To date, there is no localized functional repository of literature dedicated to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy or CBASP. In an effort to correct this, we searched applicable databases, including PsycArticles, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences, PsycINFO, PUBMed, and Google Scholar to collect the extant literature relating to CBASP. We used the search term “CBASP” or “Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy” in each database, returning 789 articles. We then organized each group of articles into four categories: 1. Treatment/Outcome studies; 2. Descriptive Literature, 3. Books/editorials/manuals; 4. and non-english contributions to the CBASP community.
After merging duplicates, disregarding not applicable texts, and cataloging the literature, a total of 89 articles were designated to Treatment/Outcome literature, 74 were designated to Descriptive Literature, 86 writings to books/editorials/manuals and 8 articles that were not english. Articles included are dated through to 12/31/2024. Treatment/outcome literature as well as descriptive literature spanned from 2000 through 2023, books/editorials/manuals spanned from 1995-2023, and non english articles were from 2008 through 2022.
During the organizational process, articles were characterized using the abstract and (if applicable) further reading into the method of the study. Treatment/outcome studies were determined to include randomization, clinical samples, CBASP-related meta/systemic analyses, and use of CBASP (independently or as a comparative treatment method). Descriptive literature included observational studies, case studies and proof of concept studies. Books/editorial/manuals included books, book sections, handbooks, opinion pieces, correspondence/response papers, and therapeutic techniques/strategies. Articles that were not in english and could not be found in english were included to inspire translations of meaningful literature and for inclusivity for non english speaking scholars.
CBASP Repository Bibliograpy : (PDF )
Treatment/Outcome Literature
2000-2023 (89)
Arnow, B. A., Manber, R., Blasey, C., Klein, D. N., Blalock, J. A., Markowitz, J. C., Rothbaum, B. O., Rush, A. J., Thase, M. E., Riso, L. P., Vivian, D., McCullough, J. P. Jr., & Keller, M. B. (2003). Therapeutic Reactance as a Predictor of Outcome in the Treatment of Chronic Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(6), 1025–1035.
Arnow, B. A., Blasey, C., Manber, R., Constantino, M. J., Markowitz, J. C., Klein, D. N., Thase, M. E., Kocsis, J. H., & Rush, A. J. (2007). Dropouts versus completers among chronically depressed outpatients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 97(1–3), 197–202.
Arnow, B. A., Steidtmann, D., Blasey, C., Manber, R., Constantino, M. J., Klein, D. N., Markowitz, J. C., Rothbaum, B. O., Thase, M. E., Fisher, A. J., & Kocsis, J. H. (2013). The relationship between the therapeutic alliance and treatment outcome in two distinct psychotherapies for chronic depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(4), 627–638.
Assmann, N., Schramm, E., Kriston, L., Hautzinger, M., Härter, M., Schweiger, U., & Klein, J. P. (2018). Moderating effect of comorbid anxiety disorders on treatment outcome in a randomized controlled psychotherapy trial in early-onset persistently depressed outpatients. Depression & Anxiety, 35(10), 1001–1008.
Bagean Koulemarz, M., Karami, J., Momeni, K., & Elahi, A. (2019). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) and integration of dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive therapy based on compassionate-mind on reduction mental pain and difficult emotion regulation people attempted suicide. Clinical Psychology Studies, 9(34), 35–63.
Bagian Kulehmarzi, M. J., Karami, J., Momeni, K., & Elahi, A. (2018). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) and dialectical behavior therapy based on compassion on resilience and motivations for suicide attempts in people attempted suicide. Contemporary Psychology, Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association, 13(1), 26–39.
Bausch, P., Fangmeier, T., Meister, R., Elsaeßer, M., Kriston, L., Klein, J. P., Zobel, I., Hautzinger, M., Härter, M., & Schramm, E. (2020). The impact of childhood maltreatment on long-term outcomes in Disorder-Specific vs. Nonspecific psychotherapy for chronic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 272, 152–157.
Bausch, P., Fangmeier, T., Zobel, I., Schoepf, D., Drost, S., Schnell, K., Walter, H., Berger, M., Normann, C., & Schramm, E. (2017). The impact of childhood maltreatment on the differential efficacy of CBASP versus escitalopram in patients with chronic depression: A secondary analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24(5), 1155–1162.
Berger, M., Brakemeier, E.-L., & Schramm, E. (2011). CS05-04-Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP). European Psychiatry, 26, 1785.
Blalock, J. A., Minnix, J. A., Mathew, A. R., Wetter, D. W., McCullough, J. P. Jr., & Cinciripini, P. M. (2013). Relationship of childhood trauma to depression and smoking outcomes in pregnant smokers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(5), 821–830.
Bollmann, S., Spies, J., Hodzic, J., Hohl-Radke, F., & Brakemeier, E.-L. (2020). Feasibility and outcome of an inpatient interpersonal skills group for older adults (65+) with acute or chronic depression: An open pilot study. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 33(2), 55–66.
Brakemeier, E.-L., & Berger, M. (2011). ECP07-01-Cbasp workshop-introduction into the cognitive-behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (cbasp) to treat depression. European Psychiatry, 26(S2), 1804–1804.
Brakemeier, E.-L., Engel, V., Schramm, E., Zobel, I., Schmidt, T., Hautzinger, M., Berger, M., & Normann, C. (2011). Feasibility and outcome of Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) for chronically depressed inpatients. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 80(3), 191–194.
Brakemeier, E.-L., Herzog, P., Radtke, M., Schneibel, R., Breger, V., Becker, M., Spies, J., Jacobi, F., Heider, J., & Normann, C. (2018). CBASP as an Inpatient Concept for Treatment-Resistant Chronic Depression: A Pilot Study of the Relationship between Adverse Effects and Treatment Outcome. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 68(9–10), 399–407.
Carney, C. E., Segal, Z. V., Edinger, J. D., & Krystal, A. D. (2007). A comparison of rates of residual insomnia symptoms following pharmacotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy for major depressive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 68(2), 254–260.
Cinciripini, P. M., Blalock, J. A., Minnix, J. A., Robinson, J. D., Brown, V. L., Lam, C., Wetter, D. W., Schreindorfer, L., McCullough, J. P. Jr., Dolan-Mullen, P., Stotts, A. L., & Karam-Hage, M. (2010). Effects of an intensive depression-focused intervention for smoking cessation in pregnancy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(1), 44–54.
Constantino, M. J., Laws, H. B., Arnow, B. A., Klein, D. N., Rothbaum, B. O., & Manber, R. (2012). The relation between changes in patients’ interpersonal impact messages and outcome in treatment for chronic depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(3), 354–364.
Constantino, M. J., Laws, H. B., Coyne, A. E., Greenberg, R. P., Klein, D. N., Manber, R., Rothbaum, B. O., & Arnow, B. A. (2016). Change in patients’ interpersonal impacts as a mediator of the alliance-outcome association in treatment for chronic depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(12), 1135–1144.
Constantino, M. J., Manber, R., DeGeorge, J., McBride, C., Ravitz, P., Zuroff, D. C., Klein, D. N., Markowitz, J. C., Rothbaum, B. O., Thase, M. E., & Arnow, B. A. (2008). Interpersonal styles of chronically depressed outpatients: Profiles and therapeutic change: Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45(4), 491–506.
Cukrowicz, K. C. (2005). Prevention of anxiety and depression.
Dean, J. A., Eldering, M. J., Schoevers, R. A., & van Driel, C. M. G. (2024). Identifying predictors of a favourable outcome for outpatients with a persistent depressive disorder treated with cognitive behavioural analysis system of psychotherapy: A prospective cohort study. British Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Denton, W. H., Carmody, T. J., Rush, A. J., Thase, M. E., Trivedi, M. H., Arnow, B. A., Klein, D. N., & Keller, M. B. (2010). Dyadic discord at baseline is associated with lack of remission in the acute treatment of chronic depression. Psychological Medicine, 40(3), 415–424.
Echterhoff, J., Kriston, L., Klein, J. P., Härter, M., Schramm, E., & Schumacher, L. (2024). Symptom-specific improvement across therapies and their putative mediators: A mediation network intervention analysis. Psychotherapy Research.
Eich, H. S. (2019). The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on the Alliance in the Treatment for Persistent Depression: Analyses on the Differential Effects of the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy and Supportive Psychotherapy [PhD Thesis].
Emmelkamp, J., Kooistra, L., Van Oppen, P., Van Schaik, D., Hoogendoorn, A., Dekker, J., Beekman, A., McCullough, J. Jr., & Wiersma, J. (2020). Long-term outcome of treatment for persistent depressive disorder: A naturalistic follow-up study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 89(1), 54–55.
Erkens, N., Schramm, E., Kriston, L., Hautzinger, M., Härter, M., Schweiger, U., & Klein, J. P. (2018). Association of comorbid personality disorders with clinical characteristics and outcome in a randomized controlled trial comparing two psychotherapies for early-onset persistent depressive disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 229, 262–268.
Forkmann, T., Brakemeier, E.-L., Teismann, T., Schramm, E., & Michalak, J. (2016). The effects of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy added to treatment as usual on suicidal ideation in chronic depression: Results of a randomized-clinical trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 200, 51–57.
Furukawa, T. A., Schramm, E., Weitz, E. S., Salanti, G., Efthimiou, O., Michalak, J., Watanabe, N., Cipriani, A., Keller, M. B., Kocsis, J. H., Klein, D. N., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Cognitive-Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP), a drug, or their combination: Differential therapeutics for persistent depressive disorder: a study protocol of an individual participant data network meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 6(5), e011769.
Ghadampour, E., & Bavazin, F. (2022). The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Analysis Psychotherapy System (CBASP) on Attentional Bias in Adolescent Students with Symptoms of Social Anxiety. Journal of Psychological Studies, 17(4), 57–77.
Glanert, S., Sürig, S., Grave, U., Fassbinder, E., Schwab, S., Borgwardt, S., & Klein, J. P. (2021). Investigating care dependency and its relation to outcome (ICARE): Results from a naturalistic study of an intensive day treatment program for depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Guhn, A., Köhler, S., Brakemeier, E.-L., & Sterzer, P. (2021). Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for inpatients with persistent depressive disorder: A naturalistic trial on a general acute psychiatric unit. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 271(3), 495–505.
Guhn, A., Merkel, L., Heim, C., Klawitter, H., Teich, P., Betzler, F., Sterzer, P., & Köhler, S. (2022). Impaired empathic functioning in chronic depression: Behavioral evidence for the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) model. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 152, 79–85.
Guhn, A., Schön, D., Zische, Y., Sterzer, P., & Köhler, S. (2021). Interpersonal change during inpatient CBASP treatment: Focus on group therapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 620037.
Hirschfeld, R. M., Dunner, D. L., Keitner, G., Klein, D. N., Koran, L. M., Kornstein, S. G., Markowitz, J. C., Miller, I., Nemeroff, C. B., & Ninan, P. T. (2002). Does psychosocial functioning improve independent of depressive symptoms? A comparison of nefazodone, psychotherapy, and their combination. Biological Psychiatry, 51(2), 123–133.
Hom, M. A., Stanley, I. H., Vazquez, A., Belz, M., & Joiner, T. E. (2017). Gains in cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy: Examining treatment progress and processes of change in a psychiatric outpatient sample. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 10(3), 255–268.
Humer, E., Schramm, E., Klein, J. P., Härter, M., Hautzinger, M., Pieh, C., & Probst, T. (2021). Effects of alliance ruptures and repairs on outcomes. Psychotherapy Research, 31(8), 977–987.
Keller, M. B., McCullough, J. P., Klein, D. N., Arnow, B., Dunner, D. L., Gelenberg, A. J., Markowitz, J. C., Nemeroff, C. B., Russell, J. M., Thase, M. E., Trivedi, M. H., & Zajecka, J. (2000). A comparison of nefazodone, the cognitive behavioral-analysis system of psychotherapy, and their combination for the treatment of chronic depression. The New England Journal of Medicine, 342(20), 1462–1470.
Klein, D. N., Leon, A. C., Li, C., D’Zurilla, T. J., Black, S. R., Vivian, D., Dowling, F., Arnow, B. A., Manber, R., & Markowitz, J. C. (2011). Social problem solving and depressive symptoms over time: A randomized clinical trial of cognitive-behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy, brief supportive psychotherapy, and pharmacotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(3), 342.
Klein, D. N., Santiago, N. J., Vivian, D., Blalock, J. A., Kocsis, J. H., Markowitz, J. C., McCullough, J. P. Jr., Rush, A. J., Trivedi, M. H., Arnow, B. A., Dunner, D. L., Manber, R., Rothbaum, B., Thase, M. E., Keitner, G. I., Miller, I. W., & Keller, M. B. (2004). Cognitive-Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy as a Maintenance Treatment for Chronic Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72(4), 681–688.
Klein, D. N., Schwartz, J. E., Santiago, N. J., Vivian, D., Vocisano, C., Castonguay, L. G., Arnow, B., Blalock, J. A., Manber, R., & Markowitz, J. C. (2003). Therapeutic alliance in depression treatment: Controlling for prior change and patient characteristics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(6), 997.
Klein, J. P., Becker, B., Hurlemann, R., Scheibe, C., Colla, M., & Heuser, I. (2014a). Effect of specific psychotherapy for chronic depression on neural responses to emotional faces. Journal of Affective Disorders, 166, 93–97.
Klein, J. P., Erkens, N., Schweiger, U., Kriston, L., Bausch, P., Zobel, I., Hautzinger, M., Schoepf, D., Serbanescu, I., & Bailer, J. (2018). Does childhood maltreatment moderate the effect of the cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus supportive psychotherapy in persistent depressive disorder? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87(1), 46–48.
Klein, J. P., Probst, T., Kriston, L., Assmann, N., Bailer, J., Eich, H., Schweiger, U., Stenzel, N. M., Wambach, K., Hautzinger, M., Härter, M., & Schramm, E. (2020). Changes in therapeutic alliance and in social inhibition as mediators of the effect of the cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy: A secondary analysis from a randomized clinical trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 89(4), 261–262.
Knies, E.-M., Backenstrass, M., & Brakemeier, E.-L. (2016). Feasibility and outcome of a short-term group therapy for inpatients with comorbid substance use disorders and depression: The InterPersonal Kiesler-Circle Training (IPKCT). Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 85(5), 311–313.
Kocsis, J. H., Gelenberg, A. J., Rothbaum, B. O., Klein, D. N., Trivedi, M. H., Manber, R., Keller, M. B., Leon, A. C., Wisniewski, S. R., Arnow, B. A., Markowitz, J. C., & Thase, M. E. (2009). Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy and brief supportive psychotherapy for augmentation of antidepressant nonresponse in chronic depression: The REVAMP trial. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66(11), 1178–1188.
Kocsis, J. H., Leon, A. C., Markowitz, J. C., Manber, R., Arnow, B., Klein, D. N., & Thase, M. E. (2009). Patient preference as a moderator of outcome for chronic forms of major depressive disorder treated with nefazodone, cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy, or their combination. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(3), 354–361.
Kocsis, J. H., Rush, A. J., Markowitz, J. C., Borian, F. E., Dunner, D. L., Koran, L. M., Klein, D. N., Trivedi, M. H., Arnow, B., Keitner, G., Kornstein, S. G., & Keller, M. B. (2003). Continuation treatment of chronic depression: A comparison of nefazodone, cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy, and their combination. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 37(4), 73–87.
Konvalin, F., Grosse-Wentrup, F., Nenov-Matt, T., Fischer, K., Barton, B. B., Goerigk, S., Brakemeier, E.-L., Musil, R., Jobst, A., Padberg, F., & Reinhard, M. A. (2021). Borderline personality features in patients with persistent depressive disorder and their effect on CBASP outcome. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Linstead, J., & Doyle, M. (2022). Evaluation of the impact and acceptability of Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) for chronic depression. Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy, 50(6), 644–648.
Locke, K. D., Sayegh, L., Penberthy, J. K., Weber, C., Haentjens, K., & Turecki, G. (2017). Interpersonal Circumplex Profiles Of Persistent Depression: Goals, Self-Efficacy, Problems, And Effects Of Group Therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73(6), 595–611.
Manber, R., Rush, A. J., Thase, M. E., Arnow, B., Klein, D., Trivedi, M. H., Korenstein, S. G., Markowitz, J. C., Dunner, D. L., Munsaka, M., Borian, F. E., & Keller, M. B. (2003). The effects of psychotherapy, nefazodone, and their combination on subjective assessment of disturbed sleep in chronic depression. Sleep: Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research, 26(2), 130–136.
Meister, R., Lanio, J., Fangmeier, T., Härter, M., Schramm, E., Zobel, I., Hautzinger, M., Nestoriuc, Y., & Kriston, L. (2020). Adverse events during a disorder‐specific psychotherapy compared to a nonspecific psychotherapy in patients with chronic depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(1), 7–19.
Michalak, J., Probst, T., Heidenreich, T., Bissantz, N., & Schramm, E. (2016). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and a group version of the cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy for chronic depression: Follow-up data of a randomized controlled trial and the moderating role of childhood adversities. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 85(6), 378–380.
Michalak, J., Schultze, M., Heidenreich, T., & Schramm, E. (2015). A randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and a group version of cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy for chronically depressed patients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(5), 951.
Negt, P., Brakemeier, E.-L., Michalak, J., Winter, L., Bleich, S., & Kahl, K. G. (2016). The treatment of chronic depression with cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled clinical trials. Brain and Behavior, 6(8), e00486.
Ninan, P. T., Rush, A. J., Crits-Christoph, P., Kornstein, S. G., Manber, R., Thase, M. E., Trivedi, M. H., Rothbaum, B. O., Zajecka, J., Borian, F. E., & Keller, M. B. (2002). Symptomatic and syndromal anxiety in chronic forms of major depression: Effect of nefazodone, Cogntive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy, and their combination. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 63(5), 434–441.
Parikh, S. V., Segal, Z. V., Grigoriadis, S., Ravindran, A. V., Kennedy, S. H., Lam, R. W., & Patten, S. B. (2009). Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) clinical guidelines for the management of major depressive disorder in adults II Psychotherapy alone or in combination with antidepressant medication. Journal of Affective Disorders, 117(Suppl 1), S15–S25.
Penberthy, J. K., Gioia, C. J., Konig, A., Martin, A. M., Cockrell, S. A., & Meshberg-Cohen, S. (2014). Co-occurring chronic depression and alcohol dependence: A novel treatment approach. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 13(2), 54–67.
Probst, T., Schramm, E., Heidenreich, T., Klein, J., & Michalak, J. (2020). Patients’ interpersonal problems as moderators of depression outcomes in a randomized controlled trial comparing mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy and a group version of the cognitive‐behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy in chronic depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(7), 1241–1254.
Manber, B. Arnow, C. Blasey, D. Vivian, J. P. McCULLOUGH, J. a. Blalock, D. N. Klein, J. C. Markowitz, L. P. Riso, B. Rothbaum, A. J. Rush, M. E. Thase, & M. B. Keller. (2003). Patient’s therapeutic skill acquisition and response to psychotherapy, alone or in combination with medication. Psychological Medicine, 33(4), 693–702.
Reuveni, I., Lauria, M., Monk, C., & Werner, E. (2021). The impact of childhood trauma on psychological interventions for depression during pregnancy and postpartum: A systematic review. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 24(3), 367–380.
Rief, W., Bleichhardt, G., Dannehl, K., Euteneuer, F., & Wambach, K. (2018). Comparing the efficacy of CBASP with two versions of CBT for depression in a routine care center: A randomized clinical trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87(3), 164–178.
Rush, A. J., Trivedi, M. H., Carmody, T. J., Ibrahim, H. M., Markowitz, J. C., Keitner, G. I., Kornstein, S. G., Arnow, B., Klein, D. N., & Manber, R. (2005). Self-reported depressive symptom measures: Sensitivity to detecting change in a randomized, controlled trial of chronically depressed, nonpsychotic outpatients. Neuropsychopharmacology, 30(2), 405–416.
Santiago, N. J., Klein, D. N., Vivian, D., Arnow, B. A., Blalock, J. A., Kocsis, J. H., Markowitz, J. C., Manber, R., Riso, L. P., Rothbaum, B. O., Rush, A. J., Thase, M. E., McCullough Jr., J. P., & Keller, M. B. (2005). The Therapeutic Alliance and CBASP-Specific Skill Acquisition in the Treatment of Chronic Depression. Cognitive Therapy & Research, 29(6), 803–817.
Santiago, N. J., Klein, D. N., Vivian, D., Vocisano, C., Dowling, F., Arnow, B. A., Manber, R., Markowitz, J. C., McCullough, J. P. Jr., Riso, L. P. L., Rothbaum, B. O., Rush, A. J., Thase, M. E., & Keller, M. B. (2002). Pretreatment correlates of the therapeutic alliance in the chronically depressed. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: On the Cutting Edge of Modern Developments in Psychotherapy, 32(4), 281–290.
Satvat Qasriki, H., Hashemi Nosratabad, T., Bakhshi Pour Roudsari, A., & Mahmoud Alilou, M. (2023). Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Analysis Psychotherapy System on Cognitive Reactivity and Reducing the Symptoms of Depressed Patients. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences, 20(4), 718–729.
Sayegh, L., Touré, E. H., Farquhar, E., Beaulieu, S., Renaud, S., Rej, S., & Perreault, M. (2020). Group Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP): A pilot study for bipolar depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11.
Schatzberg, A. F., Rush, A. J., Arnow, B. A., Banks, P. L. C., Blalock, J. A., Borian, F. E., Howland, R., Klein, D. N., Kocsis, J. H., Kornstein, S. G., Manber, R., Markowitz, J. C., Miller, I., Ninan, P. T., Rothbaum, B. O., Thase, M. E., Trivedi, M. H., & Keller, M. B. (2005). Chronic Depression: Medication (Nefazodone) or Psychotherapy (CBASP) Is Effective When the Other Is Not. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(5), 513–520.
Schramm, E., Kriston, L., Elsaesser, M., Fangmeier, T., Meister, R., Bausch, P., Zobel, I., Bailer, J., Wambach, K., Backenstrass, M., Klein, J. P., Schoepf, D., Schnell, K., Gumz, A., Löwe, B., Walter, H., Wolf, M., Domschke, K., Berger, M., … Härter, M. (2019). Two-year follow-up after treatment with the cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus supportive psychotherapy for early-onset chronic depression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 88(3), 154–164.
Schramm, E., Kriston, L., Zobel, I., Bailer, J., Wambach, K., Backenstrass, M., Klein, J. P., Schoepf, D., Schnell, K., Gumz, A., Bausch, P., Fangmeier, T., Meister, R., Berger, M., Hautzinger, M., & Härter, M. (2017). Effect of disorder-specific vs nonspecific psychotherapy for chronic depression: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 74(3), 233–242.
Schramm, E., Zobel, I., Dykierek, P., Kech, S., Brakemeier, E.-L., Külz, A., & Berger, M. (2011). Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus interpersonal psychotherapy for early-onset chronic depression: A randomized pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 129(1–3), 109–116.
Schramm, E., Zobel, I., Schoepf, D., Fangmeier, T., Schnell, K., Walter, H., Drost, S., Schmidt, P., Brakemeier, E.-L., Berger, M., & Normann, C. (2015). Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus escitalopram in chronic major depression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84(4), 227–240.
Schumacher, L., Meister, R., & Kriston, L. (2022). Using longitudinal symptom networks to assess symptom-specific effects of CBASP versus Supportive Psychotherapy for Chronic Depression.
Serbanescu, I., Backenstrass, M., Drost, S., Weber, B., Walter, H., Klein, J. P., Zobel, I., Hautzinger, M., Meister, R., Härter, M., Schramm, E., & Schoepf, D. (2020). Impact of baseline characteristics on the effectiveness of disorder-specific Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) and supportive psychotherapy in outpatient treatment for persistent depressive disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11.
Serbanescu, I., Schramm, E., Walter, H., Schnell, K., Zobel, I., Drost, S., Fangmeier, T., Normann, C., & Schoepf, D. (2024). Identifying subgroups with differential response to CBASP versus Escitalopram during the first eight weeks of treatment in outpatients with persistent depressive disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 274(3), 723–737.
Serbanescu, I., Walter, H., Schnell, K., Kessler, H., Weber, B., Drost, S., Groß, M., Neudeck, P., Klein, J. P., Assmann, N., Zobel, I., Backenstrass, M., Hautzinger, M., Meister, R., Härter, M., Schramm, E., & Schoepf, D. (2020). Combining baseline characteristics to disentangle response differences to disorder-specific versus supportive psychotherapy in patients with persistent depressive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 124.
Shankman, S. A., Campbell, M. L., Klein, D. N., Leon, A. C., Arnow, B. A., Manber, R., Keller, M. B., Markowitz, J. C., Rothbaum, B. O., & Thase, M. E. (2013). Dysfunctional attitudes as a moderator of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for chronic depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(1), 113–121.
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