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Prathamesh Hajirnis

Project Coordinator, Economic Development for CIEES (Center for Integrated Electric Energy  Systems) and AERTC (Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center)
Start Date: August 3, 2022

Prathamesh HajirnisSBU’s Economic Development area is restructuring and expanding to better serve the needs of departments across the University. As one of its newest members, Prathamesh Hajirnis is excited to use his organizational skills to help our researchers meet their funding contract commitments while focusing on what they do best – research. 

Prathamesh explains: “There’s always been a cultural gap between academia and business, and I’m the liaison – the bridge – between the two areas. I’m the person who works to make sure everything stays on track, on time, and in accordance with what was proposed and committed to in the original agreement with industry partners funding the projects.”

Coming from the worlds of printer engineering and IT, he says, “I understand industry pressures and the urgency and expectations that accompany that. And I believe I bring a fresh, outside perspective to the academic world around how things are managed. At the same time, I want our principal investigators (PIs) to know that I am mainly here to support them in their endeavors. I’m looking to take administrative burdens off of them, and help them convey the benefits of their research to their partners in business.”

Prathamesh calls it a ‘balancing act’ he feels well-equipped to handle. He says, “The goal is to make sure everyone’s purposes and interests are served and, at the same time, get the project done. Relationship building is a key ingredient.”

Prathamesh has been involved in project management throughout his career, which has spanned from India (where he lived until 2006), to Kansas, to Dallas, to New York City, before moving to Long Island seven years ago.

“I’ve always wanted to work for a world-class institution like Stony Brook,” he says. “The amount of resources available and research performed here provide unparalleled benefits for local communities and society in general. And the opportunities here for me are immense as I get to work with, and learn from, some of the greatest minds from all around the world. People whose incredible ideas can be applied to make the world a better place.”

He’s also looking forward to collaborating with the broader Economic Development team to streamline processes and make each project management area’s work methodologies more consistent … again, for the benefit of the areas they each serve. “I have a strong personal belief that being organized is the foundation for many successes, in both work and life,” he says, “and I’m happy and excited to put that principle to work here.” 

Prathamesh’s wife, Puja Deshpande, also works at Stony Brook, as a pharmacist at Stony Brook University Hospital for the past 13 years. And they are happily raising their two children – a 4½ year old son and 7-month old daughter, just a few miles away from campus, another balancing act Prathamesh is thrilled to take part in.