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Biomedical Tiger Teams

Biomedical Tiger TeamsIn addition to significantly boosting funding for the National Institute of Health (NIH), the current U.S. Administration is planning the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). The goal of ARPA-H is to drive biomedical breakthroughs—ranging from molecular to societal. ARPA-H will target diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, infectious diseases and others, while also addressing health inequities. These goals will be achieved through the development of new, broadly applicable technologies and platforms, as well as the promotion of multi-disciplinary collaborations and partnerships that bring together researchers from multiple disciplines (e.g., life sciences, health sciences, medicine, engineering, physics, economics, and sociology).

  • Stony Brook University is ideally positioned to capitalize on these Federal investments, thanks to its strengths in life and health sciences, physical and chemical sciences, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.

  • Following the footprint of the Tiger Teams pilot program, we are launching the Biomedical Tiger Teams program. Each Biomedical Tiger Team will map strengths and resources, and identify areas of alignment between our institution and funding opportunities.

  • Biomedical Tiger Teams will concentrate on the following areas, selected based on anticipated Federal funding priorities and Stony Brook’s strengths.

    1. Brain, behavior, neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders
    2. Cancer
    3. Development, aging and life span
    4. Drug development, from chemistry to diagnostics and therapies
    5. Environmental health, climate change and human health
    6. Immunology and infectious diseases
    7. Metabolism, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders
    8. Technology, computation, biology, medicine and regenerative medicine
  • We encourage broad participation and welcome the formation of teams that take into account multiple perspectives.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to