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Executive Synthesis of Recommendations 6/18/10

The Senate Executive Committee, based on the results of a survey of faculty and librarians taken in Fall 2009 by the Senate Research Committee, makes the following recommendations:

(A) That Dr. John Marburger be encouraged to continue to take administrative action to improve the responsiveness and work of the OVPR for personnel on campus involved in the research enterprise. 

(B) That the President, Provost, VPR, Deans and Chairs be encouraged to maintain and increase substantive incentives for faculty and professional staff for grant writing and for research  (funded or not funded) by grants.

(C) That the university administration should continue and bolster efforts to maintain and improve research infrastructure and facilities on campus.

(D) Given the existing shortfalls in support for research activity in the Fine Arts, Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences, particular emphasis should be made in the three areas listed above for these disciplines.