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Strengths Activities

The below worksheets/activities incorporate strategies and techniques to support you in helping people, managers, and teams understand how to apply their greatest talents and strengths to enhance their performance.

Understanding the Strengths Profile

Mining for Strengths Worksheet: This activity encourages your staff to recall a peak experience and describe it to you. Use this activity to listen for your staff’s dominant talents and strengths in action.

Theme Map Worksheet: The Theme Map worksheet is an effective way for your staff to understand the full nature and breadth of each theme. This worksheet encourages your staff to think about the words or phrases that describe each of their dominant themes, the roles they tend to play, their motivations and the things they need to be successful.

Sorting Themes: The Sorting Your Themes activity helps your staff start to think intentionally about how they use their CliftonStrengths themes every day. It can also help your clients affirm the value of their unique talents.

The Strengths Wheel Worksheet: The Strengths Wheel worksheet is a valuable tool for helping clients explore how their dominant themes interact with one another. Strengths don’t appear in linear patterns. Sometimes viewing a person’s dominant themes in a circle can make it easier to identify connections and openings for exploration.


Love, Frustrate, Appreciate: The Love, Frustrate, Appreciate team activity helps team members share their dominant themes in a fun way and hear what others on the team think about their talents. Team members share with others one of their dominant CliftonStrengths themes that they love and one that frustrates themselves or others. Through this activity, team members should get a better understanding of the real-world application of CliftonStrengths themes.

Your Contribution to the Team: The Your Unique Contribution to the Team activity helps team members better understand how their individual talents and contributions fit in with the rest of the team. Team members analyze their most dominant CliftonStrengths themes using the four domains of team strength.

The Best of Us: The Best of Us activity helps teams appreciate and purposefully apply their talents. The goal is for each person to share with team members how to draw out their best and make a few informal commitments to one another.


At Your Best: The At Your Best activity worksheet helps managers think about how they can use each of their top five CliftonStrengths themes to manage and lead their team.

Theme Awareness: The Theme Awareness activity worksheet helps managers think about blind spots that may exist for each of their top five CliftonStrengths themes.