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Welcoming New Faculty to Stony Brook


Dear Colleagues,

One of the highlights each academic year is to welcome an influx of new members to our community. Each new class of students, cohort of new faculty, and group of new staff presents the opportunity to share the traditions, values, and points of distinction that make Stony Brook University a special place. In return, our new community members can help us see the institution from a fresh perspective and open new outlets for collaboration and discovery. 

In this spirit of welcoming, I am pleased to introduce to you the newest members of our faculty in the schools and colleges on the West Campus. We have created a feature on our Faculty Pathways website for you to learn more about each of the new faculty joining us this fall. 

I am excited to see this group of scholars join us and look forward to the contributions they will make as researchers and educators. I hope you will find opportunities to meet them and help welcome them to our community. 


Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs