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Director of Field Experience and Clinical Practice
Co-Director ACE program
Coordinator of Italian Studies
Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach

Office: 2120 Humanities Building

  • Research Interests

    Research Interests

    Second language acquisition applied methodology

    Contemporary Italian poetry

    Women Writers

    Romanticism: Giacomo Leopardi

    Theory and Practice of Translation

    Greek and Latin World

  • Awards

    Awards (selection)

    • CAS Outreach Award
    • Provost Outstanding Lecturer Award
    • Dante Alighieri Award by the American Association of Italian teachers, Long Island Chapter
    • Italian Prize Astrolabio, awarded by the University of Pisa, Italy, for the poetry book La vita in cerchio and for the overall literary career
    • Monselice “Diego Valeri” translation prize for the translation of Torquato Tasso’s Aminta (co-translator: Professor Charles Jernigan)
  • Books


    Fabio Dainotti, Selected Poems, edited by Irene Marchegiani, Gradiva Publications, February 2015. 

    La scopa, translation from English to Italian of the volume of poetry Broom, by JoelleBiele,Bordighera Press,November 2014.

    Percorsi.  (with Francesca Italiano, USC).  First-year Italian textbook for college students.  Third edition. Prentice Hall. Copyright January 2014.

    A Breath in Creation.  Edited and translated by Irene Marchegiani.  Translation from Italian to English of selected poems by Daniele Piccini.  Gradiva Editions. November 2012.

    Percorsi.  (with Francesca Italiano, USC).  First-year Italian textbook for college students.  Second edition. Prentice Hall. Copyright January 2012.

    A Tired Angel. Edited and translated by Irene Marchegiani. New York: Gradiva Editions. September 2010.  Translation from Italian to English of selected poems by Mario Lucrezio Reali.

    Lovesickness.  Edited and translated by Irene Marchegiani. New York: Gradiva Editions. Translation from Italian to English of the volume of poetry Malattia d’amore di Michele Caccamo. November 2009.

    Introduction to the translation from Italian to English of the collection of poems by Michele Caccamo, Lovesickness, Gradiva Publications. November 2009.

    Percorsi.  (with Francesca Italiano, USC).  First-year Italian textbook for college students.  Prentice Hall. November 2007.

    Percorsi.  (with Francesca Italiano, USC). Prentice Hall. Ancillary material: web site program; workbook; lab audio manual; assessment package. November 2007. 

    Percorsi – Video.  Development of a video connected with the textbook. November 2007

     Land of Time.  Edited by Irene Marchegiani.  Preface by Dante Della Terza.  New York: Chelsea Editions, 2006.  A bilingual anthology of Luigi Fontanella’s poetry. 

    Crescendo!  Intermediate Italian textbook for college students. Second edition. Heinle & Heinle. 2006.

    Blood Autunm.  Autunno di sangue, by Daniela Gioseffi.  Boca Raton, FL: Bordighera Press, 2006.  Translated 10 poems from English to Italian. 

    La vita in cerchio.  Rome: Stango, 2004.  Selected poetry by Irene Marchegiani. 

    Promises of Love.  Trans. by Carol Lettieri and Irene Marchegiani Jones ofselected poetryby Plinio Perilli.  Preface by Irene Marchegiani Jones and Carol Lettieri.  New York: Gradiva Publications, 2004. 

    Aminta. A Patoral by Torquato Tasso.  Trans. Charles Jernigan and Irene Marchegiani Jones.  Intr. by Charles Jernigan and Irene Marchegiani Jones.  New York: Italica Press, 2000.

    In Spring 2002, this volume was awarded the prestigious Italian Monselice “Diego Valeri” prize for translation.

    The Poetics of Place: Florence Imagined.  Ed. by Irene Marchegiani Jones and Thomas Haeussler.  Preface by Irene Marchegiani Jones.  Florence: Olschki, 2000.

    Angels of Youth.  Trans. by Carol Lettieri and Irene Marchegiani Jones of Ceres  by Luigi Fontanella.  Preface by Irene Marchegiani Jones and Carol Lettieri.  Xenos Books, 2000.

    Edited Torquato Tasso’s Aminta for the data bank Nuovo Rinascimento, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Department, University of Florence, Italy, and published it on the web,

    The Star of Free Will by Maria Luisa Spaziani.  Trans. by Carol Lettieri and Irene Marchegiani Jones.  Intr. by Irene Marchegiani Jones.  Montreal: Guernica, 1996.  135 pp. 

    Crescendo!, Lexington: D. C. Heath and Co., 1994.  (Co-author Prof. Francesca Italiano, University of Southern California). Instructor edition 624 pp. and Student edition 592 pp.

    Crescendo! Workbook and Lab Manual, Lexington: D. C. Heath and Co, 1994.  200 pp.

    Crescendo!, Transcript.  Lexington: D. C. Heath and Company, November 1994.  144 pp.

     Incontri Attuali  (with Francesca Italiano, USC), Holt, Rinehart and Winston, November 1991. 

    265 pp. 

  • Articles and Reviews

    Articles and Reviews

    “Poesia e coraggio”, in A Life Gambled in Poetry. Homage to Alfredo de Palchi.  Gradiva: New York, 2012.

    Co-translatedselected poemsfrom Italian to English from Patrizia Valduga, Cento Quartine in Journal of Italian Translation, V. III, n.2, Fall 2008.

    Introduction to the translation of selected poemsfrom Italian to English from Patrizia Valduga, Cento Quartine in Journal of Italian Translation, V. III, n.2, Fall 2008. 

    “Lettera aperta ad Antonia Pozzi.” In the proceedings of the poetry symposium Binding the Lands.  Present Day Poets Present Day Poetry.  Florence: Cadmo, 2004.  

    La corrispondenza imperfetta: traduzioni inglesi della canzone Nelle nozze della sorella Paolina” in Paolina Leopardi.  Ed. by Elisabetta Benucci.  Pisa: ETS, 2004.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Paolina Leopardi, Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani.  Centro Mondiale della Poesia e della Cultura, Recanati, Italy, May 23-26, 2001.

    “L’individuo e la storia in La lunga vita di Marianna Ucrìa di Dacia Maraini.” Italian Quarterly, 2001.

    “Place And Displacement of The City of Florence In Giacomo Leopardi's Writings” in The Poetics of Place: Florence Imagined.  Ed. by Irene Marchegiani Jones and Thomas Haeussler.  Preface by Irene Marchegiani Jones.  Florence: Olschki, 2000.

    “Dialoghi teatrali oraziani o del classicismo dopo la modernità” in La lotta con Proteo.  Metamorfosi del testo e testualità della critica.  Ed. by Ballerini, Bardin, and Ciavolella.  Florence: Cadmo, 2000.

    Rev. Roberto Bertoni, ed. L’ultimo orizzonte… Giacomo Leopardi: A Cosmic Poet and His Testament.  Torino: Trauben Edizioni, 1999.  Annali d’italianistica, 2000. 

    “Da Orazio a Voltaire fino al classicismo dopo la modernità” (From Horace to Voltaire to Classicism After Modernity) in Rivista di Studi Italiani, June 2000.

    Un esempio di immersione totale nell’insegnamento dell’italiano negli Stati Uniti.” Selected proceedings of the VIII conference I.L.S.A. (Insegnanti di italiano come Lingua Seconda Associati).  Florence, May 29 1999.  Florence: Comune di Firenze, Spring 2000.

    Rev. of Massimo Maggiari’s Archetipi e cosmo nella poesia di Arturo Onofri, in Italian Culture, v. XVII, 2, 1999.

    Rev. of Dacia Maraini The Silent Duchess. Trans. by Dick Kitto and Elspeth Spottiswood. (1998), Gradiva, n. 18, 1999.

    “Fuori di classe!  Una proposta didattica per l’insegnamento dell’italiano come seconda lingua fuori dell’aula tradizionale.  Italica, Fall 1998.

     “Amore e Morte: re-immaginare il vero.” Rivista di Studi Italiani, December 1998.

     “An Introduction to Italian Poetry in the United States: The ars poetica of Luigi Fontanella.” Italian History and Culture, V. 5, 1998. 10 pp.

    Rev. of Ceres, by Luigi Fontanella (1996), in La Nuova Antologia, October 1997.

    Lamerica from Albania through Italy to the United States: mythology of immigration,” article accessible on the Internet:

     Rev. of The Age of Exploration: An Exhibition Commemorating the Quincentennial of Christopher Columbus' First Voyage to the Americas.  Ed. by A. Dean Larsen and Madison U. Sowell.  Intr. by Russell T. Clement, in Italica, 1995.

    "L'eroe marginale.  I limiti dell'idealizzazione nel Cristoforo Colombo di Lorenzo Costa."  Italian Culture,  V. XI, 1993.  17 pp.

     "Alessandro Tassoni e Guidobaldo Benamati: poeti dell'impresa di Colombo.  Italica, 1992. 

     Rev. of Giuliano Dati, The History of the Discovery Of the New Indian Islands of the Canaries, ed. and tr. Theodore  J. Cachey Jr. and Luciano Formisano (1989) in Italica, 1992. 

     "Maria Luisa Spaziani: metafore dell'ambiente e dello spazio." Italian Culture, v. 9, 1992.  15 pp.

    "Christopher Columbus: Untying the Myth."  Forum Italicum, 1992.  13 pp. 

  • Poetry


    Three poems in Italian and English in Poets of the Italian Diaspora, edited by Luigi Bomaffini and Joseph Perricone, Fordham university Press, New York, 2014.

    Translation form Italian into English of several poems in Poets of the Italian Diaspora, edited by Luigi Bomaffini and Joseph Perricone, Fordham University Press, New York, 2014. 

    Three poems in Il sapore di una fragola, Milano 2012. 

    Fifteen selected poems by Irene Marchegiani in the volume In forma di parolePoeti italiani negli States.  October-December 2010.  With a critical essay on my poetics.

    “Per Giovanna.”  Gradiva, Vol. 26, Fall 2004.

    Italian translation from English of three poems by Helen Barolini, Gradiva, Vol. 25, Spring 2004. 

    “Io amo solo questa casa che brucia.”  Gradiva, Vol. 23-24, Spring-Fall 2003.

    Several poems in Nuove Lettere, 1999.

    “Firenze. 2” and “Gli affreschi di Pompei.”  Hebenon, April, 1999.

    “Firenze” and “Viaggio alle terre del sud – Perù.”  Il filorosso, 1998, Vol. 25.

    “Due Terre (Two Lands)” and “Tempi.”  VIA, Voices in Italian Americana, V. 4, n. 1, 1993.  Poems in bilingual publication.