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Provost's Lectures Archive


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Provost's Lecture Series – Oct 2023 to Present

The Provost's Lecture Series features talks by SUNY Distinguished Academy faculty members at Stony Brook University, showcasing the outstanding research and scholarship that is taking place at our institution. Each semester three Provost's Lecture Series events take place, each featuring two talks from members of the SUNY Distinguished Academy at Stony Brook University (SBU). For information on upcoming talks, see the main Provost's Lecture Series page.

Date Speaker Department Title / Link

April 4, 2024

Sharon Nachman, MD Pediatrics HIV Then and Now

April 4, 2024

Christopher Gobler School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Unraveling the Complexities of Aquatic Ecosystems and Land-Sea Interactions to Foster Sustainable Coastal Communities in the Anthropocene

March 5, 2024

Leonie Huddy Political Science A Nation Divided: Partisan Identity and the Psychology of Political Polarization

March 5, 2024

Danny Bluestein Biomedical Engineering Innovative Prosthetic Heart Valves for Minimally Invasive Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

February 6, 2024

Judith Crowell, MD Psychiatry Understanding Attachment and Close Relationships and Their Impact on Development

February 6, 2024

Mary Jo Bona Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Mothers, Mobility, Narrative: Othermothering and Maso’s The Art Lover in the AIDS Era

November 14, 2023

Georges Fouron Africana Studies Citizenship in the Age of Globalization, Glocalization, Transnational Migration, and Multiculturalism
November 14, 2023 Martin Rocek Physics & Astronomy What is String Theory and Why Is It Interesting?

Provost's Spotlight Talks

The Provost’s Spotlight Talks feature eminent visitors to the university as well as SBU faculty members who have recently been recognized for outstanding contributions in their field. For more information or to suggest a speaker, please see the Lectures and Talks Info page. 

Date Speaker Department Title / Link

March 20, 2024

Barry Barish Physics Gravitational Waves: Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Universe


Provost's Lecture Series – Prior to Oct 2023

Past Provost's Lecture Series has largely served as a means to support external speakers coming to Stony Brook University to share their expertise and experiences. Below are previous guest speakers. 

Date Speaker Title / Link
October 24, 2023 Philipp Mitteroecker The (Mis)Measure of Human Evolution
May 5, 2023 John Hartwig Catalyzing Organic Synthesis
April 25, 2023 John Budin, MD A Psychiatrist with Bipolar Disorder: A Long Day's Journey into Light
October 12, 2022 Rob Basso Apply the Triple Threat of Ambition, Confidence and Conviction for Success On Your Own Terms
May 4, 2022 David Wald Challenges in Real-time Earthquake Shaking and Impact Estimation
April 29, 2022 Makoto Fujita Coordination Self-Assembly: From Origins to the Latest Advances
October 21, 2021 Joan T. Richtsmeier Morphology as Mechanism
May 6, 2021 Natasha Rajah, MD The Effect of Age, Sex and Gender on the Neurobiology of Episodic Memory: Midlife as a Critical Period in Adulthood
December 2, 2020 Kenneth Kaushansky,  MD, Bettina Fries, MD, Sharon Nachman, MD The Basic Biology of the Immune Reaction to Foreign Invasion, and the Development of Vaccines
December 2, 2020 Fotis Sotiropoulos  How Far Is Far Enough and Can Masks Curb the Spread of COVID-19? Insights on Effective Social Distance and Face Covering Gained by Numerical Simulation
November 18, 2020 George Em Karniadakis From PINNs to DeepOnets: Approximating Functions, Functionals, and Operators Using Deep Neural Networks for Diverse Applications
February 6, 2020 Ian Burney Staging Innocence: Erle Stanley Gardner’s "Court of Last Resort" and the Imaginative Landscapes of Frontier Justice in Post-War America
October 24, 2019 Dean C. Adams Morphometrics, Macroevolution, and an Effect Size Measure for Multivariate Data
October 18, 2019 Omar M. Yaghi Reticular Chemistry Leading to Carbon Capture and Water Harvesting from Air
October 4, 2019 Martin Sliwinski Cognition on the Go: The Opportunities and Challenges for Mobile Cognitive Health Research
October 2, 2019 Camilla Townsend Indigenous Historians in Colonial Mexico
May 3, 2019 Matthew Aucoin Walt Whitman and the Ethics of Optimism
April 25, 2019 Karl Friston I Am, Therefore I Think
March 28, 2019 Dawn Zier The Entrepreneur's Edge 2019: Company Culture and its Impact on Growth
February 8, 2019 Richard Prum The Evolution of Beauty: Darwin's Really Dangerous Idea
November 7, 2018 Patricia Richards Sexual Harassment and the Construction of Knowledge: The Case of Ethnography
October 11, 2018 Jeremy Jackson Breakpoint: Reckoning with America’s Environmental Crises
April 20, 2018 Alexander Nehamas Metaphors in Our Lives: "I Love You for Yourself" 
April 9, 2018 Sue Wessler The Dynamic Genome Program: A Model for Bringing the Excitement of Authentic Research into Foundational Laboratory Courses
April 5, 2018 Larry H. Spruill Weapons of Our Warfare: Martin Luther King, The Gospel of Publicity and Photojournalism
February 9, 2018 Hopi Hoekstra What Darwin Didn't Know
November 14, 2017 Eugene Alletto The Entrepreneurs Edge
November 9, 2017 Claude M. Steele Stereotype Threat and Identity Threat: The Science of a Diverse Community
November 2, 2017 Paul G. Falkowski Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable
November 1, 2017 Todd Gitlin Democracy, Populism and Fake News in the Age of Trump
October 24, 2017 Dennis E. Slice An Unexpected Journey: A Curious Career in Shape Analysis
October 12, 2017 Carl Zimmer Science Reporting in the Age of Fake News
October 2, 2017 John Hooker Taking Ethics Seriously: Why Ethics Is an Essential Tool for the Modern Workplace
March 30, 2017 Adrian Bejan Life and Evolution as Physics 
November 10, 2016 Jack Dongarra An Overview of High Performance Computing and Challenges for the Future
November 3, 2016 Stangley Bergman and Eddie Bergman Models of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship 
June 9, 2016 Sam Pizzigati Plutocrats: Understanding the 0.1%
April 18, 2016 Richard Tapia Building a Culture of Diversity in Higher Education: Obstacles and Successes
April 14, 2016 Vivienne Ming The Tax on Being Different 
February 12, 2016 David Jablonski Mass Extinctions and Evolution: What We've Learned Since Darwin
November 17, 2015 Paul M. Arfin Social Action in Suburbia: Post-World War II Long Island as a Case Study 
October 26, 2015 Benedikt Hallgrímsson Morphometrics and the Middle-Out Approach to Complex Traits
October 16, 2015 Carl Hobert Raising Global IQ
October 8, 2015 Josh Levs The Myth of the Modern Dad: What The New York Times, Pew Research and Everyone Else Got Wrong
July 25, 2015 David M. Kingsley Fishing for the Secrets of Stickleback and Human Evolution 
May 5, 2015 Steve Koonin Adventures in Urban Informatics
April 16, 2015 Georgiy Kasianov Ukraine Between "the East" and "the West:" The Final Cut?
February 13, 2015 Mark Pagel  The Evolution of Human Languages: An Evolutionary Biologist's Perspective
December 3, 2014 Daniel Esty From 20th Century Environmental Protection to 21st Century Sustainability 
October 30, 2014 Jack Halberstam “A Path So Twisted”: Thinking Wildly With and Through Punk Feminisms
October 27, 2014 Li Wei Multilingualism, Social Cognition and Creativity 
October 16, 2014 Joan D. Frosch Who Is (Not) Human?
October 9, 2014 Bill Drayton Education and Job Creation in a World of Accelerating Change
June 5, 2014 Saket Soni Organizing a Multi-Racial, Multi-Ethnic Working Class
April 10, 2014 Itsik Pe'er Sequencing the Ashkenazi Genome
February 26, 2014 Lilia Mortiz Schwarcz Race and Citizenship in Turn-of-the-Century Brazil
November 11, 2013 Byron Hurt Manhood, Music and Soul
November 2, 2013
Perry Goldstein
"Send This Diary To My Widow" A Musical Account of Robert Scott's Expedition to the South Pole
October 24, 2013 Paul O'Higgins The Measure of Things: Pattern, Process and Morphometry
October 22, 2013 Catherine Malabou From Sorrow to Indifference 
September 20, 2013 Axel Honneth The Normativity of Ethical Life
August 8, 2013  Thomas A. Angelo Deeper Learning by Design: Seven Key Lessons From a Quarter Century of Research
April 5, 2013 Laurie A. Schreiner Thriving: A New Vision for Student Success
February 13, 2013 Deborah Willis The Black Body and the Lens
October 11, 2012 Jason Kilmer Placebos, Pavlov and Perceptions: The Science of College Substance Use
October 10, 2012 Andrés Di Tella Narrative and Intimacy in the Documentary
October 9, 2012 Ben Cohen True Champions Stand Up
September 13, 2012 Charles W. Mills Liberalism and Racial Justice
June 7, 2012 Jeffrey Clements Corporations are not People: Responding to the Supreme Court in Citizens United
March 22, 2012 Jeffrey Olick What is Memory Studies? Intellectual and Institutional Conditions for Interdisciplinarity
March 21, 2012 Jennifer Engle Challenges in Higher Education: Closing the Gaps: Promoting Access and Success for Low-Income Students 
February 16, 2012 Anwarul K. Chowdhury Women: Essential for Peace and Security 
February 10, 2012 Mark Norell How Fossils Reveal the Evolution of Birds from Other Dinosaurs
February 9, 2012 Aldon Morris W.E.B. Du Bois: The Unforgotten Founder of American Sociology
November 17, 2011 Diane Meier Palliative Care: Transforming the Car of Serious Illness
November 11, 2011 Lourdes Portillo Art and Poetry in the Struggle for Human Rights
October 27, 2011 Isobel Coleman Women, Islam and Reform in the Middle East
October 24, 2011 Fred L. Bookstein Biology and Mathematical Imagination: The Meaning of Morphometrics 
October 10, 2011 Luis H. Zayas Understanding Why Latinas Attempt Suicide
April 29, 2011 Andrew Revkin Which Comes First: Peak Everything or Peak Us?
April 28, 2011 Immanuel Wallerstein Borders, Borders Everywhere, and Not a Drop to Drink
April 11, 2011 Ken Dill Pathways: Routes Through Life, Science & Protein Folding are Seldom Lines
April 5, 2011 Judith Shulevitz The Impossible Necessary Sabbath: What an Ancient Institution Has to Teach Us in these Postmodern Times
March 30, 2011 Malcolm Bowman Tsunami! One of Nature's Most Destructive and Fearsome Events, Could it Happen to Us?
March 24, 2011 Mary Ellen Iskenderian Microfinance: Empowering Women, Transforming Lives
March 23, 2011 Daniel Davis The Earthquake in Japan: What Happened, and Why?
March 7, 2011 Panelists: Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka, Richard Hornik, Andrzej Tymowski, Timothy Moran Human Solidarity, Polish Solidarnosc
February 24, 2011 Hendrik Hartog Old Age and Care Work: How to Get Paid in the 19th Century and Early 20th Century New Jersey 
February 11, 2011 Carl Zimmer Darwin, From Birth to Death
February 1, 2011 John Ewing Valuing Education
November 30, 2010 Panelists: Elizabeth Bass, Malcom Bowman, Elaine Kamarck, Lee Koppelman, Carl Safina Time is Running Out
November 4, 2010 Zahir Tanin Afghanistan: The Current Situation through  a Historical Lens
October 28, 2010 Bernhard Waldenfels Response and Trust: Some Aspects of Responsive Ethics 
October 21, 2010 Louise Leakey A Search for Human Origins at Lake Turkana in Northern Kenya
October 6, 2010 Panelists: Susan Faerman, Ralph Kuncl, Graham Spanier Stony Brook General Education: 50 Forward 
September 29, 2010 Klaus Lackner CO2 Capture from Air
September 23, 2010 Alan Alda & Brian Greene Why Communicating Science Matters
September 13, 2010 Bruce Alberts Science and the World's Future
June 3, 2010 Larry Cohen Economic Crisis, Political Paralysis: What's the Working Class to Do?
April 23, 2010 Carl Safina In the Same Net: Ocean Life, Ethics and the Human Spirit
February 12, 2010 Douglas J. Futuyma Evolutionary Biology: 150 Years of Progress