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Former Council Members: 2018-19

Yark Beyan
Data Collection

Yark Beyan was a senior at Stony Brook University studying Political Science with a concentration in International Affairs and a minor in Sustainability Studies. Originally from Staten Island, New York, she served as the Team Leader for the Center for Civic Justice at Stony Brook University. In addition, Yark was a recipient of the JFEW-SUNY Scholars Program in International Relations and Global Affairs, Student Ambassador, and Teaching Assistant. Yark is passionate about global affairs and was the founder of African Grow n' Glow, a social enterprise that seeks to address deficiencies in the beauty industry for people of color.


Tyler Francisco
Deputy Liaison

Tyler Francisco (‘19) was a senior from East Setauket, NY majoring in Psychology on the Pre-Med track. After three very insightful years at Stony Brook University, he looked to serve the community that has helped him become a successful student. He did this by actively involving himself as an Orientation Leader, a Commuter Assistant, University Scholar, member of Project Sunshine, while also conducting research in the Department of Oral Biology and Pathology.


Nicole Grima
Data Analysis Committee Lead

Nicole Grima (‘20) was a junior from Carle Place, NY majoring in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. At Stony Brook, Nicole found a home in advocacy and community building for the LGBTQ* communities. Nicole worked for Stony Brook’s LGBTQ* Services, was an AIDS Peer Educator, and was the President of Stony Brook’s Trans* Alliance. After undergrad, Nicole intends on earning a graduate degree in reproductive endocrinology and later pursuing medical school, with the goal of bringing structurally competent health care to trans* and queer communities.


Thor Hawrey
Report Committee

Thor Hawrey (’19) was a senior Political Science major whose studies focused on American Government, Law, and Public Policy. While completing his major was his main focus academically, Thor also pursued minors in Business Management and Writing and Rhetoric. In his free time, Thor was President of Centriseed Innovations, a student-led organization aimed at applying STEM skills towards implementing sustainable solutions to solve community-based problems; an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court for USG where he served as a voting member on the SUNY Student Assembly; a Student Assistant in the Office the President; an Academic Tutor for the Department of Athletics; and was a member of the Stony Brook Strength Club. Thor’s desire to better the communities that surround him serves as the foundation of his goal to pursue a career as a civil rights attorney following his graduation from Stony Brook.


Ryan Kawalerski

Ryan Kawalerski (’19) was a senior who pursued majors in Applied Math & Statistics and Biochemistry as a part of the Honors College. Ryan is originally from Buffalo, though he found a home at Stony Brook as President of the Synthetic Biology Society. Ryan studied molecular mechanisms and genetic profiling of pancreatic cancer as a member of the Shroyer/Escobar- Hoyos and Moffitt laboratories at Stony Brook Medicine Departments of Pathology and Biomedical Informatics.


Annet Kuruvilla
Social Media Committee Lead

Annet Kuruvilla (‘19) was a senior from East Meadow, NY, majoring in Biochemistry while participating in the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program and the Scholars for Medicine (B.S./M.D.) program. Annet was involved in a variety of clubs and initiatives on and off campus that demonstrates her passion for the Stony Brook community. She was a performer for Taandava, Stony Brook's Indian classical dance team, and a Student Ambassador for the Dean of Students. In addition, Annet worked as a WISE mentor for matriculating freshmen and conducts research in the Dermatology and Pathology lab of Dr. Jiang Chen. She also completed a Clinical Oncology Internship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center under the guidance of two oncology physicians.


Sahil Rawal
Report Committee Lead

Sahil Rawal (‘19) was a Senior from Herricks, NY, majoring in Biology in the Scholars for Medicine (B.S./M.D.) program in conjunction with Stony Brook Medical School. Sahil was the Editor-in-Chief of Stony Brook Young Investigators Review, which is the only undergraduate science research journal on campus. Along with being an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for BIO 204, BIO 207, and BIO 358, Sahil was a Big Sibling for the Honors College. Outside of classes, Sahil was an undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Andreas Kalogeropoulos in the Department of Cardiology. 


Hayley Rein
Secretary, Report Committee

Hayley Rein ('19) was a senior from Brooklyn, NY studying Psychology and Sociology with a minor in Health, Medicine, & Society. She enjoys writing in all different forms, worked as a tutor at the Writing Center, and interned as a grant writer for a non-profit this past summer. Hayley was involved in many different organizations across campus, including Hall Council, Quad Council, and the Jewish Student Association. She enjoyed working with first year students to help them get acclimated to the campus environment, and was a Fellow for Leadership and Service and University Scholars for three classes. She served as a Peer Assistant Leader for University Scholars, the Undergraduate Chair of the Student Health Advisory Committee, and conducted an independent Sociology Honors research project under Dr. Catherine Marrone. Her combined experiences as a Chill Peer Health Educator and her participation in the JFEW SUNY Global Affairs Scholars program led her to want to pursue her Master's in Global Public Health after graduation. 


Kashan Rizvi
Data Collection Lead

Kashan Rizvi (‘19) was a senior from Hewlett, NY, who studied business management while on the Pre-med path; he eventually wants to start his own private medical practice. Kashan also conducted research in the neurology department under Dr. Anat Biegon, where he looked at brain responses to traumatic and inflammatory events. In his free time, Kashan enjoyed  volunteering at medical practices and spending time with his friends and family.


Zachary Shaps

Zachary Shaps (‘19) was a senior from Bandera, TX majoring in Biology, minoring in Political Science following the Pre-Med track.  On campus, Zachary was elected senator for the Undergraduate Student Government and was later elected President of the Senate for the 2016-2017 academic year.  Dedicated to student engagement, Zachary also served as a Resident Assistant in Hamilton College in Kelly Quad and a Hillel Peer Network Engagement Intern. As a volunteer in the chaplaincy department at Stony Brook Hospital, he helped patients empower themselves.  During his time as an SBU student, Zachary was a dedicated student advocate, working on initiatives such as free menstrual hygiene products, budget accessibility for USG clubs, and free laundry.


Tina Zheng
Social Media Committee

Tina Zheng (‘19) was a senior from Queens, NY, majoring in Computer Science and Economics. She was an ITS undergraduate college fellow and a TA for the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) students. She worked as a social media intern under the Information and Technology Studies (ITS) undergraduate college, and stayed involved in the ITS undergraduate college.



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