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About Up to Us

Up to Us is dedicated to building a sustainable economic and fiscal future for America's next generation. Up to Us doesn't just educate and engage -- it empowers. Our unique program provides emerging leaders a platform for facilitating a collaborative dialogue on the country's most vexing challenges.

Campus Competition:

Up to Us is the only nationwide, campus-based campaign focused on engaging and empowering students to build a sustainable economic and fiscal future. Up to Us leaders are aware of the importance of fiscal and economic issues, and work to advocate for changes in their communities and beyond. Colleges and universities across the country are engaged through impactful, creative campaigns that highlight the importance of addressing the national debt and other fiscal issues for America's future generations.

The Up to Us Pledge: 

"I pledge to vote for a strong fiscal foundation for our country. I will consider candidates and policies through a lens of fiscal integrity to ensure we are investing in our generation's future in a sustainable way. "

The pledge is a direct action that allows individuals to voice their opinions on the national debt. Each signature is a part of a collective effort to connect with U.S. Representatives, Senators, and elected officials and create change for our fiscal future. As of March 2021, more than 131,000 people have signed the pledge so far and have made their voices heard.

Sign the Up to Us Pledge Here! - To sign to support Stony Brook University's Up to Us Team make sure you select "Stony Brook University" where it says Current College/University

Key focus areas:

    • Leadership
    • Civic Engagement
    • Social Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • Circularity: Responsible Production and Consumption
    • Social Capital and Impact Investing
    • Environment and Climate Change

To inspire and equip emerging leaders to build a more just and sustainable world.

What is Fiscal Sustainability?

Many economists agree on the definition of fiscal sustainability but disagree on how to be fiscally sustainable. Fiscal sustainability draws upon the possibility that our government can continue its income and expenditure policies without endangering its wealth stability. Fiscal sustainability is inextricably interwoven into civic engagement because if we fight our nation’s debt, we can make meaningful funding into projects that Americans care about, including social security, education, and infrastructure.

Americans go to the ballot box to express their concerns to the government, including better infrastructure projects, healthcare, social security, to name a few for a better life for themselves and their families. Voters also express the need to fight for a more racially just society, in tandem with fiscally sustainable economic policies because of income inequality, environmental concerns, and poor infrastructure.

These real-life situations demonstrate the urgency to solve this complex obstacle. If we do not address this problem effectively, skyrocketing interest rates can cut funding for the projects that Americans depend on, funds to develop innovative technologies will deplete, stagnating economic and individual income growth. 

How can we attain a fiscally sustainable future ?

Promote Income Equality: For the middle class in America, incomes have barely budged since 1979, while the top 5th of income-earners have seen wages increase by 70%. 

Reduce the Impact of Climate Change: There's currently no room in the budget to account for the $1.9 trillion annual cost of climate change.

Promote the Growth of Infrastructure: As the national debt grows, the government spends more of its budget on interest, leaving less money for new roads, hospitals, and education.

Healthcare: The U.S. spends nearly three times as much on healthcare, yet has the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rates as other advanced nations.

2023 Team

Team Leader: Izabella Canales

Fall 2023 Team Members: Rachel Alexandre, Malak Makled, Nerissa Martinez, and Anuva Wardah

Past Teams

Fall 2022 Team Leader: Anastasia Poulos

Fall 2022 Team Members: Grace Armann, Melisa Kilic, and Timothy Giorlando

First Place in the Up to Us Campus Competition


Spring 2022 Team Leader: Julia Brandenstein

Spring 2022 Team Members: Nathaniel Feldberg, Anastasia Poulos, and Christopher Magallona

First Place in the Up to Us Campus Competition

Winners of the Up to Us Most Creative Day of Action Award


Fall 2021 Team Leader: Anne Green

Fall 2021 Team Members: Tenzin Tsetan & Marlene Rahman

Top Ten Placement in the Up to Us Campus Competition

Points of Pride

In 2018, Stony Brook University started participating in the Up to Us program to campus. Since then, Up to Us at Stony Brook University has been nationally recognized for its commitment to advancing economic and fiscal responsibility education among college students.

Since 2018, Stony Brook University has:

    • Placed first in the national campus competition two times awarding our Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 teams $10,000 each
    • Offered robust student leadership development opportunities, including attendance at national conferences
    • Introduced over $1,000 in annual funds for student educational programming
    • Received $5,000 student fellowship in 2020 and $10,000 in 2022 to adapt voter engagement in response to COVID-19 global pandemic
    • Hosted an annual Day of Action dedicated to educating students about the importance of fiscal responsibility in policy and their everyday lives
    • Created social and digital media content to inform community members about the current national debt issue