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A New Vision for the Provost's Lectures and Talks


Dear Stony Brook Faculty and Staff,

I am excited to share with you a new approach to the Provost’s Lectures and Talks.

For the past few years, the program known as Provost’s Lecture Series has largely served as a means to support external speakers coming to Stony Brook University to share their expertise and experiences. While it’s meaningful and important to learn from those outside our community, what we have lacked is a showcase to regularly highlight the exceptional scholarship of our own faculty.

Moving forward, the Provost’s Lecture Series will serve as a platform for talks by our SUNY Distinguished Academy faculty members to share their research and scholarship with the Stony Brook University community. This academic year, we will begin the series with talks by two of our SUNY Distinguished Academy faculty members on Nov. 14. Professors Georges Fouron of Africana Studies and Martin Rocek of Physics and Astronomy will open the series. I invite you all to join us and encourage you to visit this site to learn more about upcoming Provost’s Lecture Series talks. You can click this link to add the Nov. 14 event to your calendar. 

In addition to the Provost’s Lecture Series, two other new programs will provide avenues to academic units to invite scholarly guest speakers, the Provost Spotlight Talk, and Provost-Sponsored Talks. Please visit our Provost’s Lectures and Talks webpage to learn about these programs and how to engage in them. 

I look forward to seeing you on Nov. 14 at our inaugural event of the Provost’s Lecture Series highlighting our SUNY Distinguished Academy faculty members. 


Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President