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Tasheka Sutton-Young

Assistant Vice President for Presidential Initiatives
Start Date: July 11, 2022

Tasheka Sutton-Young“Whatever it is I’m given, I will give it my all.”

That’s Tasheka Sutton-Young’s credo and a principle she’s followed throughout her educational studies, her career and her life. With a Master’s degree in Communications and a Doctorate in Executive Leadership, Tasheka also got involved in every club and leadership role imaginable and available during her college years.

“I was a class president, resident assistant (R.A.), served as president of the Council for Multicultural Leaders (CML), and worked as a student aid in the Dean of Students and Career Services Office. I wanted to be the ultimate ‘student leader’. I tell students I mentor today that it’s important to grow up and develop as a young professional and expand your network. I also tell them that if they can hone their skills here they can learn as student leaders they can make it anywhere.”

Tasheka’s love of school as a student evolved into a thriving career path over the past two decades, all in the field of higher education. “I went into higher ed, fell in love and never left,” she says. That path has taken a few turns – from student affairs to executive leadership roles – but it started and has come full circle back to Stony Brook.

“I didn’t go to school here but I started working at Stony Brook right out of grad school, from 2001-6, in Student Affairs. l  immediately said to myself, ‘Oh my goodness. This is the place to be.’ There was – and is – a certain magic here. And I got to learn the ins and outs of working at a major institution of higher learning from some of the best. Whatever I can do to help now, it’s my pleasure.”

A native of Brooklyn, NY, a wife, and a mother of 12- and 15-year old daughters, Tasheka adds that she’s excited to be taking on a brand new role at the University. “It gives me a chance to make it my own. And I’m especially excited to work on presidential initiatives ranging from special projects to leadership development."

Tasheka is also looking forward to putting her organizational skills to work and taking on challenges and responsibilities in her usual diligent, dedicated and straightforward manner: “I believe in having those courageous conversations and I pride myself on being honest and upfront, always. I am someone you can count on to tell it like it is and do what I say I will do.”

For her part, Tasheka couldn’t be more thrilled to be doing all she is at Stony Brook, “where the vibe and the energy have always felt right.”