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Physics and Astronomy | (631)-632-1555, SCGP 513
Curriculum Vitae. (Last updated: 2023 Jul 13)

Nikita Nekrasov is the founding faculty member of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, and Professor at the Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics at Stony Brook University. Nekrasov got his PhD from Princeton University under the supervision of Prof. David Gross (Nobel Prize 2004). He was a permanent professor at IHES (France) before permanently joining Stony Brook in 2013. He was awarded Prix Jacques Herbrand by French Academy of Sciences and Hermann Prize in 2004, Compositio Prize in 2009, and Dannie Heineman Prize in Mathematical Physics by American Physical Society in 2023.

Research Statement
Nekrasov is a theoretical physicist exploring quantum field theory and string theory.

The common theme of Nekrasov's work is the connection between the two dimensional conformal field theories and their deformations, and the four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories (and their higher dimensional counterparts), which he has been exploring since the early nineties. In 2002 he formulated a series of conjectures on this topic, and in 2004 proposed to call this duality the BPS/CFT-correspondence. One of the consequences of this duality is the relation between classical and quantum integrability, it also has many applications in geometric Langlands program. The BPS/CFT correspondence has spawned several further research directions.