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PI Leave of Absences from SBU

It is the PI’s responsibility to work directly with their Chair/Dean/Provost (West Campus) or Chair/Dean (East Campus) to secure appropriate approval for a leave of absence. For general information on procedures, see Provost website or contact your Chair. 

Sponsors typically expect that PIs are engaged in conducting and overseeing research projects and personnel at SBU facilities. When PIs are away from these facilities or absent from a project for a period of time, the sponsor needs to know of and approve the absence and any plan to address it.

Notify OSP to get more guidance: Most sponsors require that the information be provided before the absence begins or as soon as practical after it is known at local departmental level. Therefore, PI/departmental administrators/HR school or college coordinators are responsible for informing OSP as soon as possible when a PI is planning to be away from campus. OSP will help interpret the sponsor’s requirements and coordinate the steps required by that sponsor.

Note that an SBU appointment with PI privileges does not guarantee that a sponsor will approve the plan if the PI is away from campus.