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Updates on West Campus Academic Hiring, Summer 2023


Dear Colleagues,

As noted in my message last week, we promised to share with you the summary of hiring decisions, once finalized. This summary is now available by clicking here (Net ID sign-in is required to view).

As a reminder, you are invited to our second annual Provost’s Budget Forum. I will share an overview of all hires approved and more details on the strategy behind our hiring decisions. This event is open to all faculty and staff, although the session will focus solely on hiring activity and planning for schools, colleges, and units that report through the Provost’s Office.

Provost’s Budget Forum
Thursday, August 17
1 to 2:30 p.m.
Frey Hall, Room 104 or Zoom
Click here to add the event to your calendar

I gained valuable feedback from those of you who attended the budget forum last year, and I look forward to seeing many of you again.



Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President