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In The Spotlight


Professor Shobana Shankar's latest book An Uneasy Embrace: Africa, India, and the Spectre of Race has been named a finalist for the P. Sterling Stuckey Prize of the Association for the Worldwide Study of the African Diaspora.

Journal Cover

Drawing upon papers from the conference, "Global Sixties in the Global South" in May 2022 at the Humanities Institute,  Prof. Eric Zolov and Assoc. Professor Sohl Lee (Art History) coordinated a Special Issue for the journal, The Global Sixties.  You can read their Introduction to the Special Issue here.


Distinguished Professor Kathleen Wilson recently contributed to the forum, "Slavery and Empire Making" concerning the book, Tacky's War: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War (2020) by Vincent Brown in the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History.

Speaker Series

Prof. Eric Zolov will be in conversation with former Mexican Ambassador to the United States, Roberta Lajous, and former Mexican Foreign Minister, Jorge Castañeda, at Columbia University Thursday, Dec. 8 at 4pm (in person and via Zoom link)


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News and Announcements


Mike Davis

The Department of History mourns the loss Mike Davis, a former member of the department and author of numerous works dealing with themes of historical sociology, political economy, and social criticism.  For a remembrance by Professor Sara Lipton see here.

The Janes



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In The Media

Jose MinuveAllen

Latin American PhD students, José Miguel Munive Vargas and Nicolas Allen, provide an astute political and historical analysis of the current situation in Peru for the podcast, Africa is a Country.


Brenda Elsey,  PhD 2007 who currently teaches at Hofstra University, recently published an Op-Ed in the New York Times titled, "Lionel Messi is the Right Man for Argentina's Post-Macho Movement." The article discusses Messi's recent FIFA evolution and how that reflects Argentinian culture and politics.


PhD Candidate Gabe Tennen recently published a  piece in the New York Daily News online and print edition titled "Lessons from the Fires Last Time: Jews and Blacks in NYC." The article analyzes the complicated relationship between Black and Jewish people through the prism of the 1968 Oceanhill-Brownsville teacher's strike.  


Prof. Eric Zolov and his wife, Terri Gordon-Zolov (The New School), were recently interviewed about the making of their book, The Walls of Santiago, and their views on the current situation in Chile, "Los muros en Chile van a hablar por mucho tiempo" for the Chilean online magazine, Kmcero.


PhD Candidate, Ken Wohl recently wrote an op/ed blog in the Washington Post.  It takes up the election in Michigan and a statewide Democratic sweep in  offices through the lens of the state's long history as a champion of the labor movement.   

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