
FTIR Microscope

SIMS set-up at ENRG

XPS Surface Analysis Microscope
Dr. Gary Halada
Environmental Nanotechnology Research Group
Research philosophy: To truly understand interactions between the environment and natural and human-made materials, it is essential to understand reactions at the nanoscale. It is at this level, from single molecules to ultra-thin films on surfaces, that structural and chemical transformations first occur which affect critical environmental processes, such as corrosion of advanced alloys, association of hazardous waste with soil or buildings, and transformation of radioactive materials by microbes. In addition, to create the next generation of materials and technologies to solve critical environmental problems we need to create new methodologies and research partnerships that will provide the necessary combination of tools, software and knowledge for cross-disciplinary problem-solving.
Dr. Esther Takeuchi, Dr. Amy Marschilok
The Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties
Research:The Stony Brook led multi-institutional EFRC, the Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m), is conducting basic science research for the purpose of advancing and enabling the deliberate design of materials and components to achieve higher performing, longer life, and safer energy storage systems, including batteries.
The Takeuchi research group: Our group conducts cutting-edge research in battery chemistry and technology, involving both Stony Brook University (SBU) and Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL). Our research is truly multidisciplinary in nature, involving aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Theory and Modeling, and Physics. Our research facilities, constructed in 2012, are specifically designed for our research and are positioned in two locations at SBU and one location at BNL. Our laboratories are fully equipped with state of the art equipment and laboratories for experimentation in the synthesis and characterization of materials, electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry, and battery construction and testing. Moreover, we have ready access to the impressive array of instrumentation at BNL as well as other national facilities. Finally, we have active collaborations with theorists and modeling scientists, to combine electrochemistry with theory.
Dr. Alexander Orlov
Research:Our group is doing highly interdisciplinary research at the interfaces of chemistry, materials science and chemical/environmental engineering.We are developing novel nanoscale and nanostructured materials, which can potentially revolutionize energy production and substantially reduce environmental pollution.
Dr. Jason Trelewicz
Engineered Metallic Nanostructures Lab
Research: The Engineered Metallic Nanostructures Laboratory (EMNL) focuses on understanding the design, synthesis, stability, and mechanical behavior of metallic nanostructures including monolithic nanocrystalline alloys, crystalline-amorphous nanolaminates, metallic glass matrix composites, and other unique hierarchical metallic structures. These novel materials are synthesized through electroforming, sputter and pulsed laser deposition, and additive spray manufacturing techniques. Experiments are used in concert with atomistic simulations to study thermal stability, radiation tolerance, and deformation behavior that results from competing mechanisms at the nanoscale.
Dr. Rina Tannenbaum
Research Interests
Soft condensed matter and complex fluids, bio-based functional materials, nanocomposites
from renewable resources, biomaterials for bone implants and tissue engineering, bioadhesion
and cell biomechanics, nanofluids, bio-nanostructures and hierarchical nanoplatforms
for targeted drug delivery, self-assembly of nanostructures, interfacial and surface
phenomena, hierarchical materials design, nucleation and growth of nanostructures,
mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of nanocomposites, nanostructures for
optoelectronic applications, catalysis.
Dr. Taejin Kim
TJ KIM Energy & Environmental Catalysis Lab
Research: Our group's research intention is a development of catalytic methodologies that can control hydrocarbon-based reaction pathways. For developing petrochemical/biomass conversion to fuel and chemicals, our group members have been exploring the new catalyst development/catalyst active sites and providing reaction mechanism/intermediate molecular structures using in-situ and operando experimental conditions. To understand complex reaction pathways, transition state geometries and thermodynamic properties, our group has also been interested in theory calculations.
Dr. Mary Frame-McMahon
Research Focus: The focus of my research is in integrating signal transduction events with physical properties of blood flow at the microvascular level. Our long term research goals are to understand the two phase question of how solute distribution and transport are coupled in the microcirculation. We use both quantitative in vivo microcirculatory techniques in a hamster striated muscle model, and in vitro cell culture techniques with macro- and microvascular endothelial cells to determine how vasoactive mechanisms are integrated to regulate blood flow distribution. In vivo, we examine mechanisms of nitric oxide mediated coordinated flow delivery to arteriolar networks. In vitro, we examine flow velocity profiles and endothelial cell responses to defined flow in a microchannel system which we construct at the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility, Cornell University
Dr. Balaji Stharaman
The Multi-functional Nano and Supramolecular Biosystems Laboratory
Research: Our laboratory seeks to work at the interface of bionanotechnology, regenerative and molecular medicine and synergize the advancements in each of these distinct fields to develop a dynamic research program that tackles problems related to diagnosis/ treatment of disease and tissue regeneration.
Other Laboratories at Stony Brook involved in nanotechnology and nanomaterials-related research