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Academic Freedom



The concept of academic freedom is based on the idea that the free exchange of ideas on campus is essential to good education. It refers to the rights of professors and students to exercise full freedom in their research, publications, and teaching, as well as the right to free expression of ideas in extramural contexts. Academic freedom ensures that colleges and universities are "safe havens" for inquiry, places where students and scholars can challenge the conventional wisdom of any field—art, science, politics or others. (Credit AFT and PEN AMERICA)

Case Study - Sarah Lawrence College

Case Study - UC Boulder

Case Study - Augsburg University

Case Study - Louisiana State University


The Law

There is no universally agreed upon definition of academic freedom, and institutions have different policies. Most institutions define academic freedom  as the protection to pursue knowledge “wherever it leads,” without undue or unreasonable interference. Tenure affords professors freedom of teaching and research and of extramural activities as well as economic security. Academic freedom and tenure is a relationship mostly between an institution and its faculty based on the widely recognized "1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure”. (Credit AAUP and PEN AMERICA) 


Our Principles

At Stony Brook University, we uphold the following principles as integral to academic freedom:

  • Encouraging Freedom of Inquiry: Faculty and students have the liberty to engage in open inquiry, research, and discourse without concern for censorship or repercussion.
  • Promoting Freedom of Expression: Members of our community are encouraged to express their ideas, opinions, and beliefs freely, nurturing an atmosphere of open dialogue and intellectual exchange. Further to this, we encourage listening openly to alternate viewpoints and respectfully engaging in dialogue with those we disagree with.
  • Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: We value an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and ideas are viewed as essential assets rather than obstacles, crucial for fostering intellectual excellence and ensuring fair access to education.
  • Ensuring Faculty Governance: Faculty members play a significant role in shaping academic policies and curriculum development, serving the university's academic mission and values.
  • Upholding Academic Tenure: Tenure provides faculty with the security to explore controversial or unpopular research topics without fear of reprisal.
  • Promoting Truth and Accuracy: While academic freedom allows for exploration and debate, scholars are expected to uphold standards of intellectual integrity, pursuing truth and accuracy in their research and teaching.
  • Valuing Peer Review and Scholarship: Rigorous peer review processes are essential for upholding the quality and credibility of academic work, ensuring that scholarship is assessed based on its merit and contribution to knowledge.
  • Practicing Ethical Conduct and Professionalism: We are dedicated to ethical conduct and professionalism, maintaining the integrity of the scholarly endeavor.

In conclusion, we are committed to these principles to fulfill the University's Mission and because we believe that scholarship, research, teaching, and learning are, in part, how a public flagship can lead the way in addressing societal challenges and advancing the common good.

