
                                                                                         w.g.s.s. brown bag  

Spring 2017 Brown Bags 

brown bags 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
1 p.m. (campus lifetime)
Humanities 2052
The topic of this brown bag is securing funding for your research with a discussion led by WGSS faculty expert Professor Melissa Forbis and PhD student, Shruti Mukherjee.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
1 p.m. (campus lifetime)
Humanities 2052
Andy Eicher and Tara Holmes workshopped papers for an upcoming conference. The title of Andy's paper was "Positively Poz!:" The Possibilities of Desiring HIV. The title of Tara's paper was "If It's in a Word or It's in a Look: Confronting the Unbearability of Motherhood in The Babadook." 
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
1 p.m. (campus lifetime)
Humanities 2052
This informal discussion will address  how people balance graduate school/life in the academy with “real” life. What coping mechanisms do people have? Hobbies? There is a tendency to pretend everything is okay all of the time and to never let on when we are overwhelmed, but this session seeks to disabuse the ideal of a “perfect” academic or graduate student. We will also open space to talk about how we work--and live--within the confines of our grad student budgets. It's rough out here, so maybe we can offer each other some advice on how to get by.
To get the conversation going, here are some links to articles dealing with said issues:

Fall 2016 Brown Bags
brown bag
Paper Workshopping Brown Bag
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
1 p.m. (campus lifetime)
Humanities 2052
We will be workshopping Rachel Corbman 's "Disability in the Lesbian Feminist Archive." Her paper revisits a 1981 special issue of  off our backs on " women with disabilities" in order to argue the usefulness of lesbian feminism to disability studies. Rather than pre-circulating a paper, Rachel asks that you read selections from off our back's special issue, which is available on JSTOR. She specifically recommends "Making Things Different: An Interview with Connie Panzarino" and  the piece from the "NY Lesbian Illness Support Group." 
Every semester, WGSS will host a paper workshopping brown bag during campus lifetime. This brown bag is designed as an opportunity for participants to share and receive feedback on WGSS-related projects. Everyone is welcome to attend. And everyone whose work aligns with WGSS is encouraged to workshop their papers or projects. 
Please contact  Allyse Knox-Russell  or Tara Holmes  with any questions. 

Post-Election Roundtable 
Wednesday, November 9
1 p.m. (campus lifetime)
Humanities 2052
Join us for a post-election discussion. Conversation pieces linked below. Light snacks will be served! 
On privilege and moving to Canada: 
On gender, illness, and disability: 
Etc. articles on the election: 
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