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Award winning Chilean writer Alejandro Zambra visits our Department!



Talk: Prof. Rafael Rojas Gutiérrez (CIDE, México)

"Traduciendo la Utopía. La revolución cubana en Nueva York"

Thursday April 28, 12.00 pm. Melville Library N3060


Tertulia Literaria

Wed. April 20th, 1.00 to 2.20 pm in our Community Room (Melville Library, next to N3060)


Talk by our college Aurélie Vialette (Stony Brook, Hispanic Languages and Lilterature)


Hispanic Languages Film Festival 2016: Under the Thumb

Free and open to the public. April 4, 5, 13 and 14 (2016) at 7 pm. Humanities 1006.


View full program

Thursday April 14 at 7pm Argentine director Julián Troksberg will be visiting us at the Festival. Please, join us for a discussion the director!


Talk by Prof. Gabriela Basterra (NYU): "Reason enjoined"

Tuesday, April 5, 4.30pm. Melville N3060


Conversation with Prof. Ruben Ríos Ávila, who will be discussing three books by Puerto Rican writer Eduardo Lalo (Premio Rómulo Gallegos 2013): Los países invisibles (2008), donde (2005) y El deseo del lápiz (2010). Open to the public.

Tuesday, March 29, at 2.30 pm in Melville Library N3060


Talk by Spanish writer and journalist José Manuel Fajardo

Monday March 21 at 2.30 pm in Melville Lib. N3060



Two talks by Prof. Adalberto Müller (Univ Federal Fluminense, Brazil)

Do samba à bossa nova: um panorama
Monday, February 8, 6-7:20 PM. Melville Library, Room N3060
This talk will be in Portuguese.

A short synthesis of Brazilian Popular music, focusing on the relation between melody and lyrics, and highlighting the connections between songs and historical transformations of the period 1930-1970. Songs by Noel Rosa, Nelson Cavaquinho, Tom Jobim, Vinícius de Moraes, João Gilberto, Chico Buarque, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Tomzé e Paulinho da Viola.

War and Representation in the Brazilian sertão: João Guimarães Rosa and Glauber Rocha

Wednesday, February 10, 3-4:30 pm. Melville Library, Room N3060.
This talk will be in English

Glauber Rocha's images of war refer at the same time to civil war in Canudos (1896-1897), especially as depicted by Euclides da Cunha in Os Sertões (1902), and to conflicts between the cangaceiros and the military from 1920 to 1937. In this talk we will discuss the essential role that João Guimarães Rosa’s novel Grande Sertão: Veredas (1956) plays in understanding Rocha's narrative aesthetics.


Adalberto Müller is Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói-Rio de Janeiro. He was a Visiting Scholar at Yale University in 2013 and a Visiting Professor at Université de Lyon2/France (Film Studies), and is currently a fellow researcher at CNPq and FAPERJ. Among many books, he recently published Orson Welles: banda de um homem só (Rio de Janeiro, 2015). He lectured at the University of Pennsylvania, Notre Dame University, SAIC Chicago, WWU Münster, Universität Wien, Paris III, and Universität Salzburg. In 2015 he was invited to a Colloque Cérisy-La-Salle on Francis Ponge. As filmmaker, he wrote and directed Wenceslau e a árvore do gramfone, a short film on the poetry of Manoel de Barros.

FALL 2015

Prof. Ada Ferrer (NYU): "Freedom's Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution"


Monday Nov. 30th, 2015, at 2.30 pm in Javitts Center 109

Talk by Prof. Peter Hulme (Univ Essex)

Poetas en Nueva York: The Hispanic Literary Presence, 1915-1921.

Dec 2, 1 to 2 pm. Melville Library N3060 (Hispanic Lang and Lit seminar room)


Prof. Peter Hulme, Professor in Literature at the University of Essex, is Visiting Scholar this semester in our Department at Stony Brook. He will be giving a talk in our Department and doing research in Melville library and the New York area.

Prof. Hulme has recently completed a critical edition of the previously unpublished autobiography of the Jamaican writer, W. Adolphe Roberts (1884-1962), published by the University of the West Indies Press (2015). He is currently working on a book provisionally titled The Dinner at Gonfarone's: Pan-American Writing in New York in 1919, which looks at the relationships between Hispanic and Anglo writers in New York in the early twentieth century.

He is author of very influential books in colonial and Caribbean studies, such as Colonial Encounters: Europe and the Native Caribbean (1986) (available in PDF). View a comprehensive list of his publications with links to free PDFs

A conversation with Chilean writer Lina Meruane

Lina Meruane (PhD NYU) is a Chilean writer and scholar established in New York. She was awarded the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize in 2012 and a Guggenheim fellowship in 2004, among other distinctions. Meruane has published more than ten books in fiction and criticism. She is currently a Master Teacher of Liberal Studies at New York University. Her most recent novel is titled Sangre en el ojo (2012).

Nov 12, from 5,30 to 6,50 in Melville Library N3063. In Spanish.


Graduate Student Conference. Narrative and Violence. Stony Brook Manhattan. Saturday Nov 14, 2015.

Keynote speaker: Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba (UT Austin).



Award winning novelist and literary critic Claudia Salazar Jiménez will be visiting our department!

Wednesday, Oct 28 at 2:30PM in Melville Library W4530. Join us for a reading and chat with the author!


Talk by Kirsty Hooper (University of Warwick)
“Genealogy, Mobility, and Family History in the Anglo-Hispanic Atlantic”

Wed Sept 23 (NEW DATE) @ 1pm in Melville Library N3060

hoophoop post

Three lives intersected by the Atlantic and by the shifting relations between the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Anglophone and Hispanophone worlds: Antonio Agacio, Jesusa Alfau de Solalinde and James Hooper. Three lives with varying visibility in the official records that capture their journeys across national, imperial and linguistic borders. Three lives whose resonances are not to be found in the published works of scholars, but in the ephemeral, digital world of newspaper archives, randomly digitized manuscripts and family historians. Locating its inquiry in the specific routes and encounters of the Anglo-Hispanic Atlantic, this paper asks to what extent the booming, largely digital world of family history can model new modes of inquiry for cultural scholars seeking to understand the lives and works of those whose place in the canon or the archive is fragile, contested, or even non-existent.



One of our advanced graduate students in our Department will present his dissertation research in the prestigious Provost's Graduate Student Lecture Series. Congratulations, Christian!

Christian Formoso (Hispanic Lang and Lit)
Heterotopias in the Magellan space: From Armas to the Utopia of the Antarctic
Humanities room 1008, May 7, 3 to 4 pm, 2015


Selknam Indians in Dawson Island (1896) (Strait of Magellan)

Julian of Toledo and his Story of Wamba

Prof. Joaquín Martínez-Pizarro (English, Stony Brook Univ)

Wed. May 6, 2015, from 1.00 pm to 2:15 pm, Hispanic Lang & Lit seminar room, Meville Library N3060


Joaquín Martínez Pizarro is Professor of English at Stony Brook University. He received his PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University in 1976. He was assistant professor at Oberlin College from 1978 to 1985 and joined the English Department at Stony Brook in 1987. He has published A Rhetoric of the Scene: Dramatic Narrative in the Early Middle Ages (Toronto Univ Press, 1989); Writing Ravenna: the Liber pontificalis of Andreas Agnellus (Univ Michigan Press, 1995); and The Story of Wamba: Julian of Toledo’s Historia Wambae regis, translated with an introduction and notes (Catholic Univ of America, 2005).

Talks, screennigs and conversation with Uruguayan filmmaker Aldo Garay


View at

Gender and the Contemporary Latin American Documentary. A Conversation with Uruguayan Director Aldo Garay.

Friday April 17, 3pm-5pm: SB Manhattan, Room 321B, Screening of clips of El hombre nuevo, winner of the Teddy Award at the 2015 Berlin Film Festival. Roundtable with AldoGaray, Adrián Pérez-Melgosa (SBU), and Carl Fischer (Fordham) (in Spanish). Reception to follow.

Screening of El casamiento / The Marriage (Aldo Garay 2011)

Tuesday April 21, 7pm-9pm: Humanities 1006, Part of the Hispanic Film Festival, Followed by Q&A with the director (in English and Spanish)

Uruguayan Transgender Shorts

Wednesday April 22, 5:30pm-7:00pm. Melville N3060, Screening of three short documentaries (La Gloria de Hércules, Señorita candidata and Un encuentro con Bety Faría) followed by a discussion with the director (in Spanish)

View poster

FILM FESTIVAL 2015 View program


Talk in Spanish by Hugo Achugar:"Teorías y políticas culturales en el Uruguay del Siglo XXI".

Wed April 14, 2015, 2.30 to 3.50 pm in Melville Lib W4530.


Tertulia Literaria: Spring Poetry Reading 2015.

Miércoles 22 de abril, 1:00pm- 2:20pm (Department Community Room)



Thursday, February 26th, 2015. Humanities Building 1008

10:30-11 Welcome

11-12:30 Session 1: Margarita Espada & Phillip Baldwin. Transatlantic Communities and Creative Technology Outreach

Margarita Espada and Phillip Baldwin will demonstrate their research and practical ways of using technology and body to create a transatlantic performance for an online community. The workshop will explore the use of neurosensor on the performer in the field of the IR (kinect) camera counterpointing the mind/body discourse and how they find through a floating city and instagram hashtags. The workshop will introduce participants in curricular to startup interactive media, telematics, coding ,transmedia forms, and creative technology outreach.

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:00 Session 2: La Poderosa Media Project (Joseph M. Pierce, Alejandra Zambrano, Jorge García, and Gabriela Espinosa)

The team will lead an intensive workshop demonstrating the theory and practice of community-based arts education as developed by La Poderosa Media Project. The workshop will focus on methods of artistic collaboration that facilitate community development, empathy, and empowerment. Students, faculty, and staff interested in visual and performing arts, international exchange, Latin American studies, community outreach, and youth cultures are encouraged to participate.

3:00-3:30 Closing Roundtable Discussion

Sponsored by the Humanities Institute of Stony Brook University. View poster



FEBRUARY 20 1:30 – 5:00PM -- Stony Brook Manhattan

Presented by Javier Uriarte (SBU) and Paul Firbas (SBU)

Pedro Meira Monteiro (Princeton Univ)
Paulo Moreira (Yale Univ)
Robert Newcomb (UC Davis)
Thiago Nicodemo (UERJ, Brazil)
Lilia Schwarcz (USP, Brazil)
Álvaro Fernández Bravo (CONICET)

Co-organized by Paul Firbas, Javier Uriarte and Pedro Meira Monteiro. View full program.

Sponsored by Stony Brook University: Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC), Department of History, Humanities Institute; and Princeton University: The Race and Citizenship in the Americas Network

View poster


From left to right: Thiago Nicodemo, Serge Gruzinsky, Aurelie Vialette, Paulo Moreira, Robert Newcomb, Álvaro Fernández Bravo, Pedro Meira Monteiro and Lilia Schwarcz


Prof. Thiago Nicodemo (UERJ, Brazil)

Feb 10th: on Sérgio Buarque e Holanda’s Raízes do Brasil
Feb 17th: on Gilberto Freyre's Casa Grande e Senzala
Feb 24th: on Chico Buarque’ novel Leite derramado (to be confirmed)

Tuesdays from 1.00 to 2:30 pm in the Dept seminar room (Meville Library N3060)


View poster

The course will be in Portuguese but the discussion will be in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
For any questions, please contact Prof. Javier Uriate (

Dr. Thiago Nicodemo is Professor of Brazilian History at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and Visiting Scholar at Stony Brook this spring 2015. He is a specialist in the work of Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, one of Latin America’s finest essayist and intellectuals, who came to Stony Brook as visiting professor in 1966 (Sergio Buarque is also father of the very famous musician Chico Buarque). Prof. Nicodemo is author of two books:
Urdidura do Vivido. Visão do Paraíso e a Obra de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda nos Anos 1950 (2008) and Alegoria Moderna. Crítica literária e história da literatura na obra de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (2014).

Pedro M. Cátedra(Professor Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)

“La autoridad de las letras en los siglos XVI y XVII

Monday, February 9, 2015 • 4:00 PM. Room N-3060 – Melville Library


FALL 2014

Graduate Student Conference


November 14, 2014, 9 am to 5 pm. Stony Brook-Manhattan campus.


Thanks to Prof. Susan Martin Márquez for her wonderful talk!!

Click here for full program schedule. Click here for Poster in PDF and for Call for Papers in English or Spanish.

The Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature and the Latin American and Caribbean Center
present a talk in Spanish by the Paraguayan Ambassador in Portugal

Luis Fretes Carreras (Centro de Estudos Internacionais, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)



Wednesday, October 22, 2014, from 1.00 pm to 2.15 pm
LACC Seminar Room, Social and Behavioral Sciences N320

See poster here

​The Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature, the Program in Public Health, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center, the Humanities Institute, and the departments of Philosophy and Cultural Analysis and Theory invite you to the upcoming conference:

L A T I N O P E D A G O G I E S : Theorizing a Transnational Experience





9:45 am: Opening Remarks

10:00-10:50 am: U.S. Latino/a Poems as Social Media: A Performalist Pedagogy
Urayoán Noel, New York University

11:00-11:50 am: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on the Construction of Latinidad: Language and the Classification of Latina/os in the US Census
Jennifer Leeman, George Mason University

12:00-12:50 pm: Pedagogies of the Brown Queer
Richard T. Rodríguez, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

2:30-3:20 pm: Grey’s (Multi-ethnic) Anatomy: A Corazón Abierto and the Racial Politics of Format Adaptation
Yeidy Rivero, University of Michigan

3:30-4:20 pm: Circuits of the Sacred: Preliminary Thoughts on Eros, Spirit and Pedagogy
Carlos Ulises Decena, Rutgers University

4:30-5:20 pm: Aquí y Allá: Transnational Ties, Gender, and Latino Immigrant Health
Carmela Alcántara, Columbia University Medical Center

TALK organized by Memory in the Disciplines and the Dept of Hispanic Languages and Literature

From Athens to Jerusalem Civil War Memory in Spain (1975-2014)

Prof. Alejandro Baer (Univ of Minnesota)

Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the

Discussant: Prof Daniela Flesler (Stony brook Univ)

October 2, 2:30pm to 3:50 pm

The Poetry Center (Humanities 2001). Click here for poster!

International Conference: "Mentiras y secretos en el teatro hispánico del Siglo de Oro".

Friday Oct 3, 2014 from 9.30 am to 5.45 pm, Humanities 2001

posterposterFull poster and program

Lecture series on Racialized Representations of Gender in Spain and Latin America

"Lemebel Post Lemebel: Performance, Writing and the Queering of Memory in Chile"

Fernando A. Blanco (Bucknell University)

Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 2pm
Melville N3060
Lunch will be provided at 1pm (see poster here)

Fernando A. Blanco is Assistant Professor of Spanish at Bucknell University. He is author of Desmemoria y Perversión. Privatizar lo Público, Mediatizar lo Intimo, Administrar lo Privado (2010). Additionally he has edited Reinas de Otro Cielo. Modernidad y Autoritarismo en la Obra de Pedro Lemebel (2004) and Desdén al infortunio: Sujeto, comunicación y público en la narrativa de Pedro Lemebel (2010). His research interests include memory narratives in the Southern Cone and Central America within the framework provided by Trauma and Holocaust Studies and sexuality studies focusing on the textual representation of sexual minorities and the struggle for sexual citizenship in the Latin American region.


SPN 405 History and Politics of Art during the Spanish Golden Age at the Museum

Prof. Fernando Loffredo and his students at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York this May 2014


Workshop: Community + Arts + Education

Can study abroad become community engagement?
Can the arts empower youth?
Can filmmaking create empathy?

Come and participate in a conversation with professors and activists fromLa Poderosa Media Project:

Alejandra Zambrano, Jorge García and Joseph M. Pierce


Friday, February 21, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM in Melville Library N-3060

This interactive workshop will discuss methods of artistic intervention and community engagement that have been employed by La Poderosa Media Project across Latin America and the United States over the past eight years. Workshop facilitators will emphasize the connection between arts programs and community-based pedagogies that can be applied to university curricula, nonprofit organizations, and social enterprises. Students, faculty, and staff are all welcome to attend.

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Prof. Lilia Moritz Schwarcz (University of São Paulo)


pdebret[More info]

Wednesday, February 26 at 2:30 PM in the Wang Center Theater

Sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Dept of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Dept of History and Dept of Sociology.

Symposium in Honor of Prof. Lou Charnon Deutsch

On Friday March 7 we are holding a day-long symposium to celebrate Lou's work at Stony Brook and beyond. The symposium will be held in Melville N3060, from 10 am to 5 pm. The day will conclude with a wine and cheese reception from 5 to 6:30 pm in the Hilton Garden Inn (on campus), open for all attending the symposium. [Full Program]

Please come and share in the event! It will also be a great chance to welcome former students back to Stony Brook. [Poster]





Professional Development Workshop for Graduate Students

With professors Javier Uriarte and Joseph M. Pierce

March 12, 2014, 1-2.30pm in Melville Library N3060
Hosted by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature

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Talk Series: Racialized Representations of Gender in Spain and Latin America



  • 1. Mon. Mar. 24, Film Screening ofAngelitos Negros (dir. Joselito Rodríguez, 1948), 2pm (Melville N3060)
  • 2. Wed. Mar. 26, Prof. Ben Sifuentes (Rutgers Univ): “The Genealogy of Angelitos Negros: Foundational Fictions, Melodrama, and the Erotics of Race,” 1pm(Melville N3060)
  • 3. Wed. Apr. 2, Prof. Silvia Bermudez (UC Santa Barbara): "Migration, Music, and the Processes and Practices of Imagining Race in Contemporary Spain," 1pm (place TBA)
  • 4. Wed. Apr. 16, Film screening of Dzi Croquettes, 1pm (Melville N3060)


The Hispanic Languages and Literatures Department presenta:

Al fin del día. Poesía completa 1958-2013
Encuentro con Pedro Lastra
NEW DATE: Monday April 7, 1:00 to 2:20 PM (Room N3060)*


“Yo vivo también en un país extranjero
en el cual me dedico
a inocentes e inútiles tareas,
y en el que seguramente moriré
a la hora señalada,
como suele ocurrirle a la gente
en lo que llaman su propio país
o su país ajeno, pues no hay sino distancias
mayores o menores de frontera a frontera,
con líneas divisorias que uno mismo dibuja”

(de “Datos personales”)

Funding provided by The Graduate School’s “Building Graduate Communities” Initiative
*Lunch will be served

FALL 2013

tallersee poster

NEW PHOTOS FROM OUR 2013 TALLER! (click here or on pics)


Yolanda Martínez San Miguel (Rutgers University)

"Fantasy as Identity: Beyond Foundational Narratives in Lourdes Casal"

Monday, Oct 14 at 4 pm in the Wang Center Theater

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Racialized Representations of Gender in Spain and Latin America Lecture Series (I)

Screening of Ocaña, retrat intermitent

Tuesday Oct. 15, 2013

Melville N3060 at 1:30PM

esee poster here

Talk by Eva Woods (Vassar College)

"Recuperating Radical Epistemologies: Intersectionality in Ocaña, retrat intermitent"

Wednesday Oct. 16, 2013 

Melville N3060 at 4:30PM


The Latin American and Caribbean Center: New Faculty Colloquium (I)

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Lori Flores (History): "Fields of Division: The Relationships Between Mexicans and Mexican Americans in U.S. Agriculture, 1940-1970".
Joseph Pierce (Hispanic Lang & Lit): “Este niño de mala raza: Regulating Kinship in Carlos O. Bunge's La novela de la sangre"

Discussant: Melissa Forbis (CAT and Sociology)

Wednesday Oct 23, 1.00 pm to 2.10 pm in LACC seminar room (Social & Behavioral Sciences N320)

The Latin American and Caribbean Center: New Faculty Colloquium (II)

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Nancy Hiemstra(Cultural Analysis and Theory): “Migration, Forced Return, and Insecurity: Examining Reverberations of U.S. Detention and Deportation Policies in Ecuador”

Javier Uriarte (Hispanic Lang & Lit): “Adventure, Colonialism, and the Construction of a New Frontier: Theodore Roosevelt's Through the Brazilian Wilderness (1914)”

Discussant: Paul Firbas (Hispanic Lang & Lit)

Wednesday Oct 30, 1.00 pm to 2.10 pm in LACC seminar room (Social & Behavioral Sciences N320)


Talk by Mary Louise Pratt (New York University)
If English was good enough for Jesus... Monolinguism and mala fe.

Monday, March 11th, 2:30 PM in the Humanities Building 1008.

Abstract: The well known "if English was good enough for Jesus..." joke offers a rare self-conscious glimpse of US society's craziness around language, and the religious and geopolitical entanglements involved. This lecture will try to sort out some of that craziness, going back to Teddy Roosevelt's writings in the Kansas City Star (1917-19), and back further to the Tower of Babel, seemingly scheduled for reconstruction in some regions of the United States. Examples from contemporary language politics in the Andean region will help illuminate the enduring mutations of empire and coloniality in the contemporary Americas, and then we'll ask where as a society we can go from here.

Cosponsored by the Departments of Hispanic Languages and Literaratures, Cultural Analsys and Theory and the Humanities Institute


(Re)turning to Ruins

film 2013Click for full poster in PDF

Mar 4-7, 2013. 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm in Humanities 1006

Prof. Adrián Perez Melgosa's Book Presentation

adrian linro web

You are cordially invited to the presentation of Adrián-Pérez Melgosa’s book titled Cinema and Inter-American Relations: Tracking Transnational Affect (Routledge, 2012).

The presentation will take place on March 13 in Melville Library Building, 3060 at 1-2 pm. In addition, you will have an opportunity to meet and welcome the new graduate students who will join our Department in Fall 2013.

Film presentation and Q/A with Edgardo Dieleke & Julieta Vitullo

La forma exacta de las islas / The Exact Shape of the Islands

A film by Daniel Casabé y Edgardo Dieleke (2012)

julieta Malvinasposter Exact shape small

In Prof. Firbas’ HUS 254 Latin America Today
Monday April 1, 2013, Melville Library W4550 from 2.30 to 3.50 pm

The film starts with a home movie that documents the first travel of Julieta, a PhD student, into the Falkland Islands in 2006, where she accidentally meets two Argentine veterans of the Malvinas War of 1982. The movie follows successive travels in different temporalities and spaces, including the narratives of Darwin, Fogwill, Gamerro, as well as war testimonies and the declarations of islanders, Julia and the film directors. The result is a complex weave of voices, images and scarred memories: “there are two bites torn out of the heart of every one of us, and they are the exact shape of the islands”. It is through its many crossings that this marvelous and touching movie tries to find the shapes of those bites while searching for healing and hope.

Edgardo Dieleke (Ph.D Princeton), filmmaker and scriptwriter, teaches at NYU-Bs. As. Together with D. Casabé, he directed the films Cracks de nácar (2011) and La forma exacta de las islas.

Julieta Vitullo (Ph.D. Rutgers), co-writer and character of the film, is author of Las islas imaginadas. La Guerra de Malvinas en la literatura y el cine argentinos (Bs As: Corregidor, 2012).

See full poster here. Co-sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC). Pictures of this event.

Presentation of New of Books of Spanish as a Second Language

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Come and see the new publications and technologies on teaching Spanish as a Second Language!

Friday April 5th, from 12.30 to 4 pm in Melville N3060

Talk by Prof. Jo Labanyi (New York University)

The Multiple Temporalities of Memory: The Contested Memory of the Spanish Civil War in Contemporary Spain

See poster here

Wed April 10th at 1 pm, location to be announced

Prof. Labanyi's talk is one of three lectures in the College of Arts and Sciences's Dean's Interdisciplinary Lecture Series at Stony Brook University (spring 2013), connected to the three linked graduate courses on “Memory, Tourism and the Heritage Industry in contemporary Spain” (Hispanic Languages, Prof. Daniela Flesler), “Human Rights” (Sociology, Prof. Daniel Levy) and “Global Ethics” (Philosophy, Prof. Serene Khader).

Sponsored by the office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Lecture Series on Global Ethics, Human Rights, and Historical Memory; and the Humanities Institute.

Tertulia Literaria: Spring Poetry Reading by Stony Brook Students

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Miércoles 17 de abril 1:00PM- 2:20PM. Sala Común Departamental

Nuestra Tertulia Literaria representa la magia de quienes unen precozmente palabras para formar versos y la de quienes han hecho de la lengua su segundo yo. Los poemas pueden ser escritos en español o en code-switching.

Preguntas: Prof. Lilia Ruiz Debbe

HEMISPHERIC BRAZIL. Conference at Stony Brook University

Brazilian Studies from a Trans-American Perspective. New perspectives on an ongoing dialogue.

hemispheric Brazilclick here for poster

Friday, April 26th, 9:30 AM - 5 PM. Stony Brook University, Humanities Building 1008.


André Botelho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Tiffany Joseph (Harvard University/ Stony Brook University)

Micaela Kramer (Rutgers University)

Alan P. Marcus (Towson University)

Bryan Mc Cann (Georgetown University)

Pedro Meira Monteiro (Princeton University)

Dylon Robbins (New York University)

Mariano Siskind (Harvard University)

Click here for poster in PDF

For live streaming on the web, go to:

Morning sessions, 10.15 to 12.45 (click here)

Afternoon session, 1.45 to 4.15 (click here)

Talk by Prof. Ulla Berg (Rutgers Univ)

"Mediated Migrations: Peruvians between the Andes and the US"

ulla bergandinas bergSee poster

Monday, April 29. 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Melville Library, Room W4550
Guest in Prof. Firbas HUS 254. Co-sponsored with Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Ulla Berg is Assistant Professor in the Departments of Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies and Anthropology at Rutgers University. Click here for more information on her work.

FALL 2012

Conversación con Javier Cercas

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Wednesday Nov. 28, 2012, at 1 p.m
Seminar room, Melville Library N3060

Beatriz Jaguaribe (UF Rio de Janeiro)

"Disenchanted Cities: Realist Aesthetics and the Urban Experience"


Talk in Prof. Uriarte's HUS 254. Open to the university community
Javits Lecture Hall 103. Wed Nov. 14th at 4.00 pm

More info (poster)

The Accursed Circumstance:

Virgilio Piñera Centennial Conference at Stony Brook University

Virgilioposter Piñera [click on poster]

Nov 8, 1:00pm - 4:15pm [click here forfull schedule on Thursday at SB main campus]
Stony Brook Univ, Main Campus
Wang Center, Lecture Hall 1

Provostial Lecure by Thomas Anderson (Univ of Notre Dame): Virgilio Piñera Lost in Translations

Nov 9, 9:30am - 8:00pm [click here for full schedule]
Stony Brook -Manhattan
387 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor
(entrance at 101 East 27th Street)

With the participation of Gerard Aching, Mariana Amato, Thomas Anderson, Jorge Brioso, Lena Burgos-Lafuente, Arcadio Díaz Quiñones, Ana María Dopico, Abilio Estévez, Licia Fiol-Matta, Javier Guerrero, Noel Luna, Modesto Milanés, Antonio José Ponte, Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia, José Quiroga, Enrique del Risco, Rafael Rojas, Aurea María Sotomayor.

Charlas íntimas del 435 (Open to our graduate students and faculty)

Zaida Corniel (Stony Brook Univ.): Postales turísticas en la narrativa de Aurora Arias. Lectura y discusión
jueves 25 de octubre, 1.00 a 2.20 pm (Melville Library N3060)

Juan Álvarez (Columbia Univ.): Narrativa colombiana actual [Cancelled due to storm]
Martes 30 de octubre, 1.00 a 2.20 pm (Melville Library N3060)

Estas charlas forman parte del curso del pregrado SPN 435 Contemporary Latin American Literature (Prof. Paul Firbas)

Andrés Di Tella @ Stony Brook: Lecture, films, conversations and US première of Hachazos

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Andres Di Tella's films at Stony Brook (open to the university community. All films with English subtitles.)

Monday Oct 8
6 pm El país del Diablo/The Devil´s Country (72 min) in Prof. Uriarte’s SPN 500 seminar (Melville N3062)

Tuesday Oct 9
4.30-7.00 pm Fotografías (110 min) and open discussion with director (Humanities 1008)

Wednesday Oct 10
4.00-5.20 pm Montoneros, una historia (89 min) in Prof. Burgos-Lafuente's SPN 312 class (Melville W4535)

5.30-7.00 pm Hachazos/Blows of the Axe (80 min) in Prof. Burgos-Lafuente's seminar and discussion with director (Melville N3060)

di tella hachazosdi tella país

Provostial Lecture: "Narrative and Intimacy in the Documentary"

Wednesday Oct 10, 1:00 pm, Humanities Building, Room 1006 (See more)

Abstract: This lecture will explore how first-person narratives have transformed the documentary in Latin America, bringing a new political meaning to intimacy. The talk will be illustrated with clips from the work of Andrés Di Tella and others.

di tella ruinasdi tella india

Sponsored by Latin American and Caribbean Center, Humanities Institute, Office of the Provost, Hispanic Lang and Lit and the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity

Homo ludens. Juego y espectáculo en el teatro, la literatura y el arte del Siglo de Oro

homo ludens
Conference organized by Stony Brook University and GRISO-Universidad de Navarra

Sept 7, 2012, 9 am to 5 pm. Stony Brook University main campus
LACS Conference Room @ Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320

Programa del congreso (schedule)



"Romania Nova: Romance Languages in the Americas"

Francisco Ordóñez, Dept of Hispanic Languages & Literature, Stony Brook University
APRIL 18th, 12:50-2:10 PM @ SBS Bldg., Room N320




"Property rights: Autobiography and the ownership of life"
Sylvia Molloy, New York University
Wed, Mar. 7th 12:50-2:10pm,
Room N3060, Melville Library
Sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature


"Endangered Languages of New York City"
Daniel Kaufman, Founder and Co-Director of the “Endangered Language Alliance"
Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 4pm, Hum 1006 (reception to follow)
More info



"Spanish in New York, Spanish of New York, or Spanglish?"
Ricardo Otheguy (CUNY)
Wed, Mar. 14th, 4pm, Hum 1006 (reception to follow at Hum 1052)



"Trans-nationalizing Popular Culture"

Stony Brook University
Latin American & Caribbean Studies Center
11th Annual Graduate Conference
(deadline Feb 28)
Friday, April 20, 2012
at Stony Brook Manhattan Campus
More Information on LAC/conference



FALL 2011



Talk on Mon, Dec 12, 2011 Juan Villoro: Oblivion: A Personal History of Mexico City

Melville Library, W4550

12:45 am to 2:10 pm


Event on Wed, Nov 30, 2011
Taller Cultural Hispano: Un espacio para compartir la lengua y la cultura hispana

Common Study Room, Hispanic Languages Department, Melville Library, room N3041

at 12:45 am to 2:10 pm




Talk on Wed, Nov 16, 2011:

Judith Hellman (York University) "The Changing World of Mexican Migrants"

Social Behavioral Sciences Building, LACC, Room N320

12:50 to 2:10pm



Talk on Wed, Nov 16, 2011:

Javier Uriarte (Stony Brook Univ) "Guerra en Terra Incognita: Letters from the Battle Fields of Paraguay de Richard F. Burton"

Melville Library, N3060

11:30 am to 12:30 pm


Event on Wed., Nov 16, 2011:

Stony Brook Cinelites: Selected Papers from the International Conference of Hispanic Film and Literature, Portland (2011)

Common Study Room, Hispanic Languages Department, Melville Library

12:50 to 2:10 pm

Talk on Wed, Nov 9, 2011:

John Mraz (Univ. de Puebla and Princeton Univ.) "Historizing Photographs: A View from Mexico"

Social Behavioral Sciences Building, LACC, Room N320

12:50 to 2:10pm

Co-esponsored by the History Department


Mini Film Festival, From Nov.1 to Nov. 4:

Hispanic Languages Mini Film Fest: Liquid Identities, Living across borders

Humanities, Room 1006

Wed. Nov. 1 to Nov.3 (2011): 6:30 to 8:30pm; Nov.4 (2011), 1:30 to 3:30 pm

Sponsored by the Hispanic Languages and Literatures Department, The Humanities Institute, The Latin American and Carribean Center, and The Graduate Student Organization



Talk on Wed, Nov 2, 2011:

Julie Hempel "Calacas, Damas, Catrines y Muertitos: The Lotería of Mexican and Chicana/o Identities" (Austin College)

LACS Seminar and Conference Room @ Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320

12:45 to 2:10 pm

Co-Sponsored by the Hispanic Languages Department




Round Table/Mesa redonda on Wed, Oct. 26, 2011:

“Profiteering, Public Education, and Social Movements in Chile 2011”

LACS Seminar and Conference Room @ Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320

12:45 to 2:10 pm




Documentary on Wed, Oct. 5, 2011:

Imagining Mina (2010)

LACS Seminar and Conference Room @ Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320

12:45 to 2:10 pm

Fall 2010



Arcadio Díaz Quiñones (Princeton University)

"Literatura y artes gráficas en Puerto Rico"
Miércoles 17 de Nov. 2010, 12.45 pm in Melville N3060




Cooking Up Dreams: A Dialogue with Documentarist Ernesto Cabellos

Peruvian documentarist Ernesto Cabellos will be presenting and discussing clips from his three documentaries: Choropampa: The Price of Gold (2002); Tambogrande: Magos, Murder, Mining (2007); and his recent work on Peruvian food and national culture, Cooking Up Dreams (De ollas y sueños, 2009)

The presentation will be in English in Prof. Firbas’s HUS 254 “Latin America Today.”
Wed. April 28 from 2.20-3.40 pm in Javits 103

Fall 2009


>> Colloquium: "Heritage Tourism and Its Vicissitudes"

Prof. Diane Barthel-Bouchier (Sociology, Stony Brook Univ.)
Prof. Daniela Flesler (Hispanic Lang & Lit., Stony Brook Univ.)
Prof. Adrián Pérez Melgosa (Hispanic Lang. & Lit., Stony Brook Univ.)

Humanities Institute at Stony Brook,

Wed. Dec 2, 2009 at 2.30 pm in Humanities 1008

(Heritage Tourism Poster.pdf)


>> Hispanic Language & Literature Colloquium 2009-2010

Prof. Katy Vernon: "'Anna Montserrat Barcelona,'or Reading Marta Balletbo-Coll's Costa Brava with Woody Allen". Anna Shilova (Stony Brook Univ graduate student) Sor Juana y María Luisa (Bemberg): Vida y obra en transgresión." Wednesday, Novemeber 18, 2009; 12:45 - 2:00, Melville Library N3060


>> Prof. Agnes Lugo-Ortiz (Univ. of Chicago)

"Injurious Laughter: Visual Humor and the Aftermath of Slavery in Cuba"

Wed. Oct. 7
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm Melville Library N3060

>> Hispanic Language & Literature Colloquium 2009-2010
Prof. Junyoung Verónica Kim: "Borders Within Cities: The Topography of Power in the Global Order". Salma Ralph (Stony Brook Univ graduate student): "Reclaiming Space at the Borderlands in Helena Viramontes's Their Dogs Came with Them". Wednesday, October 21, 2009; 12:45 - 2:00, Melville Library N3060


>> Other Hollywoods / Hollywoods and Its Others

Talks by film director Cheryl Dunye, Lalitha Gopalan (UT Austin), Manthia Diawara (NYU), Marvin D'Lugo (Clark U), film director François Woukoache and Brian Larkin (Columbia)

See full schedule and brochure

Organized by Profs. Patrice Nganang, Shirley Lim and Adrián Pérez Melgosa.

>>Hispanic Language & Literature Colloquium 2009-2010

Zaida Corniel (Stony Brook Univ graduate student), "La mirada hacia el “Otro” una construcción “post tourists” en “¿Quién Diablos es Juliette? y Sanky Panky"; y Prof. Paul Firbas (Stony Brook Univ), "El Pueblo negro en Luis Palés Matos". Sept. Wed 30, 12:45 - 2:00. Melville Library N3060.


>> 4th Annual Hispanic Languages and Literature Graduate Student Conference

Places of Aesthetics:

Concept of Beauty in Latin-American and Spanish Literature.

April 9-10, 2009

Call for papers (see here)

FALL 2008


>>Taller de Acentuación.

Wed. 17, 12.45-2pm. En el Laboratorio. 5to piso. Orientado a los estudiantes de la especialidad y estudiantes avanzados de Lengua.

>>Hispanic Language & Literature Colloquium 2008-2009

Sharona Frederico (Stony Brook Univ graduate student), "La imagen del esclavo negro en la literatura y la pintura colonial: El blanco conceptualiza al otro"; y Prof. Veronica Kim (Stony Brook Univ), "Disrupting 'El mito blanco': A Study of the Korean Immigrant Community in Buenos Aires". Wed. 24, 12:45 - 2:00. Melville Library N3060.


>> Violence in the Hispanic World in the 16th and 17th century / La violencia en el mundo hispánico en los siglos XVI y XVII.

Co-organized by our Department and GRISO (Universidad de Navarra, Spain). October 9 and 10, 2008 at Stony Brook University main campus.

Full conference schedule here on PDF

>> Película: "María llena eres de gracia" (Colombia-USA, 2004, dir. Joshua Marston). Wed. Oct. 15, 12.45-2pm. Melville Library N3060. Presentada por Tatiana Rzhevsky.

>> Conferencia de Pedro Lastra (prof. emérito, Stony Brook Univ.): "Testimonios de José María Arguedas". En el seminario del prof. Paul Firbas. Viernes oct. 17, 4-5.30 pm. Melville Library N3060.

>> The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook. Conference: "The Eighteen Century Cosmopolis: Global Cities and Citizens in the Age of Sail". Oct. 23-24, 2008 Stony Brook Manhattan . More info here.


>> Hispanic Languages & Literature Colloquium 2008-9. Dean Allbritton (Stony Brook Univ), "On Infirm Ground: Ill Masculinities in El mar." Prof. Adrián Pérez Melgosa (Stony Brook Univ), "Reaction Shots: The Role of Camera Technique and Inter-American Affects." Wed., Nov. 5, 2008. 12:45 - 2:00. Melville Library N3060.


>>IX Taller Cultural Hispano. Wed Dec. 3, 12.45-2pm, en el Departamento. Con la participación activa de los TA’s, lectores y profesores.

>> Join us for the final Hispanic Languages & Literature Colloquia of Fall 08! Dissertation presentations by two of our advanced ABD students, with a brief Q&A afterwards. Melissa Culver González and Victor Pueyo Zoco. Wednesday, December 10, 2008, from 12:45 - 2:00 in Melville Library N3060.


>>Talk by Chilean poet and scholar Pedro Lastra: "El encuentro en el Nuevo Mundo y las incitaciones poéticas de la extrañeza". Feb. 7, 3:oo-4:30 pm in Prof. Firbas's graduate seminar in Melville Library N 3062.

 >>Lecture by Prof. Víctor García Ruiz (Univ. de Navarra): "Nada, de Carmen Laforet. Del tremendismo a Juan Ramón Jiménez." Friday, Feb. 15, 3:30 pm in Melville Libarry N3060.
 >>Stony Brook’s New LACS Faculty Colloquium: Winnifred Brown-Glaude, Africana Studies. Wed. Feb. 20 at 12:50-2:10 pm in Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320
>> Graduate Student Colloquium: "After Theory: Hispanism at the Crossroads/ Después de la teoría: el hispanismo en la encrucijada." Friday and Saturday, March 7 & 8, 2008 in Wang Center 201.   See full program in pdf. Go to the conference blog.

>> Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACC) 7th annual graduate student conference: “Inventing the Americas." Keynote Speaker Prof. Walter Mignolo (Duke Univ.). Friday and Sturday, March 14-15, 2008 at the Stony Brook Manhattan Campus.

>> Stony Brook’s New LACS Faculty Colloquium: Paul Firbas, Hispanic Languages & Literature. "An Andean Colonial Text: Don Quixote and the Inca (1607)." Tuesday, Mach 25 at 4:00-6:00 pm in Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320.

>> Talk by Prof. Jorge Brioso (SUNY Albany): "La muerte de la teoría y el regreso de la poesía: Rubén Darío y los poderes de los arcaico". Wed. March 26 at 5.30 pm in Melville Library N3060.


>> The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook: "Brilliant Corners: Jazz and Its Cultures." April 3-5, 2008. More information (PDF poster).

>>Stony Brook’s New LACS Faculty Colloquium: Rachel Price, Hispanic Languages & Literature. "Animal life, bare life, barren lives: Vidas Secas." Monday, April 14 at 4:00-6:00 pm in Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320.

>> Conference. "Violence in Latin America: New Realities, Emerging Representations." April 18 - 19, 2008 in Stony Brook Manhattan, New York City. See full schedule here/Programa>

Click here for Poster in PDF


>> Stony Brook’s New LACS Faculty Colloquium: Jennifer Anderson, History Department. Thursday, May 1 at 2:00-4:00 pm in Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg., N320.

FALL 2007


>>Doctoral Defense by Natalia Núñez Bargueño. "Barcelona múltiple: transformaciones urbanas, ciudadanos, visitantes e inmigrantes. De ‘ciudad condal’ vencida a urbe postolímpica." Adviser: Prof. Daniela Flesler. Sept. 26 at 12:40 pm in Melville Library N3062.

>>Talk by Prof. Teresa Vilarós (University of Aberdeen). "La gauche divine de Barcelona: vanguardia y banalidad". Tuesday Sept. 25 at 2:30pm. Seminar Room Library N3062


>> "450 Women Have Been Murdered in Ciudad Juárez." Guest speakers and artwork depicts unsolved crimes occurring on the border of U.S and Mexico’s Ciudad Juárez. Sponsored by LACC and Sigma Lambda Upsilon/ Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. Thursday Oct. 4, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, at the Student Activities Center Art Gallery.

>>Cosmopolitanism and Globalization: Memory· Spaces· Cities· Images. Conference organized by the Humanities Institute. Oct. 10 to 13 . See full schedule.

>>Talk by Federico Finchelstein, "Christianized Fascism" (The New School). Organized by the The New York City Latin American History Workshop (NYCLAHW), an inter-university project. Friday, Oct. 26, 12:00-2:00 pm at Stony Brook Manhattan (401 Park Ave. South at 28th St, 2nd Floor)

>>Tak by Prof. Sujatha Fernandes (Queen College, CUNY)."Cuba Represent! Rap Music and Racial Politics in Contemporary Cuba." Tuesday Oct. 30 at 2:30 pm in Melville Library. Room TBA.


>> Doctoral Defense by Melanie Catherine Simpson. "The persistence of difference: Mythologies of essentialism, the Anglophone world and modern Spanish cultural identity." Adviser: Prof. Daniela Flesler. Nov. 2 at 10: 30 am in Melville Library N3062.

>>Talk by Laura Freixas." Souls in Purgatory - Or How I Became a Writer Thanks to Francisco Franco, My Mother and Simone de Beauvoir." Co-sponsored by Hispanic Languages and Literature, Comparative Litearary and Cultural Studies, Women's Studies and the Humanities Institute. Monday Nov. 5 at 4 pm in Melville Library N3060.

>>Lecture by Prof. Alain Badiou (European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland). "The Affirmative Part of Negation: A Poetical Paradigm for Philosophy." Organized by the Provost's Lecture Series. Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 4:00 pm in the Student Activities Center (SAC) Auditorium.

>>Undergraduate Mayor Event. Come and talk with our Faculty about your major o minor in Spanish. Wed. Nov. 14 from 12:oo to 2:00 pm in the Student Activity Center.

>>Talk by Prof. Paul Firbas (Stony Brook Univ, Dept of Hispanic Lang & Lit)."Maroon Societies in Early Spanish Colonial Geographies". Wed. Nov. 14 at 4:00 pm in Social and Behavioral Sciences N320.

>>Talk by Prof. Rachel Price (Stony Brook Univ, Dep of Hispanic Lang & Lit). "The Spirit of Martí." Friday Nov. 16 at 2:oo pm in Melville Library. Room TBA.

>>Taller Cultural Hispano. Homenaje a Rigoberta Menchú. Bailes, recitales y comidas típicas, con la participación de estudiantes y profesores. El miércoles 28 de noviembre de 12:45 a 2:10 pm, en el Dept of Hispanic Languages and Literature.

>>Talk by linguist Prof. Liliana Sánchez (Rutgers University) on Quechua language: "Peripheral Domains, Informational Structure and AGREE in Quechua." Friday Nov. 30 at 3:30 in SAC 304. Organized by the Dept of Linguistics.


>> Canceled: Documentary screening and talk by director Ernesto Cabellos (Guarango Videos, Peru). "Tambogrande: Mangos, Murder, Mone" (52 min.)


Feminist Campus Colloquium Presents : Feminist Ecologics

Prof. Gabriela Polit (Hispanic Languages and Lit). "The Ecology of Words: A Genealogy of Andean Cultures in the Cocaine Era." Thursday, April 19 at 4:30 pm.

Prof. Heidi Hutner (English). "Ecofeminism, Motherhood, and the Post-Apocalyptic Utopia in Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents,and Into the

Forest." Thursday, March 1 at 4:30 pm. Refreshments will be served.

Co-sponsored by the Women’s Studies Program and HISB. In the HISB Room 1008 Humanities Building

FALL 2006

Memories of Modernity
An International Conference on Hispanic Cinemas
November 10-11, 2006
Stony Brook Manhattan, Park Ave and 28th St., New York, NY



Arms and Letters: Old and New Violence in Hispanic Literature. Saturday, April 9th 2005 at the Wang Center, Stony Brook University.

This Graduate Student Conference is being organized by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature, at Stony Brook University. The event is co-sponsored by the Humanities Institute.


In Celebration of the Jorge Carrera Andrade Collection
Wednesday April 20, 2005
The Javits Room / 2nd Floor Frank Melville Jr. Memorial Library
Participants Gabriela Polit-Dueñas, Steven Ford Brown, Jonathan Cohen, J. Enrique Ojeda



March 26 and 27, 2004 at the Wang Center, Stony Brook University. This conference has been organized by the Hispanic Languages and Literature Department at Stony Brook University and el Departamento de Literatura Comparada at the Universidad de Puerto Rico. The Keynote speaker will be Frances Aparicio and other participants include: Amy Kaminsky, Román de la Campa, Licia Fiol Matta, Kelly Oliver, Antonio Orejudo-Utrillas, Irene Vilar, Juan Duchesne-Winter, Rubén Ríos Avila and Mara Negrón.

FALL 2003

EUROPE AND THE GYPSIES. An Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Serie de conferencias organizada por Lou Charnon-Deutsch y Kathleen Vernon que se celebrará en el otoño de 2003.
Participantes: Ian Hancock, Wim Willems, Carol Silverman, Timothy Mitchell.

Alda Blanco. "Critica feminista y los estudios de genero: Las escritoras de la domesticidaqd en la España Isabelina." Septiembre 2004 en Departmental Conference Room.


Talk by Noël Valis. "Writing Camp in Post-Franco Spain" 24 de abril 2003 en Departmental Conference Room.

Talk by Noam Chomsky. "Violence and Justice: Some Useful Truisms" 30 de abril 2003 en The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook.

Talk by Paul Gilroy. "British Culture & Postcolonial Melancholia". 26 de marzo 2003 en The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook.

Conferencia de Pedro Lastra. "Exilio y Poesía". 8 de marzo del 2003.

FALL 2002

Talk by Jo Labanyi. 15 de noviembre 2002.

Talk by Jacques Derrida. "The World of Enlightenment to Come". 24 de octubre 2002 en The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook.


Talk by Dolores Prida. 15 de abril, 2002.
Talk by Junot Díaz: 17 de marzo, 2002.

Quevedo y el Hispanismo en el Nuevo Milenio
Coloquios del GRISO, New York 15-16 de Noviembre
Organized by: Stony Brook University (Department of Hispanic Languages) and GRISO (Universidad de Navarra).

FALL 2001

Talk by William Rowe: "How to disappear completely"
28 de septiembre, 2001.

[Last updated Feb 2015. This is not a comprehensive list of all events]