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Strategic Planning Forums



Dear Stony Brook Community,
One of the most significant priorities I have taken on since joining Stony Brook as your provost is to lead the development and implementation of Project REACH, the university’s strategic plan. As Stony Brook continues to ascend as a top-tier public flagship university, the strategic plan is a critical guide to focus our vision on where we want to go next and how we will get there. 
I am eager to share more detail with you on how the next phase of Project REACH is taking shape and will be hosting a forum on multiple dates to provide updates on the planning process, as well as solicit your feedback on our path forward. 
Key points of emphasis will include the characteristics of the plan and the plan's impact on our long-term trajectory, as well as your day-to-day work. The strategic plan must be more than an academic exercise and result in a framework that guides our initiatives to continue Stony Brook’s rise as a leading institution. It will be an active plan that will be annually refreshed and renewed, and will provide direction for unit plans, as well as take cues from those plans. Finally, it will also help us make strategic decisions in how we invest our time and our resources to the benefit of our students, staff, faculty, and the communities we serve.
I am grateful to build upon the work that was well underway as I arrived at Stony Brook. Led by Rose Martinelli, the Vision Committee has done tremendous work to process and analyze the volumes of community feedback that many of you shared during visioning sessions last spring. This work is fundamental to crafting the vision, values, and priorities that make up the framework of our strategic plan.
To provide maximum flexibility in allowing you to attend these forums, they will be scheduled at a few different times and dates. We have also scheduled sessions at locations on both west and east campus. All faculty, staff, and students across the university are welcome to attend any session.
  • Oct. 20, 9-10 a.m. (Union Ballroom)
  • Oct. 20, 1-2 p.m. (Union Ballroom)
  • Oct. 27, 12-1 p.m. (Union Ballroom)
  • Oct. 31, 3-4 p.m. (MART Auditorium)
Please submit your RSVP at this link.
I look forward to seeing you at these forums and sharing our progress so far. 
Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs