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September 14, 2012


Darren Chase, Michael Chiarello, Deb Dwyer, Bill Godfrey, Norm Goodman, Meg Schedel

The purpose of this brief additional meeting is committee selection, which is necessary before the work of the committee can really begin


Enrollment Planning

Bill Godfrey agreed to chair this subcommittee, which will include Kane Gillespie and Kosta Plakas. Pam will move to this committee given the subcommittee she formerly served on is no longer active.

Bill said he wants to look at the implications of funding that is being allocated for this and how it impacts the size of the undergraduate pool.

Bill suggested we add the SUNY 20/20 mandate to grow undergraduate student body and how that will impact academic plans

Flow of Funds
Larry Wittie will chair and Darren Chase will serve on this subcommittee

The precedent has been set for expecting data from the Provost and now we want to request data from the VP of Research and Student Affairs as well (and others that become relevant).

Satellite Campuses (Stony Brook Manhattan, Stony Brook Southampton, SUNY Korea)
Jackie Collier will chair and Darren Chase, Gene Katz, and Meg Schedel will serve on this subcommittee

It is difficult to get data from S. Hampton – so this will be a challenge for the committee. Bob Rosenblatt from English will be invited to a meeting of CAPRA to share what is going on with the budget at SB Southampton.

Shared Services
Pam Wolfskill will chair this subcommittee and Shmuel Einav Bill Godfrey and Meg Schedel will serve on it.

SB Medicine (Formerly HSC)
Michael Chiarello will chair the subcommittee, which will also consist of Deb Dwyer and Shmuel Einav

Strategic Planning, RCM, and Faculty Resources
Deb Dwyer will take over as chair since Paul Bingham serves as CAPRA’s liaison to the Finance and Budget committee; the subcommittee also includes Jackie Collier, Kane Gillespie, Gene Katz, and Vasiliy Safin

The Finance and Budget Committee established under RCM consists primarily of administrators and is a technical committee to deal with the allocation of resources based on the results of applying the RCM model. The committee, however, lacks faculty members to study quality indicators of productivity as well as non-pecuniary contributions to the university. In CAPRA’s report on the RCM model, it was recommended that an additional committee be established that consisted primarily of faculty to identify appropriate algorithms, formulae, and metrics to determine budget allocations to academic units. Norm will contact Fred Walter to have him take this issue up with the Provost.

Budget allocations need to be made in light of a strategic plan. However, though the individual schools and colleges have devised their own strategic plans, several of which have been reviewed by this subcommittee last year, there is yet no available campus strategic plan that would inform the RCM model. Norm will discuss this with the Provost.

This subcommittee should also be reviewing the criteria for the allocation of the 270 faculty lines that will come to this campus over five years as a consequence of SUNY 2020. We understand that approximately 50% of these lines will be used for “cluster hires”. What criteria will be used to decide the allocation of these cluster hire lines as well as the remaining lines? Is there a plan for the sustainability and success of cluster hires?

How will the Gyrodyne liability of somewhere between $150 and $180 million impact hiring and other resource issues?

Administrative matters

Norm will send to all committee members a list of all subcommittees, their mandate, and membership as well as the meeting schedule for the semester.