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Edwin Tan and His Team Win $10,000 Grant from L’SPACE NASA’s Proposal Writing and Evaluation Experience (NPWEE)

Congratulations to Edwin Tan (Mechanical Engineering) on receiving a $10,000 grant to support his team's project proposal for NASA’s L’SPACE training program.

The L’SPACE NASA Proposal Writing and Evaluation Experience (NPWEE) program offers select students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in developing project proposals through collaborative teamwork. Edwin, an undergradaute student majoring in Mechanical Engineering, has been taking part in designing a Venus Aerobot, with its objective to explore Venus’s atmosphere. Over the summer, Edwin worked with a diverse group of students and engineers from various states, gaining valuable insights into proposal evaluation and Aerobot development. Through his role as Lead Systems Engineer, Edwin has gained insights into the rigorous proposal evaluation and project development processes, resulting in a $10,000 grant to build a prototype.

This year-long program, which began in August 2024, tasks Edwin and his team with developing a fully operational prototype for evaluation by NASA, with the potential of it being used in the future. The team demonstrates exceptional teamwork, coordinating across multiple states and shipping essential components to teammates in Maryland to bring this project to life.

This achievement highlights Edwin’s commitment to innovation, collaboration, and his dedication to the unique opportunities of this one-time program.

Check out the NASA L'SPACE Program's LinkedIn post celebrating Edwin and his team on their win. Congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment!

Read the interview between CEAS Student Intern Janice and Edwin below:

The Interview:

Janice: What led you to your current major?

Edwin: I always knew I liked to build things. I built many structures as a kid with toys such as legos. I was good at math so I was actually considering becoming a mathematician. I then enrolled into the Mechatronics major at Brooklyn Technical High School as per my friend’s suggestion, went along with it, and enrolled in Mechanical Engineering when applying to Stony Brook University, as well. 

How did you come across this opportunity? 

I have always had a LinkedIn account since high school,  and I am very active on it. I recently reached around 1400 connections. I’m always checking for opportunities, and that is how I came across this program.

Are there any resources from CEAS/Stony Brook that you’ve found really useful in your summer program or as a student in general?

Stony Brook has a lot of clubs and organizations to build connections and build professionalism. Of course, I think being part of the ASME E-board played a role, as well. 

What was your favorite part or experience in this program?

My favorite part would have to be applying what I know and learned to the project such as thermodynamics, even if it's just a little bit. 

How has this program helped you with your career goals?

This gave me a better idea of the aerospace field. I initially wasn’t thinking about entering aerospace, but now I am starting to consider it.

What is your biggest piece of advice for those who are also looking to get involved in these kinds of experiences?

Something I wish I knew when I was in high school was to start small and make your way up. Starting small means applying to anything even if it's unrelated to your intended/current major to build your experience which will eventually lead you to bigger experiences. It’s like a pyramid, and the experience adds up. I started with a remote internship for a drone company where they taught young students how to use drones and the different parts. The following year I worked at a pharmacy. Then the year after that I had an apprenticeship for my previous college. Then I interned with the MTA. I think the key is to build soft skills and technical skills. Having the drive to pursue opportunities no matter how big or small definitely led me to this exceptional opportunity!

What are some fun facts about yourself?

I don’t drink coffee, only milk tea.

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