - Justas Klimavicius

Oustanding Service Award - Jim Lo

Most Dedicated Advocate Award - Ian Lesnick

Unsung Hero Award - Guara Mudgal

Commitment to Community Award - Jessica McKay

Extraordinary Emerging Leader Award - Huntley Spencer

Devotion Award - Lazaro Rivera

Spirit of Leadership & Community Award - Clare Finnegan


Health Sciences Association Student Leadership Awards

Health Sciences – Community Impact Award - James O’Shea School of Nursing & Hugo Concha SHTM– Health Science

Health Sciences – Campus Life Enhancement Award - Melissa Owusu SHTM– Health Science  & Lindsay Roblyer School of Nursing

Student Leadership – Clinical Caregiver Award - Vincent Costantino SHTM- Respiratory Care  & Alexis Cohen SHTM- Athletic Training

Student Leadership – Good Samaritan Award- Shanice Probherbs SHTM- Health Science & Daehanka Leonor School of Nursing

Student Leadership – Health Technology Award- Theodora Panagos SHTM- Health Science & Shellian McKenzie SHTM- Health Science

Student Leadership – Health Ally Award -Sara Wilhelm SHTM- Health Science & Ryan Barry SHTM- Clinical Laboratory Sciences