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Petition for Academic Exceptions



This process is only for students in majors in the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Communication and Journalism, and School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences. For students in majors in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences contact: For students in majors in the College of Business (CoB) contact:

If you wish to request an exception to University policy, you should not assume, or accept the word of anyone, that your petition will be approved.  Upon submission, your petition will be reviewed by the Executive Officer.  If your petition is not approved by the Executive Officer, you may submit a written appeal for consideration by the full Committee on Academic Standing and Appeals (CASA) which includes faculty and staff representatives.  You may not make a personal appearance at the CASA committee meeting.

Petition Process

1. Consult with your academic advisor
Meet with your academic advisor to discuss the petition process and receive guidance.

  • If you are an international student on an F-1 or J-1 visa, you must consult your Visa and Immigration Services advisor before you submit the petition form. 
  • Carefully complete the information on the petition form.
  • Check SOLAR to ensure you have a ZERO balance due.  Petitions will not be reviewed if you owe money to the University.

2. Prepare a statement
You must upload a letter (500 words or less) that explains and supports the circumstances of the request.

3. Prepare your documentation
You must upload any relevant documentation that supports your request. 

  • Upload supporting documents as one file. You must merge the documents into one PDF or .docx file - ONLY ONE file can be uploaded. Do not submit the form multiple times for the same request.
  • Original documents are not required.  Legible, unmodified photocopies are acceptable. All documentation is kept confidential.  
  • Make a copy of the materials for your own records.  

Here are some examples of documentation:

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  • Academic - i.e. copies of official transcripts or explanatory letters from academic departments or instructors.
  • Medical - i.e. a doctor’s note, hospital records, letter from a mental health counselor/therapist on letterhead.
  • Legal - i.e. accident report, legal summons, court documentation, obituary or death notice, police report.
  • Financial - i.e. student loan or financial aid information, pay stubs, documentation of financial hardship.
  • Letters of support - i.e. from employers or instructors.

4. Submit the Petition
Petitions will only be accepted through the Google form. For questions only, email: .

Your petition will be reviewed and a decision will usually be made within 2 weeks.

If your petition is approved:

  • It will be automatically processed by the Registrar's Office; as long as you do not have any enrollment holds on your account and any relevant fees will be charged to your account.

If your petition was denied:

  • You will be contacted about the denial in an email from the Office of Undergraduate Education.
  • You have a right to submit a second/appeals petition, appealing the previous denial.  However, in order to submit a second/appeals petition, you need new documentation that supports your case.
  • Plan to schedule an appointment to discuss your appeals petition with an academic advisor.  They will review the appeals process with you.
  • Second/appeals petitions are reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing and Appeals (CASA).

There are additional fees associated with the following approved requests:
Late registration:  $50 fee
Rematriculation (for students away 2 or more consecutive fall/spring semesters):  $50 fee

Note that these fees are subject to change.  For more details, visit the Bursar's Office, here.