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FEBRUARY 22, 2013

Attending: Paul Bingham, Derek Cope, Dale Deutsch, Debra Dwyer, Shmuel Einav, Bill Godfrey, Norm Goodman, Gene Katz, Meg Schedel
Guests: Dave Kale, William Kennelly, Ying Zhao
The meeting began a 2:34 p.m.

Derek Cope has replaced Konstantinos Plakas as the representative of the Undergraduate Student Government on the committee due to a class/meeting conflict.

Subcommittee reports

Strategic Plan/RCM/Faculty Resources subcommittee
There is as yet no “white paper” from the Finance and Budget Committee on the process through which the RCM model will be implemented because there is not yet an agreement within the committee and between the committee and the administration on a proposed process. Also, apparently the SUNY administration had some reservations about the implementation of an RCM model. It is clear that this model will produce “winners” and “losers” so it is important to make it a “fair” process. One of the issues is that in CAS, there are departments that are running large deficits and how this will be handled is still not clear. However, Norm pointed out that the model identifies a process that deals with this issue: mainly, there needs to be a determination of whether a department/program can be financially self-sustaining; if not, consideration needs to be given as to whether the department is essential to the university and, if so, what can be done to maintain it; if not, the question is whether it should be dropped needs to be addressed.
Paul and Deb made the point about the critical importance of “financial transparency” for this process to be acceptable to the campus. And there is still the question of whether this transparency will be at the level of the provost, college dean, or academic department.
Equally important, there is as yet no publically available strategic plan for the campus. Clearly, there is a link between a strategic plan and a budget model to support the plan. The lack of either leads to critical the problem that decisions on academic and resource issues will likely be made on an ad hoc basis rather than in the context of a strategic plan, which is clearly not the optimum way these decisions should be made. Norm will discuss this issue with the University Senate Executive Committee.

Stony Brook Medicine subcommittee
The committee met with Vice President Kaushansky to discuss developments on the East Campus. Parking is still an important issue and is being considered by Vice President Kaushansky is considering some alternative ways of dealing with this issue. Also, he is in the process of developing a strategic plan for the East Campus.

Satellite Campuses subcommittee
Jackie Collier will be asked to have Bob Reeves attend our next meeting to discuss the current plans for the Southampton campus.
Enrollment at Stony Brook Manhattan is declining and the subcommittee will need to examine the reason for this and what plans the administration has in light of this fact.
Imin Kao, Associate Dean of CEAS, will discuss the programs at SUNY/Korea at our next meeting.
The meeting ended at 3:47 p.m.