Computer Aided Design Laboratory
Contact Person: Jenny Chen
Location: Room 281, Light Engineering
Usage: ESE 123, ESE 124, ESE 118, ESE 224, ESE 271, ESE 272, ESE 300, ESE 301, ESE 305,
ESE 306, ESE 315, ESE 324, ESE 344, ESE 337, ESE 345, ESE 346, ESE 358, ESE 273,
ESE 280, ESE 381,ESE 382, ESE 440, ESE 441, ESE 475, ESE 476, ESE 499
The Electrical & Computer Engineering Computer Aided Design Laboratory is the primary computing resource for all undergraduate courses taught in the department. The ECE CAD Lab offers undergraduate students access to CAD software tools used to analyze, model, simulate, and better understand engineering concepts. The lab supports every undergraduate course in the department.
The lab has a total of 38 Windows based Dell PC's, 2 Mac Mini, 1 GPU, 1 Linux based machines (Ubuntu), that are networked via switched ethernet to a Dell file server. There is one network laser printer available for students to print their results.
The following software packages are available to the users on the network:
- Cadence LDV (VHDL and Verilog)
- Matlab with three toolboxes - The Mathworks Inc.
- Aldec Active HDL – Aldec
- MobaXterm - Mobatek
- KiCAD - KiCad Development Team
- Microsoft Visual Studio IDE C, C++ - Microsoft
- VSCode - Microsoft
- Git
- Dev C++ IDE - Embarcadero Technologies
- XCode (Mac Mini) - Apple
- Microsoft Office - Microsoft
- Pspice Capture, Pspice A/D – Cadence
- Autodesk Fusion 360
- Autodesk Autocad
- Pycharm (Includes Python)
- Microchip Studio
- MPLAB X IDE with AVR Development tools
- Wolfram Mathematics
- LTSpice
- ModelSim
- 7 Zip
Git is a version control system for tracking code changes; GitHub is a cloud platform for hosting Git repository.
Repository: A special folder that keeps track of all changes to your coding projects and lets you revert to previous versions if needed.
Git integration in VSCode: Built-in graphical interface
For Windows
DownloadGit -> copy URL from BS Assignment link to Clone Git Repository-> find a location to store the file from the GitHub -> Finally, verify that your local file is pushed to GitHub.
For Mac
Install Homebrew (if you don't have it already):
- Open Terminal and run the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Open Terminal and run the following command:
Install Git using Homebrew:
- Once Homebrew is installed, run this command to install Git:
brew install git
- Once Homebrew is installed, run this command to install Git:
Verify Git Installation:
After the installation is complete, check the Git version to verify it's installed:
git --version
- To clone a GitHub repository, use the following command:
git clone <repository-url>
For Mac OS & Windows:
Global Config: Set your name and email in Git once, and it will label all changes with your identity.
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
Verify that local files are pushed to GitHub correctly.