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Faculty will meet bi-monthly with the Director of Faculty Engagement to develop their topic over the two-year fellowship. They will also meet once a month with CELT and/or the Student Success Through Applied Research (SSTAR) in their Collaborative Lab to workshop ideas and concepts related to curriculum, retention, and overall student success.


Fellows will present their progress once a semester in the Faculty Development Workshops offered by CELT.


Fellows will submit a summary report on their experience and the benefits that have accrued to teaching and learning as a result of these activities once a semester to the Vice Provost for Curriculum and Undergraduate Education and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and Academic Success.


The goal is for Fellows to produce at least one published piece of scholarship as a capstone for the program. Additionally, Fellows will continue to advance their own teaching effectiveness and mentor colleagues, such as participation in occasional workshops to the university community and advising faculty who want to implement their strategies in the classes.


The program is managed by the Director of Faculty Engagement in the Division of Undergraduate Education. They will coordinate budget considerations, institutional research, and provide any outreach for potential collaborators on campus.