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Call for Protocenter Applications: Quantum Information Science and Technology


Dear Stony Brook Faculty,

As President McInnis has shared on numerous occasions, Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) is a key area for growth at the university and a central piece for investment from the President’s Innovation and Excellence (PIE) Fund.

Following multiple conversations this past fall with members of the quantum research community at SBU, led by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Research, we are moving forward with funding “protocenters” as part of a QIST Consortium at SBU. A protocenter represents the planning stage in a QIST research program. Based on the success of each protocenter in key domains including the generation of cutting-edge research and external funding, each has the potential to grow into a university-recognized center within the QIST Consortium. A QIST protocenter can span the full range of QIST topics, from fundamental concepts through development and application of basic technology, as well as translational research bridging these domains. 

Protocenter applications can request between $100-$300k per year for up to 4 years. At the end of this funding period, the Provost in collaboration with the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and the Vice President for Research will evaluate the success of each protocenter to make decisions about any future funding, including growth into a QIST Center. Only those protocenters demonstrating considerable success and potential for long-term sustainability will transition into a university-recognized center within the QIST Consortium.

Up to 2-3 protocenters will be funded in this round, with at least one additional funding round in the near future. Please note that you may only be PI on one application and Co-PI on one application. Please click here to refer to the Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility Policy to determine eligibility and whether you need a letter from your Department Chair. 

Protocenter applications must include the following components: 

  • Title page listing PI and key personnel
  • Abstract (300 word limit)
  • Protocenter narrative that includes:
    • Significance, goals, and objectives (1-page limit)
    • Protocenter description and research methods (2-page limit)
    • References (2-page limit)
  • Description of research team, including leadership structure, QIST expertise and past accomplishments by the team members in QIST (2-page limit)
  • Biosketch/CV for PI and Co-PIs (2-page limit per investigator)
  • Plans to seek external funding (1-page limit)
  • Description of strategies that the research team will apply to promote a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in their research program (1-page limit)
  • Budget, including annual and overall budgets and justification (1-page limit)
    • Faculty salary support must have justification
    • Personnel expenses must include fringe benefit costs using the applicable RF fringe rate
    • F&A costs should not be included in the budget

Complete applications should be submitted as a single PDF file no later than 5:00 pm on April 28th via email to

Protocenter applications will be judged by a review panel that includes SBU QIST experts and will be scored based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific merit: 30%
  • Appropriateness of the research team including leadership structure, QIST expertise, and interdisciplinarity (as appropriate): 20%
  • Relevant previous/current external funding and plans for securing future external funding: 30%
  • Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and accessibility: 10%
  • Budgetary efficiency: 10%

Funding decisions will be made and communicated on or about May 25, with protocenters expected to begin between July 1 and August 31, 2023. Funding allocations for subsequent years on the award will be contingent on submission of a yearly progress report and meaningful research progress.

Please send any questions to

Carl W. Lejuez, PhD
Executive Vice President and Provost

Harold L. Paz, MD
Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and
CEO of Stony Brook University Medicine

Richard J. Reeder, PhD
Vice President for Research