Apply here
Cybersecurity for Middle School Teachers and Students (CyberMiSTS) is hosting a summer virtual workshop that will provide middle school teachers the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to teach their students about cybersecurity. Although the target audience is Career and Technical Education teachers, we welcome any other teachers who are able to integrate a cybersecurity unit into their curriculum.
A three-week long CyberMiSTS workshop on July 6-24, 2020 will be held every weekday from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM EST.
If you complete this 15-day workshop, you will receive a $1000 stipend. No stipend will be given if you drop out before the end. If you deliver your lessons to your class, collect data regarding their learning, and then share the results at a subsequent half-day workshop, you will receive an additional $300 stipend. You may also receive 57 hours of CTLE (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education).
Workshop Logistics:
- 3 weeks (July 6-24), Monday-Friday
- Synchronous meetings using Zoom, 10:30am – 3:30pm EST (with 1 hour lunch break 12:30-1:30)
- Workshop activities will include lectures, question-and-answer, breakout discussions, and both group and individual activities
You will need:
- A computer with a high-speed connection to the Internet
- Installed Zoom Application
- Webcam
- Microphone
How to apply
STEP 1. Download (a) Application form, (b) Research consent form, and (c) School support letter template
Download the Research Consent Form
Download the School Support Letter template
STEP 2. Print, fill out, and sign (a) Application Form
STEP 3. Print, read carefully, and sign (b) Research Consent Form (Does NOT need to be notarized, your signature should be in Research Subject line only)
STEP 4. Get the support of school Principal/Headmaster, ask him/her to modify and sign the (c) School Support Letter
STEP 5.Send a copy of those signed documents (a,b,c) via email:
TO: SUBJECT: CyberMISTS Application If you did not receive a confirmation email from us in three days, please contact us: Important: make sure to keep the hard copy of your signed documents. If accepted to participate in the workshop, you will be asked to send them to us via mail.STEP 6. Wait to be notified if you have been chosen to participate in the workshop