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University Environment Committee
Monday, February 25, 2013

Administration Building - VP Conference Room 2nd Floor
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Attending: Chair; John Murray Vice-Chair; Paul Siegel; John Robinson, Dimitri Tsybychev; Gary Mar

Staff: James O’Connor, Office of Campus Sustainability; Gary Kaczmarczyk; Executive Director of Environmental Health and Safety; John Sparano, Campus Residences;

Meeting called to order: 1:33pm

Introductions – Agenda and sign-in sheet passed around.

Review of the Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes, Paul Siegel and seconded by John Robinson. Minutes approved unanimously, as amended by email.

1. Discussion of Directions and activities for the remainder of the semester

John Murray indicated that a SUNY-wide smoking policy is in development.

John Murray provided an update on status of the animals on campus policy.

Paul Siegel suggested that we revisit Lake Briana living laboratory designation and the Environmental Master Plan. He also suggested we receive an update on status of development under the Campus Master Plan.

2. New Business

Teri Tiso reported that pigeons were becoming a nuisance around the HSC towers.

Gary Kaczmarczyk indicated that he would deliver a presentation on the University radiation handing and protection practices at a future meeting.

Dimitri Tsybychev raised concerns about dangerous traffic pattern at the north entrance that might be addressed with new signage.

James O’Connor reported that Recycle-Mania was underway and that the Office of Sustainability was available to assist campus units in participating.

The next meeting is scheduled in the VP Administration Conference Room on the second floor, the date TBD

The meeting ended at 2:33 pm

Recording Secretary, John Robinson