The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at the State University of New York at Stony Brook was started in 1968 and given the local name of AIM, which is an acronym for Advancement on Individual Merit. Therefore, the Educational Opportunity Program at Stony Brook is referred to as the EOP/AIM Program. Full funding for Educational Opportunity Programs on SUNY campuses was approved by the New York State Legislature in 1970.
The purpose of the Educational Opportunity Program is to fulfill New York State’s commitment to provide access to higher education for economically disadvantaged students who possessed the potential to succeed in college, but whose academic preparation in high school has not fully prepared them to pursue college education successfully. The primary mission of the EOP is to facilitate the recruitment, enrollment, retention, and graduation of these students. This is accomplished by providing EOP/AIM students with an array of educationally related support services.
Students accepted to the University through EOP/AIM participate fully in all campus academic and social activities and are held to the same standards and regulations as all other university students.
- Pamela M. Matznerpamela.matzner@stonybrook.eduDirector
- Andrea CaveseAndrea.Cavese@stonybrook.eduOperations Manager/ Coordinator of Tutorial Services
- Dorothy Joy CorbettDorothy.Corbett@stonybrook.eduAssociate Director
- Tiffany FriedmanTiffany.Friedman@stonybrook.eduSenior Academic Advisor/Counselor
- Jenille JohnsonJenille.Johnson@stonybrook.eduSenior Academic Advisor/Counselor
- Christina WolinChristina.Wolin@stonybrook.eduSenior Academic Advisor/Counselor
- Sharif IsmailSharif.Ismail@stonybrook.eduAcademic Advisor/Counselor
- L'Oreal EllingtonL'Oreal.Ellington@stonybrook.eduAcademic Advisor/Counselor
- Eric LewisEric.Lewis@stonybrook.eduAcademic Advisor/Counselor
- Rita GrossRita.Gross@stonybrook.eduAcademic Advisor/Counselor