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Leadership Announcements in Academic Affairs

Office of Educational Effectiveness


Accepting Nominations for the 2024 Excellence in Educational Effectiveness Award

On behalf of the Office of the Provost and the SBU Assessment Council, we are pleased to announce that nominations are open for the 2024 Excellence in Educational Effectiveness (EEE) Award! Initially presented in 2022, the EEE Award recognizes Stony Brook University community members who demonstrate a strong commitment to best practices in academic assessment and improvement.

Nominations are currently being accepted through March 1, 2024. Community members are welcome to nominate faculty, staff, assessment coordinators, or graduate teaching assistants who have had a positive impact on academic programs and services as a result of assessment practices. Nominees may be full-time or part-time employees. Click here for additional information about the award.

Nominators are asked to submit a brief form and attach a letter of support (750 words or less) which addresses how the nominee demonstrates excellence in educational effectiveness. Nominators should describe the nominee's impact on the academic program or student experience, and select a category from the list below which most closely aligns with the nominee's contributions to assessment:

  • A commitment to creating a sustainable culture of assessment at SBU
  • Innovative, creative approaches to academic program assessment
  • Effective use of assessment tools, such as rubrics, curricular maps, etc.
  • A data-driven approach to program or curricular improvement
  • Interdisciplinary or collaborative academic assessment initiatives

The SBU Assessment Council will review all nominations and make recommendations to the Provost, who will select final award recipients by April 1, 2024.  Award recipients will be honored at the second Annual Assessment Recognition Event on April 29, 2024 at the SBU Hilton Garden Inn. 

For more information, visit the OEE website or contact We look forward to reviewing your nominations and recognizing deserving members of our community for their contributions to educational effectiveness.