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Melissa Hoffman

Masters of Physics and Astronomy  
December 2016 
Scientific Data Analyst 
National Radio Astronomy Observatory  

Position Description

An NRAO Scientific Data Analyst wears many different hats within the observatory. Mainly, we processes and images data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), and perform quality assessments of the data. In addition to image processing, DA’s provide user support via online helpdesk, web-based guides, and in person visits. DA’s assist NRAO scientists and developers by testing CASA, our in house software, and reporting trends seen in data reduction that could indicate larger problems in the software or hardware.

Structure of a typical day

Depending on the day I can do many different tasks ranging from:

  • Providing assistance to observatory users by manually reducing data and assessing data quality as well as operate a data reduction pipeline.
  • Helping visiting scientists in preparation of proposals, observing scripts, data reduction, data analysis and archive access and providing support to the NAASC helpdesk by responding to a queries, forwarding to another expert, following up on open queries, etc.
  • Supporting scientific staff with testing of software and procedures, as requested and maintaining relevant web page content and other documentation to ensure user information stays current.
  • Assisting visiting scientists, professors, and students via our Face-to-Face program, which allows Primary Investigators (PIs) to visit the observatory to work on their data.
  • Collaborating with other DAs and staff scientists on projects that range from new data imaging techniques to scripting new workflow features.

How did you find the job

Emailed to me by a friend as something I might be qualified for.

Advice to other students

 Have patience, because sometimes the path you had in mind isn’t what you end up on or even the best path for you.