Russian Studies
A student who successfully completes a minor in Russian attains a broadly based background in Russian culture; depending on which electives are chosen, the student also acquires a more specialized knowledge of language, literature, or cultural studies. The Russian minor may be combined with work in other disciplines.
Requirements for the Minor in Russian Studies (RUS)
A. Language study: 6 credits
All Russian minors must take at least 2 semesters of Russian language (RUS) courses. Students without a background in Russian language will take the introductory sequence RUS 111-112. Those with previous Russian language study, including heritage speakers, must take 6 credits of higher level Russian language courses.
B. Four electives (12 credits)*
Four additional courses must be taken, of which at least two HUR courses (up to 2 can be in language).
*Note that Study Abroad in St. Petersburg can provide 3-6 credits of electives.
**Courses in other departments (History, Linguistics, Music, Political Science) can be used as electives with permission of the Russian Coordinator. Examples of such courses: HIS 210, HIS 295, HUE 269, HUE 392, LIN 356, LIN 101 (with certain conditions), as well as RUS 447, RUS 495.
Please consult the Undergraduate Bulletin
For more information, contact Dr. Anna Geisherik, Coordinator