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Miles Litzmann (MS, 2023)

Miles Litzmann at the LIShore salinity observatory at Crescent Avenue, Mecox Bay.

Miles Litzmann is a 2023 graduate of the atmospheric and oceanic sciences program who also completed the 5-year combined degree program at SoMAS.

While at SoMAS, Miles worked as a student assistant in the Instrument Lab (EShop) with Tom Wilson and Lucas Merlo. While there, he helped rebuild the SoMAS radar truck, worked aboard the R/V Seawolf, and assisted with the LIShore coastal observatory system, including installation of a telemetering salinity sensor at Crescent Avenue Mecox Bay (shown in the photo at right).

After graduation, Miles was accepted into the NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps, following in the footsteps of SoMAS Associate Dean Larry Swanson.