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Looking for a Job

Preparing for the job search

Searching for the right job requires a great deal of preparation and planning. Completing your program is only one step. The job market is competitive. To compete successfully you need to have a cover letter and resume, which help you market yourself effectively, and you need to be prepared for a long round of job interviews and demonstration lessons. The Career Center offers a number of services to help you prepare for the job search. Not only does the Career Center sponsor on-campus recruiting fairs, but they also hold seminars on how to write cover letters and resumes, which will highlight your teaching qualifications. They will also conduct mock interviews. However, most of their services require advance appointments; you need to prepare early so that you will be ready when the recruiting season begins.

When to start looking for a job

The short answer to this question is to start looking for a job as soon as you start student teaching. Most job openings are for positions that begin in September. Schools generally begin advertising these positions in January and February, though positions continue to become available through the beginning of September. Your resume should say that you expect to graduate in May (or December) and that you anticipate receiving your initial certification during the summer (or the spring). Also, schools are always looking for substitute teachers. Working as a substitute is a good way to get to know the culture of the different school districts and to establish contacts therein. To be a substitute teacher, you must have your initial license. Many of these positions are advertised in the newspaper, or you may simply go to the district human resources office and complete an application. Requirements and application procedures for substitute teachers differ widely from district to district.

Where to find job listings

Most of the teaching jobs in the New York City region are advertised in the "Week in Review" section of the Sunday New York Times and in the classified section of the online edition. This is where you should begin your job search. Additional information about jobs in other regions of New York State can be found on the Olas Jobs site. If you are looking for jobs in New Jersey, most positions are advertised online at

Working in New York City

The New York City Department of Education has its own licensing system, which is separate from the New York State certification system. To work in New York City, you must apply for a city license even if you have satisfied the requirements for state certification. Much of the necessary information--including application forms and procedures--is available online at NYC’s education site. You may also call the Applicant Services Office of the Center for Recruitment and Professional Development and Human Resources.

If you have completed the teacher education program, you may apply for a New York City license as follows:

  1. Fingerprinting: The fingerprints that you submitted for New York State certification will suffice for a New York City license. Please visit the NYSED fingerprinting site for additional information.
  2. You need not submit a separate set of fingerprints. There is a form to be completed if you wish to have a copy of your fingerprints sent to the New York City Department of Education.
  3. Since graduates will not receive their actual New York State Certification until the semester after graduation, to apply for a New York City license you should obtain an original letter from the Interim Teacher Certification Officer stating that you have met all academic requirements for your degree and that the school has applied on your behalf to the NYSED for state certification. This letter can be issued as soon as final grades have been posted, and you have provided the certification office with a fully executed FERPA Release Form.
  4. Submit a completed application form, together with proof of passing scores on the required NYSTCE examinations, a notarized Child Support Certification form, and payment of the application fee, to Human Resources at 65 Court Street.
  5. Once your application has been evaluated, Human Resources will issue you a form that will permit you to begin teaching in the City schools. There are additional requirements to obtain a regular, permanent New York City license; information can be found on the NYC education site.

Each school district in New York City is assigned to one of five Integrated Service Centers (ISC). The ISC is a professional, customer-oriented organization, dedicated to delivering targeted services to schools within the New York City Department of Education. 

There are several ways to identify available jobs with the Department of Education:

  1. NYC Gov site for becoming a teacher
  2. NYC Gov site for becoming an Education Administrator or Supervisor
  3. NYC Gov page on becoming an Assistant Principal or Principal
  4. Once open positions have been identified, it is up to you to make contact with the responsible administrator. While some positions are filled by the end of the school year, a large number of positions open up over the summer, and the hiring cycle picks up during the last weeks of August.

Teaching in Other States
Mandatory Professional Licensure Disclosure

New York State prides itself in the high quality of its licensed and certified professionals.  For the protection of its citizens, each license and certificate has requirements that individuals must meet in order to be licensed or certified in New York State. SUNY’s academic programs leading to licensure or certification are carefully designed to meet and exceed these State requirements. This is a role SUNY plays in protecting the public.  

Per federal regulations on state authorization (34 CFR 600.9) and disclosure of information about licensed programs (34 CFR 668.43), SUNY Stony Brook has determined that its educational programs in initial teacher certification curricula that if successfully completed is sufficient to meet the licensure and certification requirements for an initial teaching certification license in New York state.

For purposes of state authorization and disclosure of information about licensed programs, Stony Brook University determines a student’s initial location based on the reported permanent (“home”) address on the admission application. (See Student Location Procedure for complete details.)

Enrolled out-of-state students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact their state’s licensure entity to review all licensure and certification requirements imposed by their state(s) of choice.

Visit the New York State Education Department's Office of Teaching Initiatives website for complete details on certification requirements.

Additional Information
Additional information regarding certification can be found at the NYSED certification page. Additional resources for finding teaching positions in other states can be found on the following blogs: Teaching Jobs and Teachers Teachers.
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