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Affiliate - German 


  • Professional Experience

    Professional Experience

    • 1995 – present  Full-time Lecturer, Lecturer, Adjunct Lecturer European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (formerly Germanic and Slavic) SUNY Stony Brook
    • 1993-1997,   Director of the SUNY Test Center for “Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International”
    • 1991-1993,  Adjunct Assistant Professor, Hofstra University
    • 1983-1990,  Teaching Assistant in German, SUNY Stony Brook
    • 1985, Testing Chairperson of the L.I. Chapter of the American Association of  Teachers of German
  • Member


    • American Association of Teachers of German
    • Modern Language Association
  • Courses

    Courses Taught at Stony Brook

    • GER 111 Elementary German I
    • GER 112 Elementary German II
    • GER 212 Intermediate German I
    • GER 311 German Conversation & Composition I
    • GER 312 German Conversation & Composition II
    • GER Landeskunde
    • GER 404 Goethezeit
    • GER 431 Business German I
    • GER 432 Business German II 
    • GER 447 Directed Readings in German
    • GER 581 Independant Study
    • GER 582 Language Proficiency
    • GER German for Reading Knowlege
    • HUG 221 German Cinema after 1945
    • HUG 229 Germany Today
    • CEG 511 Understanding Different Cultures