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Scholarly Articles

Chen, S., Wang, M., Lin, D., Russo, F.M., Gobler, C., Mao, X. (2024). Biofiltration matrix optimization for efficient nitrogen removal from domestic onsite wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 60,105208.

Das, A., Reza, A., Chen, L. (2024). Optimization of pollutants removal from anaerobically digested dairy wastewater by electro-oxidation process: a response surface methodology modeling and validation. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 1-22.

Itumoh, E., Data, S., Chen, J., Kah, M., Padhye, L., Leitao, E. (2024). Addressing the persistence of per- and polyf luoroalkyl substances (PFAS): current challenges and potential solutions. Royal Society of Chemistry.

Londhe, K., Lee, CS., Grdanovska, S., Smolinski, R., Hamdan, N., McDonough, C., Cooper, C., Venkatesan, A., (2024). Application of electron beam technology to decompose per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water. Environmental PollutionVolume 348, 123770.

Lotfikatouli, S., Pan, Q., Wang, M., Russo, F.M., Gobler, C., Mao, X. (2024). Effective nitrogen removal from onsite wastewater using a sequencing aerated biofilm reactor. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 60,105132. 

Maroli, A., Zhang, Y., Lubiantoro, J., Venkatesan, A. (2024). Surfactant-enhanced coagulation and flocculation improves the removal of perfluoroalkyl substances from surface water. Environmental Science: Advances.

Reza, A., Chen, L., Mao, X. (2024). Response surface methodology for process optimization in livestock wastewater treatment: A review. Heliyon, 10, 9, E30326. 

Reza, A., Toor, U.A., Shim, S. (2024). Advanced and innovative livestock waste treatment technologies for agricultural sustainability. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, 1407083. 

Sapkota, S., Reza, A., Chen, L, (2024). Optimization of Ammonia Nitrogen Removal and Recovery from Raw Liquid Dairy Manure Using Vacuum Thermal Stripping and Acid Absorption Process: A Modeling Approach Using Response Surface Methodology. Nitrogen, 409-425.

Wang, M., Zeng, F., Chen, S., Wehrmann, L., Waugh, S., Brownawell, B., Gobler, C., Mao, X. (2024). Phosphorus Attenuation and Mobilization in Sand Filters Treating Onsite WastewaterChemosphere, 143042. 

Doherty, A-C, Lee, CS., Meng, Q., Sakano, Y., Noble, A., Grant, K., Esposito, A., Gobler, C., Venkatesan, A.K., (2023). Contribution of household and personal care products to 1,4-dioxane contamination of drinking water.Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 31, 100414. ISSN 2468-5844,

Hill., D., Alazawi, M., Moran, E. J., Bennett, L., Bradley, I., Collins, M., Gobler, C., Green, H., Insaf, T., Kmush, B., Neigel, D., Raymond, S., Wang, M., Ye, Y., Larsen, D. (2023). Wastewater surveillance provides 10-days forecasting of COVID-19 hospitalizations superior to cases and test positivity: A prediction study. Infectious Disease Modelling, Vol. 8, Iss. 4, pp. 1138-1150.

Lee, CS., Wang, M., Nanjappa, D., Lu, Y., Meliker, J., Clouston, S., Gobler, C., Venkatesan, C. (2023). Monitoring of over-the-counter (OTC) and COVID-19 treatment drugs complement wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 

Lee, CS., Wang, M., Clyde, P., Mao, X., Brownawell, B., Venkatesan, A. (2023). 1,4-Dioxane removal in nitrifying sand filters treating domestic wastewater: Influence of water matrix and microbial inhibitorsChemosphere,324, 138304.

Lee, CS., Londhe, K., Grdanovska, S., Cooper, C., Venkatesan, A. (2023). Emerging investigator series: low doses of electron beam irradiation effectively degrade 1,4-dioxane in water within a few seconds.Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. DOI:10.1039/D3EW00111C

Li, D., Lee, CS., Zhang, Y., Das, R., Akter, F., Venkatesan, A.K., Hsiao, B. (2023). Efficient removal of short-chain and long-chain PFAS by cationic nanocellulose. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18.

Lusty, M., Gobler, C. (2023). Repeated hydrogen peroxide dosing briefly reduces cyanobacterial blooms and microcystin while increasing fecal bacteria indicators in a eutrophic pond. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 124,522-543.

Maleki Shahraki, Z., Wang, M., Zhao, Y., Orlov, A., Mao, X. (2023). Nitrogen Removal Mechanisms in Biochar-Amended Sand Filters Treating Onsite Wastewater. Journal of Environmental Quality, 107, 955–969. DOI:10.1002/jeq2.20447

Tang, Y., Mao, X., (2023). Recent Advances in 1,4-Dioxane Removal Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment.Water 2023, 15, 1535. DOI:10.3390/w15081535

Tang, Y., Wang, M., Lee, CS, Venkatesan, A., Mao, X. (2023). Characterization of 1,4-dioxane degrading microbial community enriched from uncontaminated soil. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. DOI 10.1007/s00253-023-12363-0

Zhang, Y., Thomas, A., Apul, O., Venkatesan, A. (2023). Coexisting ions and long-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) inhibit the adsorption of short-chain PFAS by granular activated carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 460, 132378.

Chen, S., Wang, M., Russo, F.M., Gobler, C., Mao, X. (2022). Efficient nitrogen removal from onsite wastewater by a novel continuous flow biofilter. Chemosphere,300, 134642.

Chen, S., Wang, M., Asato, C., Mao, X. (2022). Characterization, Transformation, and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Biofilters Treating Domestic Onsite Wastewater. ACS ES&T Water, 2(9), 1575–1583.

Langlois, K., Collier, J. (2022). Matrix-Associated Microbial Communities In A Nitrogen-Removing On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Are Largely Structured By Niche Processes.Journal of Environmental Quality, 52(1), 35-48.

Londhe, K., Lee, CS., McDonough, C., Venkatesan, A. (2022). The Need for Testing Isomer Profiles of Perfluoroalkyl Substances to Evaluate Treatment Processes. Environmental Science & Technology. 

Lowe, M., Qin, R., Mao, X. (2022). A review on machine learning, artificial intelligence, and smart technology in water treatment and monitoring. Water, 14(9), 1384.

Maleki Shahraki, Z., Mao, X. (2022). Biochar application in biofiltration systems to remove nutrients, pathogens and pharmaceutical and personal care products from wastewater.Journal of Environmental Quality, 51, 2. 

Nyer, S. C., Volkenborn, N., Aller, R. C., Graffam, M., Zhu, Q., Price, R. E. (2022). Nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands:
A closer look at plant-soil interactions using chemical imaging. Science of The Total Environment, 816, 151560.

Venkatesan, A., Lee, CS., Gobler, C. (2022). Hydroxyl-radical based advanced oxidation processes can increase perfluoroalkyl substances beyond drinking water standards: Results from a pilot studyScience of the Total Environment, 847, 157577.

Yang, M., Lotfikatouli, S., Chen, Y., Li, T., Ma, H., Mao, X., Hsiao, B. (2022). Nanostructured all-cellulose membranes for efficient ultrafiltration of wastewaterJournal of Membrane Science, 650, 120422.

Young, C., Sylvers, L., Tomasetti, S., Lundstrum, A., Schenone, C., Doall, M., Gobler, C. (2022). Kelp (Saccharina latissima) Mitigates Coastal Ocean Acidification and Increases the Growth of North Atlantic Bivalves in Lab Experiments and on an Oyster Farm.Front. Mar. Sci. 9:881254. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.881254.

Clyde, P., Lee, C., Price, R., Venkatesan, A., Brownawell, B. (2021). Occurrence and Removal of PPCPs from On-site Wastewater Using Nitrogen Removing Biofilters.Water Research, 206, 117743.

Gobler, C., Waugh, S., Asato, C., Clyde, P., Nyer, S., Graffam, M., Brownawell, B., Venkatesan, A., Goleski, J., Price, R., Mao, X., Russo, F., Heufelder, G., Walker, H. (2021). Removing 80%–90% of Nitrogen and Organic Contaminants with Three Distinct Passive, Lignocellulose-Based On-site Septic Systems Receiving Municipal and Residential Wastewater. Ecological Engineering,  161, 106157. 

Lee, C.-S., Asato, C., Wang, M., Mao, X., Gobler, C., Venkatesan, A. (2021). Removal of 1,4-dioxane During On-Site Wastewater Treatment Using Nitrogen Removing Biofilters.Science of the Total Environment, 771, 144806. 

Li, D., Londhe, K., Chi, D., Lee, C.-S., Venkatesan, A., Hsiao, B. (2021). Functionalized Bio-adsorbents for Removal of Perfluoroalkyl Substances: A Perspective. AWWA Water Science. DOI: 10.1002/aws2.1258.

Londhe, K., Lee, C., Zhang, Y., Grdanovska, S., Kroc, T., Cooper, C., Venkatesan, A. (2021). Energy Evaluation of Electron Beam Treatment of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Water: A Critical ReviewACS ES&T Engineering.

Lotfikatouli, S., Hadi, P., Yang, M., Walker, H., Hsiao, B., Gobler, C., Reichel, M., Mao, X., (2021). Enhanced anti-fouling performance in Membrane Bioreactors using a novel cellulose nanofiber-coated membrane . Separation and Purification Technology, 119145.

Maleki Shahraki, Z., Wang, M., Walker, H., Russo, F., Gobler, C., Heufelder, G., Mao, X., (2021). A mechanistic understanding of the nitrification sand layer performance in a nitrogen removing biofilter (NRB) treating onsite wastewater.  Ecological Engineering, 106257. 

Nyer, S., Volkenborn, N., Aller, R., Graffam, M., Zhu, Q., Price, R. (2021). Nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands: A closer look at plant-soil interactions using chemical imaging. Science of the Total Environment, 151560. 

Sonmez Baghirzade, B., Zhang, Y.,  Reuther, J., Saleh, N., Venkatesan, A., Apul, O. (2021). Thermal Regeneration of Spent Granular Activated Carbon Presents an Opportunity to Break the Forever PFAS Cycle.Environmental Science & Technology.

Tang, Y., Lee, C.-S., Walker, H., Gobler, C., Apul, O., Venkatesan, A., Mao, X. (2021). Effect of residual H2O2 on the removal of advanced oxidation byproducts by two types of granular activated carbon. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 106838. 

Wang, M., Zhu, J., Mao, X. (2021). Removal of Pathogens in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Review of Design Considerations and Influencing Factors.Water, 13, 1190.

Graffam, M., Paulsen, R., Volkenborn, N. (2020). Hydro-biogeochemical Processes and Nitrogen Removal Potential of a Tidally Influenced Permeable Reactive Barrier Behind a Perforated Marine BulkheadEcological Engineering, 155, 105933.

Graffam, M., Polerecky, L., Volkenborn, N. (2020).  Hydrobiogeochemical Function of Soil Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Insights from High-Resolution O2 Imaging.Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6, 2.

Langlois, K., Gobler, C., Walker, H., Collier, J. (2020). Microbial Communities in Partially and Fully Treated Effluent of Three Nitrogen-Removing Biofilters. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6, 2.

Lee, C.-S., Venkatesan, A.K., Walker, H.W. and Gobler, C.J., (2020). Impact of groundwater quality and associated byproduct formation during UV/hydrogen peroxide treatment of 1,4-dioxaneWater Research, 173, 115534.

Mao, X., Myavagh, P., Lotfikatouli, S., Hsiao, B., Walker, H. (2020). Membrane Bioreactors for Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater: A ReviewJournal of Environmental Engineering , 146, 5.

Tomasetti, S., Gobler, C., (2020). Dissolved oxygen and pH criteria leave fiseries at riskScience, 368, 6489, pp. 372-373.

Waugh, S., Mao, X., Heufelder, G., Walker, H., Gobler, C. (2020). Nitrogen Transformations and Microbial Characterization of Soils from Passive Nitrogen Removing Biofilters. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6, 2.

Wehrmann, L., Lee, J., Price, R., Heufelder, G., Walker, H., Gobler, C. (2020). Biogeochemical Sequestration of Phorphorus in a Two-Layer Lignocellulose-Based Soil Treatment System.Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6, 2.

Dognani, G., Hadi, P., Ma, H., Cabrera, F., Job, A., Agostini, D., Hsiao, B. (2019). Effective chromium removal from water by polyaniline-coated electrospun adsorbent membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal, 372, pp. 341-351.

Hadi, P., Yang, M., Ma, H., Huang, X., Walker, H., Hsiao, B. (2019). Biofouling-resistant nanocellulose layer in hierarchical polymeric membranes: Synthesis, characterization and performance. Journal of Membrane Science, 579, 162-171.

Li, N., Zheng, J., Hadi, P., Yang, M., Huang, X., Ma, H., Walker, H., Hsiao B. (2019). Synthesis and characterization of a high flux nanocellulose-cellulose acetate nanocomposite membrane. Membranes, 9, 70.

Maleki Shahraki, Z., Mao, X., Waugh, S., Lotfikatouli, S., Walker, H., Gobler, C., Wanlass, J. (2019). Potential release of legacy nitrogen from soil surrounding onsite wastewater leaching pools. Water Research, 169.

Waugh S., Mao, X., Walker, H., Gobler, C. (2018). Characterizing nitrogen transformation processes in nitrogen removing biofilters for onsite wastewater treatment. Proceedings of Water Environment Federation Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference, Rayleigh, NC.


Graffam, M., Roberts, S. (2018). Permeable reactive barriers and constructed wetlands to remediate contaminated waters. Presented at “Water We Going To Do?” Conference, Hauppauge, NY.

Langlois, K., Collier, J. (2020). Best practices for opening the microbial “black-box” of nitrogen-removing biofilters (NRBs), an alternative on-site wastewater treatment system. “Protecting Public Health and the Environment", NYWEA Spring Technical Meeting and Exhibition, (oral presentation, virtual conference).

Lee, C., Venkatesan, A., Walker, H., Gobler, C. (2019). Impact of groundwater quality parameters on 1,4-dioxane removal and associated byproducts formation during UV/hydrogen peroxide advanced oxidation process treatment. Presented at ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA.

Londhe, K. (2020). Application of electron beam for the degradation of 1,4-dioxane and perfluoroalkyl substances in drinking waterPresented at the 2020 SERDP and ESTCP Symposium, (oral presentation, virtual conference). 

Lotfikatouli, S., Mao, X., Gobler, C. and Walker, H.W. (2020). Efficient nitrogen removal from onsite wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) without external carbon amendment. “Protecting Public Health and the Environment", NYWEA Spring Technical Meeting and Exhibition, (oral presentation, virtual conference).

Maleki Shahraki, Z., Zhao, Y., Mao, X., Orlov, A., Walker, H., Gobler, C. (2020) Biochar amendment effect in the nitrification and phosphorous removal of a nitrifying layer of nitrogen removing biofilters (NRB). ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo, (oral presentation, virtual conference. 

Maleki Shahraki, Z., Mao, X., Waugh, S., Walker, H., Russo, F., Gobler, C. (2019). Characterization of nitrogen transformation in the nitrification layer of both lab-scale and pilot-scale Nitrogen Removing Biofilters (NRB). Poster presented at 257th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society - Chemistry for New Frontiers, New Orleans, LA.

Maleki Shahraki, S., Mao, X., Walker, H. (2018). Impact of legacy nitrogen in conventional septic system on nitrogen removal for onsite wastewater treatment. Poster presented at 255th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society - Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, New Orleans, LA.

Price, R., Smith, Z., Graffam, M., Heufelder, G., Nyer, S., Volkenborn, N., Walker, H., Wehrmann, L., and Gobler, C., (2019). Behavior of iron and other metals in a lignocellulose-based biofilter for onsite wastewater treatment: Implications for metals cycling in the LI Upper Glacial Aquifer. Presented at 26th Conference on Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York, Stony Brook, NY.

Roberts, S. (2018). The role of plants and the rhizosphere in mediating nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands for wastewater remediation. Presented at NYWEA's 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, New York, NY. 

Russo, F. (2020). Next Generation of Nitrogen Removing Biofilters and Article 19 Compliance. “Protecting Public Health and the Environment", NYWEA Spring Technical Meeting and Exhibition, (oral presentation, virtual conference).

Tang, Y., Lee, C. S., Venkatesan, A., Mao, X., Gobler, C., Walker, H. (2019). Evaluation of granular activated carbon performance to remove 1,4-dioxane degradation byproducts and residual H2O2 from UV/H2O2 treatment system. Poster presented at 257th American Chemistry Society National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, FL.

Venkatesan, A.K., Lee, C. S., Gobler, C. (2020). Research at the NYS Center for Clean Water Technology to Mitigate 1,4-Dioxane Contamination in the Long Island Water Cycle. “Protecting Public Health and the Environment", NYWEA Spring Technical Meeting and Exhibition, (oral presentation, virtual conference).

Venkatesan, A.K., Tang, Y., Mao, X., Gobler, C., Walker, H. (2018). Laboratory and pilot-scale testing of alternative water treatment technologies for 1, 4-dioxane-contaminated groundwater in Long Island, NY. Presented at 256th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA.

Venkatesan, A.K. (2018). Perfluorochemicals (PFCs): Background and available treatment technologies. Presented at Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation 2018 Annual Meeting, East Hampton, NY.

Venkatesan, A. K. (2017). Science Policy Forum: Long Island Drinking Water Panelist. Presented at Science Advocacy of Long Island, Stony Brook, NY.

Waugh, S., Mao, X. (2017). Non-proprietary technologies for nitrogen removal on Long Island. Presented at New England Estuarine Research Society.

Waugh, S. (2018). Characterizing nitrogen transformation processes in nitrogen removing biofilters for onsite wastewater treatment. Presented at Water Environment Federation Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference, Rayleigh. NC.