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Student Location Procedure

Determination of Student Location for State Authorization and Program Licensure Disclosures


These procedures outline how Stony Brook University determines student location to comply with federal regulations on state authorization (34 CFR 600.9) and disclosure of information about licensed programs (34 CFR 668.43). These procedures do not apply for any other determination of student location, including tuition residency, IPEDS reporting, or other purposes. 


For purposes of state authorization and disclosure of information about licensed programs, Stony Brook University determines a student’s initial location based on the reported permanent (“home”) address on the admission application.

Following registration in courses, the University determines a student’s location based on the address information in the student information system. Students living on campus are determined to be located in New York. Determination of student location for all other students is based on reported local address and then permanent (“home”) address if a local address is missing.

Students are required to maintain an accurate permanent (“home”) and local address in the student information system.

This determination of location differs from determination of residency, which is a SUNY policy set for the purposes of determining eligibility for in-state tuition at SUNY state-operated campuses. More information about the determination of residency can be found on the NYS Residency page within the Student Financial Aid website.

Relevant Standards, Codes, Rules, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies: 

Licensure Disclosure Statement Regulation: 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) (

Student Location Determination Regulation:34 CFR 600.9(c)(2) (