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University Environment Committee
Friday March 28, 2012 9:30am

Administration Building - VP Conference Room 2nd Floor
9:30 am – 11:00 am

Attending: John Robinson, Acting Chair; Paul Siegel, Acting Vice-Chair; Nick Koridis, Recording Secretary: John Murray, and John Sparano, Paula Di Pasquale-Alverez (Liaison Exec Rep), Kristine Seitz (new member Bio), Eric Lamberg, and Gary Mar

Excused: Robert Aller, Anne Doherty, Darren Chase, Teri Tiso, John Shandra, Matt Aiello-Lammens, and Gilbert Hanson,

Staff: James O’Connor


Meeting called to order by: John Robinson 9:35 AM

Introductions – John Robinson highlighted an informal agenda and Nick passed around the sign-in sheet.
James O introduced his role on the campus to the committee.

Review of the Minutes – N/A

Leadership 2012 - 2013 – Organized leadership role as Chair for the meetings, John Murray accepted this role as Chair and Paul Siegel accepted to stay on as Vice Chair.

UEC Conversation on collaborative projects
JR - Lake Brianna Recharge Basin
JR - Ashley Schiff – Paul Grant for funds. Other projects discussed Environment Committee.
Gary Mar – sustainability project in New Mexico, Student Support Project
Little Acres Planting – James O knows of the project and is involved.
PS – bird houses is great to see back
JR – North Entrance Replanting
JS – Discussed Grasses native to the area similar to Nobel Hall. Uses and type of opportunities available.
JO – Bike Share details and new stations.
PS – Pedestrian and Bike Safety (Mark Woodruff and David Scarzella)
PS – Signage and multi cultural issues
JR – Poison Ivy
PDA – Does anyone get involved with EarthStock?
JM – Inquire survey good times to meet? JO will be flexible and work with the committee.

Other Business

Meeting adjourned 10:29am

The next meeting is scheduled in the VP Administration Conference Room on the second floor on Friday, date TBD? Late April May?