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Accommodation Process

Employee Accommodation due to Religious beliefs, practices, or observances Interactive Process

When an employee needs an accommodation due to their religious beliefs, practices, or observancess, the interactive process will consist of the employee, their supervisor, the Office of Equity & Access (OEA), and Human Resources (if needed) who will work together collaboratively to determine the barrier and find an appropriate accommodation. You can access an Employee Accommodation Process due to Religious Belief or Practice Request Form for your convenience. The OEA will manage and oversee this process for all employees, and you can reach out to them if you have any questions or concerns.

Step 1. Submit Accommodation Request to OEA

Step 1.a - Discuss with supervisor

  • Simple accommodation requests, such as requesting a day off due to religious observance, may be handled by completing the Employee Religious Accommodation Request Form and having a private conversation directly with your supervisor.
  • You are required tom inform your supervisor that your request for accommodation is based on your Religous belief(s) and provide sufficient time to process.  
  • If the employee and supervisor agree on an accommodation documentation must be forwarded to OEA.
  • Accommodations that cannot readily be handled by your supervisor will be referred to OEA.


Step 2. OEA Gathers Information

  • Please contact the appropriate HR office to obtain a copy of the job description and/or performance program to aid with the interactice process and determine your essential duties of your position.
  • OEA may also contact the Supervisor or Department to determine the essential functions of the position and the potential impact of any particular accommodation on the department or unit.


Step 3. Explore Options

  • This is the time for brainstorming and considering what may work
  • It is important all parties keep an open mind.


Step 4. Select & Implement

Step 4A: OEA Selects Accommodation

  • OEA will make the final determination.  If more than one option is available, OEA will consider the preference of the employee taking into account other factors such as cost and the impact on the department or unit.
  • Employees and the Supervisor or Department (when necessary)  will be sent written notification of the accommodation determination by OEA.
  • If you have questions or concerns, you may contact (631) 632-6280 or

Step 4B: Implement Accommodation

  • Schedule changes, trading shifts with a co-worker, and modification of dress code may all be considered to address the workplace barrier.

Step 4C: Ensure Privacy of Employee

  • Essential personnel and only essential personnel should be notified about the accommodation.
  • Supervisors and employees should be prepared to answer questions regarding the accommodation without revealing it was the result of an accommodation.


Step 5. Monitor Accommodation

  • Accommodation must be monitored to ensure that it is effective and that is stays effective.
  • Updates to accommodation may be required if maintenance is required.
  • Communication is key -- OEA cannot be on the ground -- Supervisor and employee must work together to ensure that accommodation remains effective, safe and well maintained.
  • If changes are required, it may be necessary to repeat the Interactive Process. 


Employee Accommodation Request Form