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Earthstock 2023

April 21, 2023

Dear Campus Community,

It has been such a delight to be on campus this week as we’ve celebrated Earthstock, the annual Stony Brook University tradition dating back to 2002 honoring sustainability, conservation, and the environment. Stony Brook has been alive with critical discussion and community the past few days, from group beach cleanups and undergraduate environmental research showcases to sustainability career panels and Monday’s keynote talk from Dr. Carl Safina, who discussed what animals think and feel—and how an understanding of scientific facts begs us to think, and act, more ethically.

Earthstock may be a singular celebration, however, it illustrates this institution’s deeply embedded commitment to sustainability year-round, including our active conservation work and sustainability research, our bid to create the New York Climate Exchange on Governors Island, and our stewardship of the Ashley Schiff Preserve—which many of you have enjoyed and explored this week. Today, I am pleased to announce that Stony Brook University will take the legal steps necessary to permanently protect a significant portion of the preserve, keeping this beautiful ecosystem, full of vibrant wildlife and vegetation, free from development. Construction on the area just beyond the preserve will be held in abeyance unless needed for South Campus revitalization, and we will soon secure a comprehensive survey to identify the official boundaries of the preserve. We want to ensure that current and future Seawolves can follow in the footsteps of the late professor Ashley Schiff, for whom the preserve is named, by having the opportunity to cultivate a deep relationship with nature.

Schiff was a beloved political science professor at Stony Brook University who truly saw the intersections between environmental and social advocacy. He was devoted to the preservation of the natural world and passionate about building a better, more connected life for students. I believe that in 2023, ensuring that people have access to verdant natural spaces is a critical part of this endeavor; a respect for our environment improves quality of life for both students and our larger community.

Stony Brook is a university committed to sustainability—leveraging the power of creativity, critical thought, and research innovation toward making the world a healthier place for all. Happy Earthstock and Earth Day 2023!


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Maurie McInnis